Shopping Guide
- はじめに
- tamaki niime では、企画はもちろん、綿の栽培、紡績、染め、織り、編み、縫製、仕上げ、販売までを自社で行っています。
- ご注文方法
tamaki niime Online Shopでは、24時間いつでもお買い物を楽しんでいただけます。
- お支払い
※「作品代金合計 + 送料 - ポイント値引き」が30万円以下の場合のみ代金引換をご利用いただけます。
3.Amazon Payアカウントの情報を利用してお支払いいただけます。 すでにお持ちのアカウントでログインいただくか、「Amazonアカウントを作成」からご利用いただくことも可能です。
※手数料対象金額は「作品代金合計 + 送料 - ポイント値引き」となります。
- 配送
原則としてご注文確定後、3〜4営業日以内を目安に発送いたします。年末年始および繁忙期は7〜10日かかる場合があります。10日以上経っても作品が届かない場合は、お問い合わせくださいませ。 配送は、ヤマト運輸にてお届けいたします。なお、配送業者の指定は承っておりません。
niime muraのshowroom、鎌倉店にてお受け取りいただけます。お支払いは事前のクレジットカード決済となり、店頭でのお支払いはできません。niime muraのshowroomではご注文日から3日後以降の営業日にお受け取りいただけます。鎌倉店では2週間後以降の営業日にお受け取りいただけます。なお、受け取り予定日から2週間を過ぎてもご連絡がない場合はご注文をキャンセルさせていただきますのでご了承ください。
配送地域 配送料 北海道 1,320円 青森県, 岩手県, 秋田県 880円 宮城県, 山形県, 福島県, 茨城県, 栃木県, 群馬県, 埼玉県, 千葉県, 東京都, 神奈川県, 新潟県, 山梨県, 長野県, 徳島県, 香川県, 愛媛県, 高知県, 福岡県, 佐賀県, 長崎県, 熊本県, 大分県, 宮崎県, 鹿児島県 660円 富山県, 石川県, 福井県, 岐阜県, 静岡県, 愛知県, 三重県, 滋賀県, 京都府, 大阪府, 兵庫県, 奈良県, 和歌山県, 鳥取県, 島根県, 岡山県, 広島県, 山口県 550円 沖縄県 1,100円 海外
(一部お届けできない地域もございます。)5,000円 (税込。但し、海外は非課税)
お届け日時のご指定: ご注文の際にご希望のお届け日時をお選びいただけます。
- 返品・交換
作品到着から7日以内(海外の場合は10日以内)にお電話かお問い合わせページよりご連絡ください。 弊社負担にて良品と交換をさせていただきます。
- 注文キャンセル
- ご注文確定後24時間以内にご連絡を頂いた場合に限りお受けいたします。
- 返金
- 返金方法は、ご注文時にお選びいただいたお支払い方法により異なります。なお、送料ならびに手数料、および輸出入にかかる関税、消費税等は返金いたしかねます。
○クレジットカード、Amazon Payの場合
ご注文時にご利用いただいたクレジットカードを通じて返金いたします。 ご注文の際に決済が完了しているため、一旦全額が引き落とされる場合がございますが、ご返送いただいた作品の到着を確認した日の翌月以降、クレジットカード会社を通じて返金いたします。
- ギフトラッピング
- オリジナル風呂敷での包装を承ります。ご希望のお客様は、ご注文時に「ラッピング」にチェックを付けてください。
- 領収書
- 領収書の発行をご希望のお客様は、注文時に「領収書を希望」にチェックを付けてください。
- tamaki niimembersについて
tamaki niimeの会員サービスです。
tamaki niime Online Shopならびにniime muraのshowroom、鎌倉店でのみ使用できます。主にポイントの付与とご利用、各月のDMやイベントのご案内などが届きます。マイページでは、購入履歴もご覧いただけます。
Online Shopにて
niime muraのshowroomにて
niime muraのshowroomでは、1,000ポイント、3,000ポイント、5,000ポイントごとに、ギフトカードまたは作品の制作体験と交換できます。詳しくはこちらをご参照ください。
- Introduction
- We, tamaki niime does product planning, growing cotton, spinning, dyeing, weaving, knitting, sewing, and retailing. Our works are one of a kind. Therefore, our works sometimes look damaged or irregular, but that is our creation. In spite of this, feel free to let us know if you find something wrong with our works.
- How to order
You can enjoy shopping any time 24 hours a day at tamaki niime Online Shop.
Please go to the detailed page of the work from the category, and click the cart button of the work you like.
After that, please proceed with the purchase procedure from the cart page, and your order will be confirmed when the procedure is completed.
Once your order is completed, you will receive an order confirmation e-mail to your registered e-mail address.
*NOTICE Adding to cart doesn’t mean you keep the work.
- Payment
VISA, MASTER, JCB, AMEX, DINERS, DISCOVER credit card is acceptable. Only lump sum payment can be accepted.
2.Cash on delivery
Cash on delivery method can be used if delivery address is in Japan. Extra charge for Cash on delivery should be paid by you when you receive our work(s). Payment method for Cash on delivery is cash only.
*You can use ‘Cash on delivery’ method only if sum of purchase amount and delivery fee is cheaper than JPY300,000.
*‘Cash on delivery’is available only if shipping address is in Japan.
- Extra charge for Cash on delivery
Below is sum of purchase amount and delivery fee, and Extra charge for Cash on delivery.
Cheaper than JPY10,000 → Extra charge for Cash on delivery is JPY330
From JPY10,000 to JPY29,999 → Extra charge for Cash on delivery is JPY440
From JPY30,000 to JPY99,999 → Extra charge for Cash on delivery is JPY660
From JPY100,000 to JPY300,000 → Extra charge for Cash on delivery is JPY1,100
- Delivery
Delivery note is not included in the package due to the paperless delivery.Please check your order e-mail for the details.
We do not accept combined shipping.
- Delivery in Japan
As a general rule, we ship within 3-4 business days after your order is confirmed. During the New Year holidays and peak season, it may take 7 to 10 days.
If you have not received your work within 10 days, please contact us. Delivery will be made by Yamato Transport. Please note that we do not accept delivery company specification.
- International shipping
It takes 3~4 days from confirmation of order to ship.
Over the new year's holiday, it takes 5~6 days from confirmation of order to ship. It might takes 2~3 weeks to be delivered at delivery address.
All international shipping is done by EMS or DHL.We do not accept the designation of the delivery company.
*Unfortunately, we currently do not offer Delivery Duty Paid services to regions not listed previously.
As the recipient, you are liable for all import duties, customs and local sales taxes levied by the country where you are.Payment of these is necessary to release your order.
Please note that we do not accept international shipping for works on shima.
- Pick-up at our shop
You can pick up your order at niime village showroom or kamakura shop.
Payment must be made in advance by credit card and cannot be made at shop.
You can pick up your order on business days from after 3 days from the date of order at niime village showroom.
At kamakura shop, you can pick up your order on business days from after two weeks after the order date.
Delivery fees are below.
Shipping area Delivery fee Hokkaido JPY 1,320
with taxAomori, Iwate, Akita JPY 880
with taxMiyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa, Niigata, Yamanashi, Nagano, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, Kouchi, Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Ooita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, JPY 660
with taxToyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, Wakayama, Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi JPY 550
with taxOkinawa JPY 1,100
with taxOutside Japan
*We cannot ship for some areaJPY 5,000
You can select your preferred delivery date and time when you place your order.
Please note that you are unable to change the date and time after your order is confirmed.
Delivery may be delayed due to weather or traffic conditions.
We appreciate your understanding in advance.
- Returns & Exchanges
If you want to return work(s), please contact us within 7 days and if it's from overseas within 10 days by phone or contact form on our website. Please note that we do not accept returns of works on shima.
- Returns due to wrong, defective or damaged items.
please contact us within 7 days and if it's from overseas within 10 days by phone or contact form on our website.
In case of return: do to damage during transporation, we bear shipping cost.
Return due to your personal preference.
In case of return due to your personal preference like size or difference with the image, shipping cost must be borne by you.
*We kindly ask for your understanding that the color of the work from the picture might be different from the real depending on your display settings and lightning.
- Exchanging work
We do not accept returns and exchanges due to your personal preference. If you want to exchange size or different items, please return your items once and order again.
*Returns and refunds cannot be accepted in the cases below.
Those that arrived at us 14 days after the arrival of the work (if it's overseas, 21 days)
Work which is wore or washed.
Damaged or stained by you.
Works on shima
- Cancelation
- We accept cancellations only if you contact us within 24 hours of order confirmation. If you wish to cancel your order, please contact us through the inquiry form.
- Refunds
- Refund method is up to payment method you've chosen when purchasing. Delivery fee, duty, any kind of tax, or other fees cannot be refunded.
- In case of credit card and Amazon Pay
Purchasing original amount will be charged but we refund to your bank account which is linked with your credit card.
Refund will be next month of the day we received work from you.
- In case of cash on delivery
Only purchasing amount can be refunded. Fee for cash on delivery cannot be refunded. We will send email to let you know how to refund once we received work from you.
- Gift Wrapping
- We can wrap your order in our original furoshiki wrapping cloth. If you wish to have it wrapped, please check the "Wrapping" box when you place your order.
- Receipt
- If you wish to receive a receipt, please check the "receipt requested" box when placing your order.
If you use COD as your payment method, the cash on delivery receipt provided by the delivery company and it will be the official receipt.
If you wish to have a receipt issued by our company, such as by changing the name of the addressee, please contact us. To prevent double issuance, the receipt will be issued in exchange for the cash on delivery receipt. If you wish to have a receipt issued by our company, please write it in the remarks column when you place your order or contact us.
- tamaki niimembers
This is a membership service of tamaki niime.
It can be used only at tamaki niime Online Shop, niime village showroom, kamakura shop. You will receive monthly Direct Mail, event information and others. You can also check your purchase history on My Page.
- Reissue of password
Please click here to reissue your password. If you are unable to log in due to your e-mail address is unknown, please contact us using the Contact Us form.
- Points are granted
One point will be awarded for every 100 yen (tax not included) of the purchase price upon confirmation of payment or shipment of the work. (Shipping and handling charges and wrapping fees are excluded.)
- How to use points
At Online Shop
Points can be used for every 50 points. 50 points entitles you to a 50 yen discount. (Shipping and handling charges and wrapping fee are excluded.)
At niime village showroom
At niime village showroom, you can exchange every 1000, 3000 and 5000 points for a gift card or an experience to create a work. For more details, please click here.
- Withdrawal from membership
Please click the "Withdrawal from membership" on "My Page" to cancel your membership. Please note that all your registered information will be deleted, and your membership information, points owned, purchase history and other information cannot be restored.