niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Mr Sakai’s Branding Strategy
〈 part 2 〉
〈 part 2 〉
2021 . 04 . 03
― なるほどですね。
― はい。
― 自然光を取り込む、自然に則しているわけですね。
― はい。
― う〜ん…。
― ええ。
― …そのものであると。
― …なるほど。もうその辺って、なんというか、“鬼ごっこ”ですよね。
― 常に追っかけて、捕まえた!と思いきや、スルッと先に行ってる、みたいな。
― はい。
― …。
酒井「もちろん儲けなあかんけど、そうゆう儲け方全然興味が無くて。なんかこう、いい意味で無茶ふざけてるけど、なんかtamaki niimeって稼いでるよね、って方が面白くないっスか?」
― そりゃ面白いっスよね。
― 一生懸命遊んでるという。
― 一生懸命、必死だけど余裕ってゆうか、こう、余地がある…謎めいた部分の余地が常にあって。意識はしてないのにそこに惹かれちゃう、みたいな。…なんか恋愛的なものがあったりして。
― tamaki niimeに恋してる、みたいな。
― そんな謎めいたところに…全部わかってしまってはつまらない、というか。
― 「tamaki niime研究」あるんですか?
― はい、酒井さんの持論ですね。
― 自ずと考えちゃいますよね。
― う〜ん…。
― アプローチする対象も例えばネットで検索して引っかかって直感的にここや!って感じなんですか?
― 効果的でかつ、爆発的に影響力のある仕掛けという。
― 以前お聞きしたのが、とにかく外に出ずに電話で…
― コタツに入ったまま。
― コロナ禍になる10年前から…
酒井「“STAY HOME”ですよ。ブランディングについて答えだけ言うなら、さっきも言ったけど、どれだけ理解されないようにするか。」
― 酒井さん自身が理解しがたい存在だから。
― 定義が出来ないですからね(笑)。
酒井「そこであえてあの人はこうゆう人だよ、って言う必要もなくて、それはもうtamaki niimeってゆうパッケージの中に必要な要素なんですよ。だから逆に玉木が活きるし。この人はシンボリックな存在やから。」
― なるほど…。
― そうですね。「光と影」みたいで。
― 私の場合は早い時期にそういう“裏切られ方”をしてるので、免疫が早くに出来ましたけど(笑)。
― シュッとキレイなイメージから、2016年のイベント「ひとつ会」の案内チラシくらいから暴れ出した感がありましたね。玉木さんがピザをパクッとくわえたヴィジュアルとラフな手書きの文字と。
― tamaki niimeのブランディングってなった時に、そのコアな本質を理解出来てないとハードルが高いわけですね。
― そこをどう解きほぐすか、という…
― はい。
― …(笑)。いっぺん、清水の舞台から飛び降りてみ!、みたいな。
玉木「それはもう、一般的にそうなんじゃない? でも、お客様で坊主にしてらっしゃる方多いな。」
― ブランディングだったり営業だったり、ジャストなタイミングとかに関してはどうですか?
― 営業のアプローチに関しての約束事とかは?
― 最終のところまで描いてゆくと。
― 酒井さんが感じ取ってくれてると?
― とりあえず打ち合わせ行ってきました、というのはありえないと。
― そうですね…。
― その時その時、その場その場の、わくわくすることをどんどんと追求してゆく…Labでのモノづくりの身に付け方にしても、理論で説明よりは「体得」ですよね?
― だから、ブランディングとか営業に関しても、そっちなんだろうな、という気が今してます。
― この記事を読んで、“理解する”ってゆうよりは、“感じろ!”って感じになるかなと。
― そうじゃないと…
― …成り立たない。という気がしてて。
― 確かにね。セオリーとか決まりきったやり方なんて全くなくて、答え用意してねェゾ、みたいな。
― 極端に言えば、酒井さんは言葉で「赤」って言ってるけど、実は「白」なんだみたいな。そこを感じ取るってゆうか。
― そこを感じ取れればブランディングだって営業だって出来ちゃう、みたいな。
― そこかな、と。長々とお話を聞いてきましたが、そこさえわかれば良いだけで。
― あ、なんか終わった感じがしますね。
- Tamaki
- Well, after all, since I want to make the-only-creation, I want to go the way of that kind of sales and branding.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- We change our expression every day, such as dressing up for shots, because I don’t want to repeat it twice. We created a rule to take pictures from different angles and situations, making us run, jump, or spin while wearing different items and adjusting the lighting and timing. Then we shoot once and never edit it.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- How dark or bright days are, but we don’t edit pictures.
- Sakai
- We take pictures by adjusting with natural light whenever, noon or night.
- Tamaki
- We set up that rule on our own.
- Sakai
- That’s right. Because that’s more fun to do, it gives us a more vivid feeling.
—— You obey nature, using natural lighting.
- Sakai
- Well, everyone likes to adjust balance in many things, but we never have the same emotions each day.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- Absolutely not. 100 people out of 100, they never have the same days. But they want to clean up and try to adjust. I think that’s contradictory. If they can be who they are, there should be their true selves there. I don’t know why they try to be “different people”. I think the truth is in their nature, and they should be who they are. That is humanity.
—— Hmmm.
- Sakai
- Humanity’s advantage is that we can work with our true natures. Branding is an excellent example of that. Because, for sheep or chickens, they don’t make branding for themselves.
—— You are right.
- Sakai
- But they are entirely branded. Chickens are chickens, and sheep are sheep. Without saying anything, males and females are wholly branded. This is the ultimate branding. We know they are chickens without being told they are chickens.
—— They are indeed themselves.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
- Tamaki
- I don’t know about that. They may be insisting on being themselves a lot.
- Sakai
- But we don’t know what they are thinking, which may be their good point.
- Tamaki
- Yes, I know what they are thinking.
- Sakai
- We know some but couldn’t know all of them.
- Tamaki
- That’s why we have an interest in them.
- Sakai
- That’s the best point.
—— I see. That is the matter you have to chase them all the time.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— It looks like playing tag. As soon as you find them after chasing, they go somewhere.
- Sakai
- Yeah, but considering business, the brand with a sense of unity and a consistent image would promote a better business, like high fashion brands.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- That’s easier, and more people like them, and even they make more money. But that’s not what I want.
—— ……
- Sakai
- Of course, we have to make money, but I am not interested in that way of making money at all. Don’t you think it’s cool that ‘tamaki niime’ is making much money even though we are joking around?
—— That would be cool.
- Sakai
- Yeah, they make a lot of money even though they fool around.
- Tamaki
- We are not fooling around!
- Sakai
- Don’t misunderstand. We play around in good meaning.
- Tamaki
- Working hard!
- Sakai
- We play around while working hard.
—— You are diligently playing around.
- Tamaki
- We are diligently fooling around.
- Sakai
- We are playing hard and fooling around.
—— You have enough room in your heart even though working hard. There is always enough room for something mysterious, which attract people unconsciously. It may be similar to falling in love with someone.
- Sakai
- You are absolutely right.
—— It sounds like falling in love with ‘tamaki niime’.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
- Tamaki
- People would be attracted to that.
—— Something mysterious is attractive. You wouldn’t be interested if you understood everything about them.
- Tamaki
- In that sense, they are used as research materials in a university.
- Sakai
- That’s true.
—— Is there ‘tamaki niime’ reserch?
- Tamaki
- Yes, I appreciate that.
- Sakai
- I have my own philosophy that logic will follow after working with our inspirations.
—— I know. That’s one of Mr Sakai’s beliefs.
- Sakai
- For instance, when we work with just a thought without much consideration, we have different ideas come up here and there, right? We wouldn’t depend on our inspirations all the way.
—— We would help thinking without planning.
- Sakai
- That’s right. I think we work logically. Because thinking is logic. How much we work with inspirations, logical thoughts would chase us to cover after that.
—— Hmmm.
- Sakai
- We can be more active. Running a business would be more interesting if we work directly and instinctively with our inspirations and let our logical thoughts follow later. I believe we can be more vigorous. I think some people would have the same idea as me.
—— How do you find the ones you are searching for on the net? Do you see them while you are searching and catch the ones you are inspired by?
- Sakai
- Yes, or I researched the ones in advance if our business would have enough influence on them. Some companies have 10% of such possibilities. I depend on my inspiration for the rest of the factors. If branding is a considerable risk of bombing, do we set a bomb in each 47 prefectures site or develop a massive bomb in one location to make it explode to all 47 prefectures at once? I consider which places I should set them. I dare to use the expression of ‘bomb’.
—— You think of the practical and most influential device.
- Sakai
- So I don’t need to go outside, intentionally staying in Nishiwaki. (Talking to Tamaki) I have been staying at home, right?
—— As you mentioned before, you just made telephone calls from home.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— You worked at home while staying under the warm kotatsu (A heated wooden table covered by a futon.).
- Sakai
- Yeah, I sit in the kotatsu while working for 47 prefectures, where I went out at 10%, and 90% was at home making phone calls, SNS, or on Twitter.
—— Starting ten years ago… before the pandemic.
- Sakai
- I was staying at home to work on the telephone.
- Tamaki
- We started the company that way.
- Sakai
- Yes, we did ‘stay home’. As I told you before, if you want me to talk about branding, my policy is not to be ‘understood’.
- Tamaki
- That isn’t easy.
—— Mr Sakai is a hard person to figure out.
- Sakai
- Probably I am. I don’t think there is a person who understands me within our company.
- Tamaki
- That’s impossible.
- Sakai
- That’s true. They wonder who Sakai is. Even our staff’s families ask them who he is.
—— Because we can’t figure out what he has in his mind. (laugh)
- Sakai
- Right, right, right!
- Tamaki
- People wonder what kind of guy he is.
- Sakai
- You don’t have to say who he is. He is one of the necessary elements in the ‘tamaki niime’ brand, which helps Ms Tamaki work. She is a symbol in the company.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- She should stand out and be understood by others thoroughly. On the other hand, I stay mysterious, a counterpoint to Tamaki, who would become a mystery in everyone’s heads.
- Sakai
- I think so. It looks like ‘light and shadow’.
- Tamaki
- Certainly, people talked about us before customers came to the shop, imagining that we are ordinary pleasant dressmakers. Still, they were puzzled after they saw Sakai and me with a soft skull print top. They thought, ‘What?! They must be interesting.’ (laugh)
- Sakai
- Right, right, right!
- Tamaki
- Our visual impressions were different from what they expected. They were happy to see their expectations were contrary to who we actually are. “What is that?” They were so shocked to see our appearance.
- Sakai
- They expected us to be soft and gentle, regular people.
—— In my case, I was immunized earlier because I had such odd experiences before. (laugh)
- Tamaki
- If they have this image of a natural style, they would be shocked to see us. I didn’t want to dare to make it happen, even on our websites. I feel like we are being deceptive if we show only our soft and natural aspects. I don’t think it is good. I would instead show them our sharp elements, but it was hard to do with branding.
- Sakai
- Yeah, it was hard.
- Tamaki
- Especially in the beginning.
- Sakai
- It is hard to express both soft natural and harsher parts.
—— Since the event flyer of Hitotsu-kai in 2016, you have dramatically exposed yourself, which is different from a previous image of being friendly and clean. The brochure has a stunning picture of Ms Tamaki biting a piece of pizza and rough handwriting.
- Tamaki
- We began to develop what we want to do.
—— In branding, it is hard to expose yourself if people don’t understand the core part of ‘tamaki niime’.
- Sakai
- It is hard.
—— You have the problem of how to do it.
- Sakai
- They have to choose an angle. If Tamaki and I stand on opposite sites, they have to pick one of us. The middle isn’t any good.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- For example, if I ask Tamaki to shave her head, she would do it right away. If they don’t have such passion, they can’t work with us. I don’t want people who cry if I ask to shave their head.
- Tamaki
- Most people wouldn’t accept it.
- Sakai
- So most people just can’t.
- Tamaki
- Probably only one person could.
- Sakai
- That person wouldn’t leave us. He or she would do it right away.
- Tamaki
- If it shows their flexibility, it may be right.
- Sakai
- You may be right. They can have their hair grow back soon again.
—— (laugh) I would say, ‘Try jumping from ‘Kiyomizu no butai’; the high place once.’
- Sakai
- That’s right. That person can be outstanding.
- Tamaki
- Nowadays, people are so cautious about making choices. Most people wouldn’t give a chance to try jumping from the high place without wearing a belt and braces, like ‘better safe than sorry.’
- Sakai
- I think most people are like that.
- Tamaki
- Don’t you think people are generally like that? But we see many customers with shaved heads.
- Sakai
- Yes, there are many.
- Tamaki
- I think they are the ones who could respond to changes quickly.
—— What do you think about the proper timing of branding or running your business?
- Sakai
- It depends on how we feel. We allow our feelings rather than thinking logically. We trust our emotions more than logic.
—— Do you have any rules for negotiating with business partners?
- Sakai
- We don’t have them at all. We flexibly respond to them in person. We don’t know until we meet them. Even though they provide us with information before we meet, they are sometimes different from what we expected.
- Tamaki
- I have the opposite opinion.
- Sakai
- Yes, you do.
- Tamaki
- I get all the information beforehand and plan what to do in advance.
—— You plan everything up to the end.
- Tamaki
- When we go together to negotiate, I don’t do the negotiations. Because Sakai does what I want to do.
- Tamaki
- Mr Sakai feels what Ms Tamaki wants?
- Tamaki
- That’s right. I may be sending my message to him. I appreciate the feeling of what I want; even though we didn’t make any arrangements for what to do in advance, we always come home with good results. I guess because we have strong desires to get good results.
—— We can’t have the days that we just went negotiating.
- Sakai
- We need good results as long as we go negotiating.
- Tamaki
- It isn’t significant if we don’t get any good results.
- Sakai
- Time is so valuable.
—— You are right…
- Sakai
- For instance, our work is different from government projects which take years. Our work is always going on each moment and doesn’t have any long term blueprints. We need to respond faster.
—— You look for exciting things in each case, such as how to master creations which experiences are more important than thinking logically.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— I found out you can say the same thing for branding and running a business.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— Reading this article, you want to ask people to feel it rather than understand.
- Sakai
- Right, right, right.
—— If it’s not like that…
- Sakai
- It would be meaningless.
—— It wouldn’t make sense. That’s how I feel.
- Sakai
- It isn’t very meaningful to have prepared answers.
—— That’s true. There are no theories or rules. You don’t have any answers in advance.
- Sakai
- That’s right. Our staff’s work is to lead and find the answers.
—— If I exaggerate, Mr Sakai is saying “red”, but you have to know he means “white”. It would be best if you felt discerning.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— If you could feel it, you could do branding or run a business.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— Hearing your comments this time, I finally understand that is probably the critical point. The only thing you need to get is a discerning feeling.
- Sakai
- You are absolutely right. That’s the only thing.
—— I think we could conclude.
- Sakai
- Yes, that’s all we want to say.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.