niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
I would like people to know ‘tamaki niime’.
- Introduction -
- Introduction -
2018 . 04 . 01
「tabe room」スタンプラリーの案内で大きな口を開けて野菜に齧り付くお茶目な表情。
「包み隠さないモノづくりをしてるからこそ、ちゃんと伝えなきゃ。 tamaki niime を、色んなひとに知ってもらいたい。」
「売り手から呼ばれて創り手がプロモーションに出かけてゆくのはダメだと思っていて。 モノづくりをする人はモノづくりを一生懸命やるべき、と。 」
「なので、お客様とのじかの接点は少ないけれども、tamaki niime をちゃんと知ってはもらいたい。ならば、ここで語るべき。そう思いました。」
そんな玉木の想いを受けて本日4月吉日、このWEB新企画『tamaki niime 百科』はスタートする。
玉木新雌が自らのブランドを立ち上げてから14年。播州織と運命的に出会い産地である西脇に移住。性別・年齢・国籍を問わず誰にでも愛される独創的なショールを開発。更には会社設立10周年を機に自然豊かな「日本のへそ」の地へと移転。この場所にShop & Labをオープンして2年近くの時間が経過した。
そしてShop & Labの周りは緑の山と川の流れ、のどかな田園風景に囲まれ、織物の原料となるコットンを栽培する畑が一面に広がっている。
彼女の良きパートナーとして、同じく型にはまらない思考と発想を自在に駆使しつつ、独特のブランディング力・ネットワーク構築力でtamaki niime を導いてきたヒトづくりの人=酒井義範。
そして「自律した分身」を求めるふたりのもと、それぞれの個性を追求しながらtamaki niimeを多彩に染めるスタッフたちが集う。
これからはモノではなく、自分たちのコアな部分を届けてゆきたい。顧客とのコミュニケーションの場を増やすべく tamaki niime は、様々な取り組みを新たに始めている。
この『tamaki niime 百科』は、一貫した姿勢を芯に保ちながらも柔軟に大胆に刻々と変化し続けるtamaki niime の、その時々の姿かたち・想いと考えを、「日本のへそ」から世界中のあなたにお届けするページ。
Surrounded by her soft and colourful art, she faces the tradition loom stoically.
With a smile as warming as the natural sun, she stands among the sun-dried shawls as the flutter in the pleasant breeze.
A humorous visage is biting vegetables on the ‘tabe room’ stamp card.
Every single picture on the website and postcards displays the authentic character of Tamaki Niime.
“I have to describe it accurately because I have been creating openly.
I would like people to know: ‘tamaki niime’.”
“I think it is pointless for the creator to go out to promotions by being pressured by the seller. People who create should do their best to create.”
“So, although I don’t have much contact with the customer, I would like them to properly know ‘tamaki niime’, so I think I should be open to discussing it.”
Now with this new Web Project, the ‘tamaki niime encyclopedia’, we discuss her thoughts and philosophies.
It has been 14 years since Tamaki Niime launched her brand. It was fate that she encountered Banshu-ori. She moved to Nishiwaki City, from where it originated. There, she developed unique and well-loved shawls that are gender, age, and nationality-free.
Now on the Ten Year Anniversary of the establishment of her company,
she moved her shop & lab to the ‘Navel of Japan’: the geographical centre point of Japan.
It has been two years since that occasion.
Her inquisitive creativeness started with the collaboration with a Banshu-ori craftsman and led to using the tradition loom to weave by herself. Now she covers all of the steps necessary for dyeing the yarn, to sewing and processing. You can tell how well her laboratory is equipped upon seeing the knitting machines and the new facility.
Through the window from her shop, visitors can see her lab, and experience the sight of her dedication to the creative process directly.
Shop & Lab are surrounded by a river and green mountains. A field of growing cotton,
a prime material in the fabric spreads, is part of the idyllic country scenery.
Tamaki sees with her own eyes, unbound by stereotypes with an innocent child-like curiosity, seeing by hand while sweeping to creation with unconstrained free thinking and an inquiring mind, allowing the experiment to repeat endlessly.
As a good partner of hers, Yoshinori Sakai, who has been leading ‘tamaki niime’
with a distinctive branding and networking skills while using thoughts and ideas freely
that are unrestrained by type.
With the two leads having created this ‘autonomous alter ego’, staff now come together to discover the innovative spirit of ‘tamaki niime’ for themselves.
“From now on, we would like to not only deliver creations but our core essence.”
In order to faster communication, this is the beginning of a variety of initiatives to create understanding of ‘tamaki niime’.
The ‘tamaki niime encyclopedia’ is a bold initiative which while keeping the core and thoughts of ‘tamaki niime’ brand from its beginnings in the ‘Navel of Japan’, also shows its passion to grow, reshape and evolve in new and exciting ways.
Please look forward to more from today.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.