niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
To talk about “Hara goshirae kai”
‘tamaki niime’ meal trial.
‘tamaki niime’ meal trial.
2018 . 05 . 01
tamaki niimeと食のつくり手の、カラダにも
shopの2階にある広々と心地よい空間「tabe room」にて今年1月よりスタート、毎週土曜・日曜に開催、新鮮な野菜をふんだんに使いこだわりある料理を提供するお店が日替わりで登場する。
玉木「大事なポイントのひとつは、うちの調理スタッフだけが学ばせてもらうために来て頂いているのではなくて、料理人のプロとして皆さんそれぞれの地域でお仕事をされているし、私たちもプロとしてやっていかなければいけないという立場で、tamaki niimeの服を売るにしても飲食で料理を提供するにしても、共通する心構えってありますよね。あ、こうゆう事をしてもらえたらお客として凄く嬉しいとか、楽しいとか。感動とか。やっぱりそうゆう事って人から伝え聞いただけではよくわからないので自分たちも体験するべきだと思うから。率先して買い物に行けとか、色んな経験を積めってスタッフにもよく言って聞かせるんですけど、それをなかなか忙しいうちのスタッフが西脇から出て、色んなところへしょっちゅう視察に行けるかというとそうは行けないからこそ、せっかくのこの「腹ごしらえ会」という機会を凄いチャンスだと捉えてもらってスタッフ皆、食作人さんのごはんを頂くという。そこで今まで食べた事のない新しいものに出会う感動とか喜びとか、そういうものを経験値として積んで、それをまた自分たちのモノづくりに活かす、と。服づくりや接客で、自ら体験した事を活かして自分なりに新しい、プロとしてのアイデアを育むというか。そんなきっかけにしたいなというのはあります。」
― ジャンルは違えど食のプロから学ばせて頂くという事ですね。
酒井「例えば僕が神戸だったり都心へ出て経験した事で言えば、全くお店を知らない中で、食べログとか見て美味しいお店に当たる確率って限りなく低いんですよね。色んなレストランが載ってるし逆に言えばコアなお店は載せてなかったりするし。そんな中で「腹ごしらえ会」ではコアな人がコアな人を紹介してくれるっていういい循環が生まれてますよね。だから今まで遠くて行けなかったけれども、あのお店がtamaki niimeに来るんだったら是非行ってみたいと思われる西脇のお客様もいらっしゃるだろうし。近隣も含め、あちこちからもいらっしゃるだろうし。ネットでいちいち検索しなくても、毎週土・日毎にそこに行けば確実な食の情報が得られるってゆうのは非常に効率的やと。僕たちにメリットがあるというのはもちろんですが、お客さんに楽しんで頂きたいという想いがあるからこそ、洗練された情報をピンポイントで集めたいというのがあります。だからお店からの紹介を繋いでゆく「いい友形式」にしてるし、食作人さんやからこそこだわった人を紹介してくれる。自分たちにこだわりがあるからこそ、こだわった人を紹介したいっていう想いが食作人さんにもあるみたいで。そこは自分たちにしてもそうで、こだわった事を自分たちがしてるからこそ、この人ならという人しか紹介したくないし。だから毎週土・日には確実に洗練された食の情報が集まりますよね。そこはグーグルで検索するよりもピンポイントで正確というか。」
― tamak niimeがひとつの発信基地というか、良いもの・良い情報が集まる集積地としての機能を持つという事ですね。
酒井「そうなると『所さんの世田谷ベース』じゃないけど“tamaki niimeベース”的なところがありますね。そこに何かが集まる楽しさってゆうか。そこに行けば何かがある楽しさってゆうか。例えば食作人さんに今こうして土・日に来て頂いている「腹ごしらえ会」をずっと繋げて行って移転2周年記念イベント「ふたつ会」で、わたしたちの独断と偏見で選りすぐるって言ったらおこがましいですけど、一日毎に異なる食作人さんに出店して頂き、皆さんに楽しんで頂く、とか。」
― tamaki niimeによる食の博覧会というか美味しい食をパッケージしたものになりそうですね。
― 間違いないから、と。
― 動物性じゃないですか。
― 魚が獲れる環境を守るため、持続性と循環のために漁獲量は一定に抑えておこうとか…
― 生業にされている部分で魚と真剣に向き合っておられるという事ですね。
ここにもまたそのモノづくりと同様、tamaki niimeの一貫した哲学と日々の思考、そしてクリエーションのエッセンスが滲んでいる。
This new creation “Hara goshirae kai”, which is good to our bodies and the earth, is produced by tamaki niime and the food creators.
It launched in January of this year and has been held every Saturday and Sunday at the ample and cozy space ‘tabe room’ on the second floor of the shop. The food creators from various restaurants switch menus daily, and provide a unique cuisine using plenty of the freshest vegetables.
In this episode on ‘tamaki niime encyclopedia’, Tamaki and Sakai will talk about “Hara goshirae kai” provided by the food creators as they call ‘shokusakunin’ in Japanese.
- Tamaki
- ‘Hitotsu kai’ was held in September of last year, which was the first-anniversary event after we moved to this location. Firstly, Sakai spoke to a chef from Shichinia Shokudo; one of the food creators who attended the event. Then, they introduced their recommended food creators to us to be the next chosen one. This is how “Hara goshirae kai” began.
- Sakai
- Originally, “Hara goshirae kai” started with our staff to learn various things from the food creators. However, we’d like them to have some benefit from this opportunity. We don’t like having just a business relationship. Actually, we are more focusing on the synergistic effect through “Hara goshirae kai”… hopefully, to be a value-added activity. We learn from them while the food creators focus on their creations, allowing ingenuity and the customer’s evaluations to help them grow creatively.
- Tamaki
- The critical point is having the right frame of mind. I hope that the food creators are here not only for our cooking staff but also for themselves. Each food creator works as a professional chef in their area. There is a common mind frame set between the distribution of ‘tamaki niime’ products and providing cuisine. You know, customers are pleased, relieved or impressed in different situations. We cannot learn these kinds of things from merely reading or listening. We actually have to have some experience. We often tell our staff to go shopping or broaden their experiences, unfortunately, they have limited time to shop or travel, allowing them to visit many places to learn and grow. That’s why this “Hara goshirae kai” is the very best opportunity for our staff to learn from them. It may trigger the new ideas. So when they have new experiences, these sensations will help them open up their mind and become more creative, making new clothes, providing services, etc.
– You mean, learning from professional food creators even they are in different fields.
- Tamaki
- Yes. Since we are still developing, we should try to, examine their food and ask them many questions not just about their flavour but also their history of how they built their brand. To know more about them, I can give a compelling explanation for the customer to understand… totally.
- Sakai
- When I go to Kobe or other big cities, for example, I usually don’t have much information to find good restaurants with delicious food. Even if I check gourmet sites like ‘Tabelog’, there are far too many restaurants, and yet the authentic ones are not on the site. Compared to this, we have “Hara goshirae kai”, which has this particular system where authentic chefs get introduced to other authentic chefs. I think the residents of Nishiwaki who might have thought that a specific restaurant was too far away…but if they serve here at ‘tabe room’ of the ‘tamaki niime, they might come to eat, including some residents of other nearby cities. They don’t have to search on the net. It is beneficial for the customers that every Saturday and Sunday they have to show up to get precise information at our place. Of course, we do have benefit; however we would like the customers to enjoy, so we want to gather sophisticated details. That’s why the food creators are introduced to one another, to make sure they are authentic chefs who can share skills. A food creator who indeed has passion will want to meet others in their field. Since we have a similar mindset, this passion for creation, we only want to introduce those who are bona fide creators as well. So every Saturday and Sunday, we will have authentic food information here, which is so much more accurate than what you can find online.
- Tamaki
- Information that we can deliver.
– It means ‘tamaki niime’ is like a sending base that has the function to collect the good things and information to deliver to the people who need.
- Sakai
- It is ‘tamaki niime’ BASE like “SETAGAYA.A.F.BASE” produced by Tokoro George. It’s a nice and fun place to put interesting things together. When you go there, you’ll find something fun. For example, we hold this “Hara goshirae kai” every Saturday and Sunday, and when we reach the second-year anniversary to have “futatsu kai”, we will have the best food creators for each day by our personal preference so that customers will enjoy the very best dishes.
– It sounds like the best gourmet exposition selected by tamaki niime… packed cuisine.
- Tamaki
- (Yes!) Just come to our place to find the special one. They’ll never be disappointed.
– There is no doubt, isn’t it?
- Tamaki
- Absolutely…lol…Each person might have their own tastes, of course. We were wondering about that. Initially, we wanted to start with only vegan food since that is what I prefer. However, we reconsider it because a ‘Dried sardine rice’ chef inevitably came along. He uses sardine, well…it is fish.
– It’s animal foodstuff, isn’t it?
- Tamaki
- There are some people who have been working with sardines using traditional methods. It isn’t mass production, which means they are showing some respect to the fish. He treats the fish with the utmost respect. Since he also has such intense desire to keep the sea clean, so I should not avoid him because he eats and sells animal products. I don’t eat them because this is my trial and experiment; however, I realised some people consume fish and animals, and all the more they take the environment problems seriously.
– To protect the environment, and to catch fish, for sustainability and circulation, they should keep the volume of fish that are caught within safe quotas.
- Tamaki
- They don’t pollute the ocean, and devote time and care to fish with an understanding of sustainable goals. They divide and roast the fish with traditional way to make authentic, delicious sardine continuously. And they go to all over Japan to sell and promote this.
- Sakai
- The price is not so reasonable, is it?
- Tamaki
- Because they don’t produce large volumes. They are particular in using traditional methods which use the small roasting kettles.
- Sakai
- Generally speaking, they should not ignore the cost percentage even if they make good products. When they think about the sustainability and circulations, they find specific values from them, and they should set a legitimate price.
- Tamaki
- Why do they set the price like that? If they can answer customers’ questions, such as why the price is set as high as it is, it is the great opportunity bring about understanding. It doesn’t matter if they buy or not. That’s why we should not deny the chefs who utilise animal foodstuffs at “Hara goshirae kai”. If they are serious about the planet, we should work with them to let the customer know what is most important.
- Sakai
- Tamaki doesn’t eat fish nor animals products because she doesn’t want to effect of life circulation on earth, on the other hand, ‘Dried sardine rice’ chef gets involved in life circulation. On the point of view of vegan and the professional chef’s point of view…both are considering the natural environment on earth seriously and he co-habits with nature and environment.
- Tamaki
- It doesn’t matter if we eat meat or not. The important thing is that we have the same vision.
– He is professional when he considers how to use fish.
- Tamaki
- He is grateful for the bounty that he is provided. They don’t overfish. He tries his best to use only the fish that they have caught.
- Sakai
- Since we are so particular about creating, the food creators cannot do a half-hearted job. If they understand us, if they know our position, they must understand the stakes. All the more reason, they will do their best to perform to the utmost in this situation. That is the bottom line. Of course, we want the customer to come and better understand, so “Hara goshirae kai” is the best opportunity to give them the chance to experience this.
Although they are in the different fields, there is a place for authentic creators who are sincere and passionate about this concept. Here, tamaki niime’s philosophy, daily thoughts, and essence of creation can be displayed and experienced.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.