niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
niime温故知新 阿江美世子さんの巻
niime “Discovering new things by taking lessons from the past”
2023 . 08 . 07
2014年からの4年間、tamaki niimeの海外における販路開拓や広報、はたまたブランドのイメージ写真撮影なども担当するなど、西脇中心部の上野から「日本のへそ」にある現在のtamaki niime muraに移行する前後の時期、ブランドの発展期を支えた阿江美世子さん。
事情により2018年に一旦会社を離れたが、新たに「coyomi」として自身の専門的なスキルを活かし個人事業を開始、5年の歳月を経て外部スタッフとしてtamaki niimeに再び舞い戻ってきた。
今回は阿江さんから訊く、tamaki niime海外進出ヒストリー秘話。彼女がニューヨークで身をもって体得したtamaki niimeの広め方とは?ブランドのあり方の根幹にも通じる大切な“気づき”を得た、貴重なエピソードが語られます。
そんな時、西脇に住みながらそれまでまったく接点がなかったというtamaki niimeに阿江さんが出会うきっかけとなったのが、テレビのドキュメンタリー番組『LIFE~夢のカタチ~』で紹介される様子を目にしたことだった。
「自分もやりたいことを見つけてしっかりと歩んでゆこう。」そう決意し、様々なことに挑戦していたというある日、たまたま新聞の折り込みチラシでtamaki niimeの求人広告を目にした。即座に「働いてみたい。」そう思った阿江さん。さっそく履歴書を送り面接を受けた。
「以前西脇の上野にあったweaving room & stock roomの奥、アイランドキッチンの設られた部屋でスタッフの方に面接をしてもらったんですが、マフィアみたいな?サングラスをかけた酒井さんがタバコを燻らせながらそばに立ってらっしゃって。なんなんだ、この異空間は!?と (笑)。」
ちょうど当時はtamaki niimeに海外からのオーダーメールが入って来始めていた頃。英語でのやりとりが可能な人材が必要とされていたタイミングだった。
「海外からの問い合わせ対応や卸を引き受けてもらえるならお願いできませんか、と玉木さんからお声掛けいただいたのが、tamaki niimeに関わり始めたきっかけです。2014年の4月でした。」
tamaki niimeに加わって数ヶ月後、酒井の交渉によって米国ニューヨークのセレクトショップ「NEPENTHES NEW YORK(ネペンテス ニューヨーク)」店内でのポッアップストア出店が決まった。
「ニューヨークへ行ってほしい、ということで。私はアパレル業界のことを何も知らなかったので、只々海外でtamaki niimeの作品を紹介出来るっていうワクワク感だけで、行ってきます!って現地へ飛んだんですけど。」
—— すごく行動がポジティブですね。
ショールをはじめtamaki niimeの作品を「NEPENTHES NEW YORK」で展示販売、折しもちょうどファッションウィーク(N.Y.コレクション)の期間中でもあり、店内を会場にパーティも開かれ、多くの業界関係者やデザイナーたちが居合わせたが、作品の購入やビジネスにはほとんど結びつかなかった。
「何も知らずに行って、ただじっとしてても決して売れるものではないし。じゃあ、どうやってtamaki niimeの作品を世界に広めてゆくか?っていうところを考える大きなきっかけになりました。」
—— 結果として得たものは大きかった、というわけですね。
「私自身のマインドが変わった。問い合わせだったりオーダーだったり、来るものに対して受け身で対応するというのではなくて、自分たちからどのようにして仕掛けてゆけるか? その視点を持つことが出来たきっかけだったと思います。」
tamaki niime作品の価値をどう伝え、どう販路開拓してゆくべきか? ニューヨークというファッションの先進地でいきなり壁にぶつかったことで、阿江さんの中で方向性は明確になった。
「新規のお店に対して広げてゆくにしても、全くtamaki niimeをご存じないところへきっと気に入ってもらえるだろうとアプローチをかけたところで、関心を持たれるわけではない。そこの波動が異なる場合に無理に、どうかお願いします、と頭を下げるようなやり方はtamaki niimeにとってふさわしいとは思えない。こんなに素敵な作品なのだから、堂々と、良いねと言ってもらえるところと、お互いにウィンウィンの関係でお取り引きをさせていただきたいと。」
そこからは海外各地に着実に販路を広げてゆき、2年後にはtamaki niime作品の取り扱い先は15ヵ国へと拡大していた。
「お客様だったりお知り合いの方だったり、tamaki niimeファンの方々を通して、ここなら良いのではと紹介してくださったお店にアプローチをかけるというように、販路のつくってゆき方を自分で体得できた。」
人との確かなつながりを介して、自然な川の流れに運ばれるように作品があちこちへと広がってゆく。tamaki niimeにとってはそんな方法論が何よりだと実感した阿江さんだった。
2017年にはロサンゼルスで日本人オーナー夫妻が経営、日本発のブランドの良品を扱う「tortoise general store(トータスジェネラルストア)」やメキシコのセレクトショップはじめ、時間をかけて信頼を構築してきた各店舗にてポップアップストアを企画した。
「すると、阿江さんだから一緒にやってみたいと今回企画を考えましたと、帰国されたタイミングでわざわざtamaki niimeに寄ってくださったんです。その時に、あ、こういうことなんだ!って実感できたというか。tamaki niimeというブランド、“母体”がありつつも、どう広げていけるか、お客様にどう愉しんでいただけるかは、それぞれ自分自身が、考え行動していかなければ発展はない、というところを気づかせていただいたと。」
—— それは…大変深いお話ですね。人との関係を通してこそ作品が伝わり広がってゆく。阿江さんの作品への「想い」が相手の方の心を動かしたわけですね。
作品を軸にして、様々な人との関わりから、また色々な業務を担った経験値から、tamaki niimeにおける阿江さん独自の仕事術がこうしてクリエイティヴに開花した。
「お店によっても、どれだけの熱量を持ってそのブランドに携わっておられるか、どんな風にそのお店を育てていこうとされているか…いろんな方がいらっしゃるわけですが、私としては、精魂込めて創っているメイドインジャパンの、こんなに素敵なtamaki niimeの作品に誇りを持って、同じ目線でお話ができる方とつながってゆく。それはお店さんとだけやりとりさせていただいていたならわからなかったかもしれない。百貨店の催事であったりとか、ポップアップを海外で開催して、直にお客様と関わらせていただけることで何を求めてらっしゃるかもわかるから、それら全部をひっくるめて広報もさせていただいていたので、取材される方々に想いを伝えることもできたと思います。」
tamaki niimeの作品に備わる輝きを人を介してどう伝え可能性を広げてゆくかに心血を注ぎ、自ら考え行動してきた阿江さん。
次回〈後編〉は彼女の人となりとtamaki niimeとのつながり、5年の年月を経てブランドとの関わりを再開するに至るまでの歩みに、さらに深く迫ります。どうぞご期待ください。
For four years, from 2014 to 2018, Ms Miyoko Ae worked to expand sales overseas and public relations and was even in charge of taking pictures to create brand images.
She supported the company during their developing time when they were stationed at Ueno in central Nishiwaki. She moved to the present location, ‘tamaki niiime mura’, at Nihon-heso Park.
Due to her personal circumstances, she left the company in 2018. She started her own business named ‘Coyomi’, using her professional skills, but five years later, she returned to work for ‘tamaki niime’ as an outsourced worker.
In this interview, I asked her ‘tamaki niime’ secret for expanding business overseas. How did she learn how business expanded in New York? She would tell us valuable information and essential awareness of the root ideas of the brand that she learned through the experiences.
“In 2011, when I was in Vancouver, I heard about the Great East Japan Earthquake.”
Ms Ae grew up in Nishiwaki. She worked as a kindergarten teacher for four years after she graduated from college, but she quit her job to make her dream of living abroad come true. She lived in Canada for a year through the working holiday system.
In March 2011, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean from where she was, she heard that the Great earthquake had happened. It was shocking. After returning to Japan, she tried to find out what she could do for them. While living in Nishiwaki, she learned about ‘tamaki niime’ by watching the tamaki niime TV documentary ‘Life-Shapes of Dreams’.
“I was impressed with Ms Tamaki, such an attractive woman working for her dreams and goals, who lives near me. “
She decided to find what she wanted to do and was challenged by many things. One day, she saw a ‘tamaki niime’ job ad in a newspaper insert flyer. Instantly, she desired to work there, and she sent her resume and had an interview.
“I had an interview with ‘tamaki niime’ staff in the back of Island kitchen in weaver & stock room where they used to be at Ueno in Nishiwaki. Mr Sakai, with sunglasses, looked like a gangster standing and smoking there. I thought, what’s with that? It was like a different reality. (laugh)”
At that time, she worked at a coffee shop as a part-time worker; because of doing dishes with alcohol disinfectant, she had eczema on her hands and body, even making her face red.
“The job ads were for wanting workers for manufacturing products. One of the staff told me that people with sensitive skin might have difficulty working here because you have to wash and work in the dust of fibres around weaver machines. But Ms Tamaki listened to this conversation while working over the partition and asked, We are making soft touch and nice texture products for customers; what do you mean that people with sensitive skin can’t work here?”
It was around the time ‘tamaki niime’ started having order mail from foreign countries. They needed workers who were able to respond in English.
“Ms Tamaki asked me if I could work on responding to inquiries from overseas and to take care of wholesales, as I began working with ‘tamaki niime’ in April 2014”.
A few months after getting into ‘tamaki niime,’ Sakai’s efforts in negotiating with Nepenthes’ New York shop let to their decision to open a pop-up store there.
“Ms Tamaki asked me to go to New York. Without knowing much about the apparel business, I flew to New York with the excitement of introducing the products of ‘tamaki niime’ overseas.”
You moved on very positively.
I could do it because I didn’t know anything. But you can’t see if you don’t do it. Ms Kayano, a staff member at a department store, went with me.
The ‘tamaki niime’ products, including shawls, were exhibited and sold at ‘NEPENTHES NEW YORK’. Luckily, it was the week of the NY collection. The party was held inside the building, and I could meet many business people and designers. However, we couldn’t make any connection to the purchase of works or business.
Even though it was a highly famous shop, the number of customers was limited. While finding time in New York, Ms Ae went to some other stores she had marked before and tried PR activity for the products. One store responded to her but didn’t reach a deal.
“Just going without much knowledge, products aren’t sold if you don’t do anything. It became a good opportunity to make me think of the ways we could spread the products of ‘tamaki niime’.”
As a result, you gained a lot of understanding, right?
“It made me change my way of thinking. When people ask for products or orders, I have learned not to just respond passively, but need to try to offer more. I got that point of view from that experience.”
How do you explain the value of ‘tamaki niime’ products and develop sales? Being challenged in New York, a fashion-forward city, helped give Ms Ae direction.
“In the case of developing more new stores that don’t know ‘tamaki niime’ at all, they wouldn’t get interested in us even though we try hard to appeal to them. If their favors are different from ours, it’s not a good idea for us to beg them to make deals with us. Because we have such great products, we should deal with companies proudly so that we have a win-win relationship for both of us.”
After that, she successfully spread the sales area overseas.
In two years, they extended deals with stores that carry their products in 15 countries. The people who knew good stores introduced us through our customers, friends, or fans. That’s how she learned to expand sales areas.
Connecting with trusted people, their products spread everywhere, like naturally carrying them in running rivers.
Ms Ae felt assured that such a method is the best for ‘tamaki niime’.
In 2017, Ms Ae planned to set up pop-up stores at the stores where she built up trustful relationships. Including a selection shop in Mexico, there’s a ‘tortoise general store’ in Los Angeles that Japanese couples own to sell high-quality goods from Japan. Before going to the stores overseas, she repeatedly discussed colours with shop owners, considering the products that customers would surely like to prepare and open. Since store owners advertised it to their customers in advance, many people came successfully. For example, in ‘Tortoise’, many of their regular customers bought the shawls and even moved to buy clothes. One of my great memories of 2017 is seeing customers shopping happily there. Before that, we had only orders of shawls and accessories, but by having these pop-up stores, we could introduce products for the first time.”
“Even though the products are great, there are many products that never reach customers. Whether the products can go on the market or not depends on if the products have connections with people, or chances of selling. I feel it makes a big difference. With respect to the staff of creating products, I surely talk to them about products, but the thing I am asked for is, I feel, what kind of person I am.”
Mr Sakai asked a department store of their business partner to open a pop-up store overseas, and it became possible in Singapore. Ms Ae went to Singapore and continuously made it happen in Thailand.
“Mr Sakai started the trigger, and I received his baton, and thought what I could do. I got a referral of a Thailand store from Singapore. I emailed staff in Thailand and was told that the sales of Singapore and Thailand are completely different. The purchasing movement in Singapore is better. In Thailand, the customers who could buy the products at this price would fly to Japan if they want Japanese products. With even such circumstances, I asked them to open up together.”
Ms Ae received the essential opportunity from Mr Sakai and developed it. Her sincere attitude moved department store staff to open it in Thailand.
When their staff came to Japan, they stopped by ‘tamaki niime’ and said, “Because of doing it together with Ms Ae, I wanted to do it and made a plan.”
“That experience made me sure how things work!”
“The brand of ‘tamaki niime’ is in the company; however, how it spreads, or how the customers enjoy the products, depends on each staff member and me to think and practice our ways. If not, there’s no development. That’s what I became aware of. “
—— That’s…very deep. The products keep spreading through connections with people. Ms Ae’s ‘passion’ for products moved many other people.
“Of course, the products have their own power, and we can use it to connect with business, but I think the essential key is in people’s relationships. The more people I meet, the more sure I am.”
Focusing on the products, she has had relationships with various people and many business experiences; Ms Ae’s unique business bloomed in creative ways.
“Depending on the stores, there are many types of people who run the stores. I wonder how passionate they are about the brand, or how they try to develop their store… I am very proud of the products of ‘tamaki niime’ made in Japan because they make the products with their spirits. I try to connect with the people who have common interests and values with ours. If I was just connected with them as stores, I would have never known them. I could know what customers wanted through having the events of department stores or pop-up stores overseas. With all those works, I also worked for public relations and I could tell my thoughts through interviews with them.”
She has been devoting herself to finding ways to spread the brilliance of ‘tamaki niime’ products through people while thinking about putting them into practice.
In the following interview
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.