tamaki niime いきるための7ヵ条
- 1. きもちよくいきよう、明るくいきよう
- 2. すぐやろう!やりながら考えよう
- 3. 失敗の数だけ成長できる、実験を繰り返そう
- 4. あたりまえを疑い、きもちいいモノをつくろう
- 5. 身の回りのモノ・コト・ヒトをきもちよくしよう
- 6. 地球も動物も植物も同じ生き物、ともにいきよう
- 7. 未来を想い、今をいきよう
tamaki niime's 7 Principles for Living
- 1. Live comfortably and brightly.
- 2. Act now! Doing is thinking.
- 3. Through failure comes growth - keep experimenting.
- 4. Question the mundane and create things that excite.
- 5. Provide comfortable things and experiences
for the people around us. - 6. The Earth, animals, and plants are all living beings
- live together in harmony. - 7. Be mindful of the future, live fully in the present.