niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Being "新雌(niime)."
2019 . 07 . 01
玉木「先日、関西学院大学の井垣伸子博士が『秘書力』という本を書かれた井出元子を連れてウチを訪ねて来て下さってお会いしたんですけど、Shop & Labを観て愉しんで頂いた後に女3人の討論会がその場で始まって。色んな話をして、そこでのキーワードが“これからの時代は女性が頑張らなあかん”と。新雌という名にもビビッと来ましたって言って下さって。」
― 高い意識を持つ女性3者の会話だったんですね。改めて玉木さんが自らを「新雌」と名乗った理由のところを聞かせてください。
― あえて「新雌」と名乗ることで女性のあり方について皆の意識を向けることにも繋がっていくと。
― tamaki niimeとしてのモノづくりやブランドの在り方からは、男性には無い女性ならではの良さを引き出していこうという姿勢も感じます。
― 同じ女性のお客様と直に関わる彼女たち自身のアイデアで、ですね。
― かつては我が家も子ども服は母が作ってくれてました。
― そう考えてゆくと、すごく暮らしに密着した服づくりという視点が出て来る気がしますね。
― 私の場合は昭和の高度成長期の子どもで日本が消費社会に入る頃に育ったので、服を買ってもらえる事に羨ましさがあったと思うんです。
― 真逆ですね。
― 今の話を聞いてすごく思うのは、tamaki niimeのブランドとしての取り組みというのは時代の最先端であり原点回帰でもあるんだということですね。
― 一点モノのモノづくりってゆうのは人の暮らしの“原点”に帰着するんだなと。
tamaki niimeの在り様というのは、男性主導によって上昇志向・効率最優先で突き進んで来たこれまでの社会のあり方への、玉木流のしなやかな異議申し立てでもあるのかもしれない。
― そこをショールというカタチでバッと世に出した時に、あ、そうそう、これこれ!ってなった人が大勢いたんだと思うんです。
― すごいブレイクですよね。ビッグバン的な。
― 皆んなが潜在的には思ってたことを具現化してくれた、ということなんじゃないでしょうか。
今の・これからの社会で女性が自立し、どう生きてゆくかの問いかけが玉木の内では常になされ、それを受けての様々な実践がtamaki niimeのブランドの在り方とモノづくりには色濃く反映されている。
女性たちを活き活きと輝かせながら、tamaki niime 玉木新雌はこれからも進化し続けてゆく。
”To create a new society where women can shine.”
That’s Tamaki Niime regularly mentions. She puts her heart and determination into the name “新雌(niime)” that she would like to express and propose “the new female image.”
This time, the talk session is about being a woman; being “新雌(niime)”. And about the meaning in depth and value that the only creation has.- Tamaki
- “The other day, Dr Nobuko Igaki of Kwansei Gakuin University visited us with Motoko Ide, author of the book “Secretarial Power.” After enjoying a tour of the Shop & Lab, We, three women immediately started conversing right there about various subjects. The key concept was “Women should keep challenging in the new era.” She said she felt in tune with the name 新雌(niime) .”
the name 新雌(niime) made her heart jump
– It must have been a conversation between three women with great awareness. Would you tell me the reason you named yourself 新雌(niime) again?
- Tamaki
- “I’ve always elicited an unusual reaction to the phrase because of men or women. I don’t know why. Someone said because I was a persecuted woman in my previous life. Anyway, you usually don’t talk about making a new female image. You don’t have to mention it, but my father had “雄(male)” for his name, so I felt I needed “雌(female)” for mine. It was like a rivalry with men. I always asked myself; why do we have discrimination? I think equality is good. I’ve been struggling to know the answer. This is how I feel, but what do you think? That’s what I would like to ask people, so I guess I use “雌(female)” specifically.”
– If you dare to call it “新雌(new female)”, it would also lead to everyone’s awareness of the way women should be.
- Tamaki
- “I have not particularly been persecuted as a woman, though. I am a generation who has not been told to get married or not to work because I am a woman. My parents didn’t say such things while I was raised and I’ve been left to my own choice. However, realistically speaking, I think there is still problem with discrimination against women in society.
- Tamaki
- “When I was an employee, however, serving tea was a female role. It was an unspoken rule back then. Eventually, it was fading out, and I experienced that time was changing; women gradually not to quit their job to get married. Even if they get married, they can get back to work after maternity leave. I felt it would become a social trend. It doesn’t mean that women should be stronger than men but to be independent; women used to rely on men. It should be not a dependent relationship that women cannot live without men, and women should be strong enough to stand on their own feet to survive in the new era. That’s I would like to express with my name.”
– From the way of creation and the brand as tamaki niime, I feel the attitude that you are trying to draw out the value only from women have that men do not have.
- Tamaki
- I’ve never thought of being a woman or being a man; however, when it comes to choosing colours, more women have better colour identification. Not only Banshu-ori but in the world of the apparel, even though customers are almost all women, the president, sales and weaving artisans are most likely men. So I wanted to ask them if they understood. It is clear for me if customers like it or not if they’re going to pay for it or not, because I am a woman. I have a third eye. I have to follow it to create; however, men have to ask if their wife would buy it or not. To create things from zero, we have to make various choices, and everything is a combination, right? If you make a mistake in the process, it will not be a satisfying creation any more. So I felt that women are superior because they understood sensuously. Of course, I do not think that it is suitable for women to do everything, and I understand each person’s strong point and weak point, and good points that men or women have. I thought that it was kind of wasteful. For example, salespersons are women at the store, but sales reps are not. Or even making and weaving fabrics should be linked to female sensibility to create more comfortable clothes. So I don’t understand why only men think about the idea. It would be faster if we let the saleswomen make their own favourite clothes (to wear).”
– Their original ideas that are directly related to female customers, right?
- Tamaki
- “It used to be that way clothes were made. Mothers hand-woven for their children at home. They wove for the children and husband in their own favourite way.”
– My mother used to make children’s clothes in my family as well.
- Tamaki
- “Mothers used to make a decision about clothing a long time ago. That was an original form.”
– Thinking in that way, we’ll get to the concept of creating clothes focusing on life.
- Tamaki
- “I guess it’s the original. It is a gift from parents; the only one. People love something that is loved. It faded out because of the mass-production trend. When I was in kindergarten, people were jealous of children whose mothers made handmade clothes.”
– In my case, I grew up during Showa’s high-growth period when Japan became a consumer society, so I was jealous of the children who got ready-made clothes.
- Tamaki
- “On the other hand, I was raised when the mass production and consumption systems were already set. So, I felt it’s more wealthy that full-time homemaking mothers who have more time to make clothes for her family.”
– That’s totally opposite.
- Tamaki
- “It’s not because mothers had to make them, but it is because mothers have leisure time to do it. So, when we were children, we had a sense of quality things that are not mass-produced. Not many people had that kind of thought. Back then, however, there was still a sewing machine in the family and mothers could do hand-sewing. Even if mothers were busy, they could sew clothes if they were a little conscious. That was the time. Now, however, there is no longer a sewing machine at home. Home economics class is being reduced, and some people cannot use sewing machines any more. “
– Listening to your story, I realized that tamaki niime’s trials as a brand are the cutting edge of the era and also fundamental to the origin.
- Tamaki
- “Actually, it’s definitely the “fundamentals”. I think that the origin is absolutely better.”
– The only creation is to return to the “fundamentals” of people’s lives.
- Tamaki
- “I think that mass production and consumption are good for business because efficient; however, the affection and the feelings to cherish things are… fading away…maybe because in terms of business, it would be such an inefficient thing.”
The whole concept of tamaki niime may be a soft rejection of society; the current course which has been driven by a patriarchal initiative with an emphasis on rising and efficient priority in Tamaki’s way.
- Tamaki
- “Even with looms, the idea is that to develop the latest machines to avoid mistakes and to weave perfect textiles efficiently in the fashion industry. I felt that soft and comfortable creations will not be born from there …it’s kinda interesting.”
– When the shawl was released, I believe there were a lot of people who felt “Oh, yes, this is it!”
- Tamaki
- “They might have felt the same way. I think they were waiting for it.”
– It’s a big hit, isn’t it? Like the Big Bang.
- Tamaki
- “I really appreciated it. I used to believe everybody was thinking about what I was thinking. I thought we had 100% same mindset; however, I was surprised to know that it was not like that at all. I had a strong self-confidence because I believed in it.”
– You have embodied what everyone had thought potentially, haven’t you?
- Tamaki
- “I’m very glad people like it.”
Tamaki always asks herself that how women should stand and live in a society now and in the future, and that is strongly reflected the various practices in which the way of the tamaki niime brand and creation.
And as an icon, Tamaki, who continues such efforts, is taking on the form of a new female image.
tamaki niime (玉木新雌) will continues to evolve, making women lively and shine.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.