niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Asking Mio Fujita about new possibilities of events 'TenTen'.
2021 . 05 . 23
「でるチーム」として、tamaki niimeの催事・イベント企画を担う藤田美緒。
それまで販売業務未経験ながら、ショールが世に出た初期の頃から百貨店での催しで売り場に立ち、全国津々浦々までtamaki niimeの作品を広めるべく飛び回っていた彼女。昨年来のコロナ禍と自社のOnline Shopの登場と急成長を受けて、催事のあり方そのものを熟考することとなった。
tamaki niimeの世界観を余すところなく表現し伝える売り場を外でどうやって創り上げるか?試行錯誤の末に見えてきたイベントのこれからの方向性と可能性を今回、たっぷりと語ってもらった。
藤田「最初の頃、百貨店の売り場に立ってた時は、全くtamaki niimeをご存知ない方ばかりで。でも、ショールを少し触ってちょっと巻いてみたら、皆さんすごく表情が変わって。こんなにテンション上がってお買い物して下さるんだ!と、自分もすごくワクワクしてたんですよ。」
春夏・秋冬と、シーズンごとに百貨店での催事を行う中、関西の売り場では「播州織」という言葉が関心を惹くフックともなったが、地方へ赴くと播州も兵庫もピンとこないという人が圧倒的に多かった。そんな状況でtamaki niimeの魅力を伝える、イチからアプローチする愉しみを感じていた。
― ブレイクのタイミングがあったと。
― 面白いですね。
― だんだんと“冒険”してみたくなるというか、何か自分の殻を破りたくなる、というか。
― そうですよね。
― うんうん。
― なるほど。そこもtamaki niimeの“作品力”というか、コアな部分ですね。
コロナ以降、催しの回数を制限せざるを得なくなったことと、ネット上で圧倒的な物量と多彩な切り口で一点モノ作品を展開する自社Online Shopの登場。それによって、具体的に催事・イベントの企画はこの一年でどのように変化したのだろうか?
ひとつは「tamaki niime×趣佳「てんてん」(2021春夏展)」。長年付き合いが深い大阪のセレクトショップ「趣佳」にて、この3月27日から4月4日にかけて開催されたイベントだ。
tamaki niimeの新しい販売のカタチ「てんてん」は、西脇の直営店の雰囲気を専用のtamaki niimeワゴンに載せて全国を巡回しようという試みで、その土地土地のお店と愉しい時間と空間を創り出そうというもの。
― 全部!すごいですね。なんかお店ジャックしたみたいな?
― その愉しさとは?
― ええ。
― Labの皆さんが。
― 直営店以外の実店舗で、tamaki niimeの様々な作品を余すところなく紹介出来たというのもあるわけですよね。
― 卸先であるショップさんとのコラボレーションによって空間を創りあげてゆく醍醐味もあると。
― それは愉しいですよね。
今回はLabスタッフの山下とともに藤田美が会場に常駐し、会場のガラス面にはカラフルなtamaki niimeの作品の3D写真をシールにして浮遊するように散りばめ、貼り付けた。
― 反応はどうでしたか?
― シックな作品よりもカラフルな打ち出しで…
― なるほど。バラエティ豊かに、点数的にも数を置いて。スパイラルのイベントについては今後も継続して開催してゆく予定ですか?
― そこは戦略的に(笑)。
― tamaki niimeのコアなところを見せながら新規のお客様を獲得してゆくと。
藤田「tamaki niimeとしての新しい見せ方というか、今まで関心がなかった人たちにも、イベントをやることで興味を持ってもらえる、ウチを知りたいと思ってもらえるようなものにしたいと思うんです。」
― それは空きスペースだったり、例えばギャラリーを借りるとか…
― お客様からのリクエストに応えて。建物に合わせて。それも面白いですね。なんか“サーカス”みたいに、ワクワクする愉しさをパッケージして巡業してゆくみたいな。
― スタンバイ出来てると。だいぶ方向性が見えて来てるわけですね。
― そこは太字で掲載お願いして(笑)。
― 倉庫みたいな、だだっ広い空き物件とかなら密になりにくいとも思いますし、そんな場所でもtamaki niimeなら面白いことが出来そうな気がします。
― そういう意味では場所との掛け合わせというのはひとつの大きな要素ですね。
― 人里離れた田舎の古民家と都心の洗練された文化施設では、どちらにもハマるけど、また作品の見え方が違ってくるというか。なんか廃墟みたいな建物とかでも面白いのでは…。
tamaki niimeをダイレクトにヴィヴィッドに表現する展示と顧客の要望に応えるに必要充分な作品点数、そのモノづくりを伝えるリアルな接客と、新たな魅力を引き出す面白い場所と。tamaki niimeの魅力を丸ごと詰め込んで、全国を転々と巡回して届ける企画展「てんてん」。
あなたのまちで色とりどりのtamaki niimeと出会えるかも。そんなワクワクする期待感を胸に、イベント開催をどうぞお愉しみに。
Mio Fujita, the ‘Deru team’ (fieldwork team), on planning events for ‘tamaki niime’.
Even though she had no experience in sales, she worked at department stores’ events since the beginning when they began selling shawls and made ‘tamaki niime’s’ products known all over the country. She is contemplating events as a trigger of the Pandemic and the significant development of online shopping.
How does she express ‘tamaki niime’ to the world outside the sales floor? She talked a lot about her future directions and possibilities for events after trial and error experiences.
- Fujita
- At first, working in department stores, most people didn’t know about ‘tamaki niime’. But their facial expressions changed so much after they touched the shawls and put them on. I was so excited knowing that customers were so enthusiastic about shopping.
Having events at the department stores every spring-summer and fall-winter, the word ‘Banshu-ori’ got attention in the selling sections of Kansai Japan area. However, outside those regions, most people didn’t know them. Even though being in such situations, she enjoyed telling people about the loveliness of ‘tamaki niime’.
- Fujita
- This work was so much fun for me, and it became addictive to search more areas where I had never been before. They were not accessible at first, but twice a year, every spring-summer and fall-winter I went there, I had positive responses from customers, which opened my eyes, like ‘wow! Here they come’! (laugh)
—— That was the breakthrough moment.
- Fujita
- The new customers were attracted to the colours and designs when they saw our products for the first time. On my first visit, I had an impression that they had a tendency to buy dark- coloured products. But the more often I visited; they began to choose brighter colours. So I have learned that the districts or places are not related to what they want.
—— That sounds interesting.
- Fujita
- As people get to know our products and start wearing them, they want to wear brighter colours. They challenged them further, just like being under a spell. (laugh)
—— They make them want more adventures or to get out of the box.
- Fujita
- You know, colours make us happy.
—— I think so.
- Fujita
- People can be happy only by wearing them. So why don’t we wear the clothes that make us happy if we have to choose something to put on?
—— I see.
- Fujita
- I think that’s interesting, and I am so happy if we provide them with the opportunity to feel that way. The different colours don’t have any relation to certain districts at all. Our outfits would be magically loved by everyone everywhere.
—— I see. That’s the core strength that the products of ‘tamaki niime’ have.
Since the Pandemic started, they have reduced the number of events, but developed online shopping with many products and one-item sales using various strategies. What have they explicitly changed about the plans this year?
- Fujita
- We used to have three or four events at department or other stores a week around the same time. We were working hard to focus on having more opportunities to show our products to new customers. But now, we have reduced that. Instead, we are focusing on showing each products attractiveness and trying to have meaningful events, keeping the numbers of sales workers and sharing the same values with them.
One event is ‘tamaki niime’ x Syuca ‘TenTen’ (Exhibition, spring-summer 2021), held from March 27 to April 4th at a speciality store in Osaka. Syuca has a long friendship with ‘tamaki niime’.
- Fujita
- We had been sending our products to the retail shop’s exhibitions and asked them to display our products. But, for the first time, we held our exhibition titled ‘TenTen’.
This is their new merchandising style, where they cross the country via van, loaded with the products and spirits of our Nishiwaki store. It’s there that they have a good time and create bonds with local retail.
- Fujita
- The Japanese character, Ten(展)’ means Exhibition. Another meaning of ‘Ten (転)’ is to drive, which when combined as ‘TenTen’ becomes meaningful because we move around the country. This exhibition for Syuca is where they selected the products that will be displayed.
—— Wow, all those products! That’s great. It sounds like you jacked the store.
- Fujita
- Yes, we did. Thankfully new customers not only for us but also for ‘Syuca’ came over, and they enjoyed it. I was so happy that we had so much fun, and the best of all is that we both want to do it again in Fall. (laugh)
—— Would you tell me how you enjoyed it?
- Fujita
- Our lab staff rotated working at the shop. So they could spend time with the team at ‘Syuca’. What was most lacking before was how well we communicate with our partners. Indeed, when they came to talk to us, our staff in charge spoke to them and gave them our lab tour, but each team couldn’t have the chance to converse with them.
—— I see.
- Fujita
- This time, as our staff had a chance to go there separately on different days, they could talk with them and had an opportunity to serve with their customers. They came back excited.
—— Wow.
- Fujita
- Even ‘Syuca’s’ staff said they had an excellent chance to talk to our creators, which was very interesting. As we were at ‘Syuca’ in spirit, we created our world there. So I really think we had a good event. I hope we would continually have such events in getting customers involved with us.
—— You successfully introduced your various products at the stores that are not your direct outlet, right?
- Fujita
- Yes. We don’t think it’s necessary to introduce all of our products, but we could display our most popular ones.
—— The best part is making this extraordinary world in collaboration with your partners.
- Fujita
- Yes, that’s right.
—— That must be so much fun.
With the strong partnership, following the collaborative Exhibition in March, they had an event at ‘Showcase’ next to the first-floor entrance at SPIRAL, Tokyo, Aoyama’s multi-cultural hall. It was the 4th event since last August.
- Fujita
- That’s the spot where we can do as we please. Many young people visit there because it’s a place that students also have exhibitions to display graduation projects. We may not get customers’ attention to purchase our products instantly, but they are interested and observe them. They may become interested in our brand and check us out, or they may remember our name later. I hope this event leaves good impressions for the people who visit.
This time, Ms Fujita stayed with Mr Yamashita at the event hall. They spread stickers about that looked like colourful 3D pictures of our products on the gallery windows.
- Fujita
- Those pictures were taken for our new leaflets. Mr Kubo suggested they would be interesting to use at the event of SPIRAL. I also asked Mr Yamashita about what kind of displays he wanted. After discussions with them, we created this space. We also streamed movies that we have on our company LINE.
—— How were the responses?
- Fujita
- During the event, I stayed inside the event shop. Reducing the number of events in Tokyo, many old customers came after a long absence. Through SNS and video, we informed them of a brightly coloured event that created a lot of anticipation. It is my impression that they enjoyed ‘the space of colours’. Other than that, the residents of Omotesando also stopped by while they were taking a walk, and some people in their 20s and 30s stopped by the shop because the colours caught their attention. I felt confident that new customers were attracted to shawls and bought them.
—— You placed more colourful items than just chic colours?
- Fujita
- We indeed placed many chic items, and they sold well. Many customers ultimately may choose to buy stylish colours, though. I think what’s great about our company is we have many colours, which attracts customers and creates excitement.
—— I see. You have many colours and various items. Are you going to continue the SPIRAL events?
- Fujita
- Yes, we will have it in this fall-winter season. The entrance of the building is a popular spot for meeting up. We target to display colours there, too. So people can observe colours while they are waiting for people to come. (laugh)
—— That’s the plan. (laugh)
- Fujita
- Having the event plans to suit us, our future goal is to get new customers interested in our products.
—— Showing the core of ‘tamaki niime’, you will get new customers.
- Fujita
- This is our new way of expressing ourselves to the people. We want to have events for people who are not interested become interested in us.
Besides, they have more new event ideas. For example, they are planning to have events at the local non-commercial spots.
- Fujita
- We will go to any exciting places which are not necessary for stores. We would search the spots at non-commercial local facilities, different from traditional shopping places in the future.
—— That could be a space, for example, to rent a gallery.
- Fujita
- That’s right. Vacant houses would be fine. If the customers request us to come over to their town because they have interesting buildings, it would be fun to go there if our plans match up.
—— You respond to customers’ requests and match events with their building. That sounds interesting. Packing with excitement, you go to places like having a circus.
- Fujita
- That’s right. We got our special van for it. We are ready to go anytime.
—— You are standing by. You are having more designated directions now.
- Fujita
- The rest of what we need are places. We are glad to have the messages of suggested sites from the people reading this blog if they know any good places.
—— We should post those requests in bold font. (laugh)
- Fujita
- During the Pandemic, it is hard to have events. If they could come for our events, we want them to see our products in person and have places to talk with them.
—— Using a large empty building such as storage, they must be suitable to avoid being crowded. I think ‘tamaki niime’ could have fun there.
- Fujita
- We definitely must benefit from making products, but we want to have events to attract people, letting them amuse themselves with exciting things.
—— Considering that, the event spots look like an essential element for achieving that purpose.
- Fujita
- That’s right.
—— Old family houses in the remote countryside or modern culture halls in urban cities, they both are attractive, but they would give different impressions to the products. Derelict buildings look interesting, too.
- Fujita
- We can send messages to young people through events to suggest one of ‘lifestyle’ rather than ‘fashion’. Our products would give different impressions by how we present them. It would be interesting to do with various ways.
The unique round house has been renovated as the direct shop in Tokyo, Machida, which is getting ready to open this year.
Packing all the charms of ‘tamaki niime’, ‘TenTen’ drives across the country to send the special exhibitions for expressing ‘tamaki niime’ directly and vividly, carrying enough products with good customer service by explaining about their creations, and amusing spots to bring out new charms.
You may encounter various colours of ‘tamaki niime’ in your town. With such excitement, please look forward to going to the events.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.