Tongaでのボランティアが決まってから、tamaki niimeを知るようになったのですが、tamaki niimeがアパレル会社であるにも関わらずオーガニックのお米や綿花を育てていることに、とても驚き、そして惹かれました。
これから、私たちの知らない何かを、トンガから、もしくは地球のどこかから、tamaki niimeのブロガーとしてお伝えすることになりました。
Hi, My name is Miki Kato .Nice to meet you.
I started to live in Tonga where is a country of Pacific Island from 30th of July in 2019 to do volunteer for two years .
So, can I introduce myself !?
I am nutritionist .I like to know relationship of food and body. I alway try to eat new way when I change my place. My interest for food doesn’t finish .I often traveled some countries for looking for a secret of health from traditional cookings or customs. At the same time, I also got interested in organic farming and indigenous food.For the last piece years, I worked at some times organic farms as a volunteer before I’m coming to Tonga.
After I got a chance that I can work in Tonga, I accidentally knew about ‘ tamaki niime’.
I was very surprised and interested in them because they are growing up organic rice and cotton therefore they are an apparel company .Finally, I’m going to report something new from Tonga to inform everyone what we don’t know, because we know a few things in our universe.
Very nice to meet you , I hope you will enjoy with my blog and get something wonder , and those happy energy makes our planets better!!