#3 Nightingale

2022 . 01 . 07

As a former nurse when I was a student, I came across a book called “Nursing Memorandum” written 162 years ago by Nightingale.

It’s really great.
I love it. I can’t help but think how wonderful it would be to have this as a textbook for elementary and junior high school students.

Nightingale’s theory of what nursing is based on the three following pillars
“Nature”・・・Supporting Self-Healing Power
“Life”・・・Adjusting your lifestyle
“Life force”・・・Minimize energy drain

It is not only an important perspective for nurses, but also a textbook that can confirm the essence and origin of what is important for all people living today to live a healthy life.

A guide on how we, as non-robots can love our natural, finite bodies.

In this nursing memorandum, Nightingale mentions

“Air management”

as the first and most important for nursing.

The air has the greatest impact on human health, both good and bad.

Observe the air in your living environment.

It is said that a person weighing 50 kg takes in 14,400 liters of air per day, it weighs 20 kg.
To be honest, it’s more than I eat and drink in a day.

I’m not talking about whether you should have an air purifier or an exhaust fan

Fresh, nature-generated air
No artificial fragrance smell
Are you able to expose the air that is pleasant to the skin and as free of harmful substances as possible?

As the weather gets colder, we won’t be ventilating as much,
but at least open the windows in the morning and afternoon to let the outside air in.
Wrap a shawl tightly around your neck
and enjoy the comfort of the cool air against your skin
while taking care not to get cold.

If you are healthy and have no symptoms
let’s make time to take off your mask.
Let’s face when you wear a mask is the air that your mind and body are looking for being carried to your lungs?
Is it comfortable?
Is it hygienic?
Can you see your loved one’s smile?
Are you smiling at your loved ones?

Every disease has a cause.
Many of them are something very familiar and small thing.
I hope that the choices we make in our daily lives around us are choices that lead to good health.

Author ; Mayumi Inoue