niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
niime温故知新 茶谷堯典の巻
“Discovering New Things by Taking Lessons from the Past”
Episode: Mr Takanori Chaya 〈 part 1 〉
Episode: Mr Takanori Chaya 〈 part 1 〉
2023 . 11 . 05
tamaki niimeの発展期にあって、前例のないものづくりのフロンティアで、試行錯誤しつつ自ら道を切り開いて行ったスタッフたちの声を聴くシリーズ「niime温故知新」、今回は内に秘めたtamaki niime愛で会社を支える茶谷の言葉に耳を傾けたい。
—— 茶谷さんがtamaki niimeに入られたきっかけは?
デザイナー玉木が自ら力織機を操って作品づくりへと乗り出し、「589」と呼ばれる最初の小さなShop&Labを構えていた約11年前に茶谷はスタッフとして加わった。現「編みチーム」の山下匡直もほぼ同時期にtamaki niimeの一員となっていた。
—— 全くハタケ違いだったとお聞きしてましたが。
—— なんか面白そうやったと。
—— 入社前はどんな印象でしたか?
—— 二人のやってることが。
—— 当時新聞報道などで地元でかなりの話題になった記憶があります。デザイナーの玉木さんが自分で機を織り出したと。
—— そうですよね。。
—— tamaki niimeを離れていた時期がありましたね。
—— そこはなんというか、tamaki niimeについての核心的なお話ですね。
tamaki niimeに8年近く在籍し、“niime流”の常識に縛られない事業のあり方とスピーディでスリリングな展開に応えることが日々常態化していた茶谷にとっては、そこを離れてみた時に、他所での業務の“当たり前さ”が、物足りなく感じられたということなのだろう。
—— これじゃアカン、と。
—— そうでしたか…。
力織機を導入し自らそれを操って製作に打ち込み、代表作となるショールを産み出し、大きな反響を得始めた後、tamaki niimeとしての方向性を熟考した玉木は、己れ一人の作家性を打ち出すのではなく、播州織の伝統と職人技術の継承をも視野に入れ、様々なスタッフを集めて事業の拡大へと舵を切った。そのタイミングで声を掛けられたのが茶谷だった。
—— 不具合が起こるというか…なるほど、ひとつだけ新品の部品が入った時に。
—— なんか生きものみたいですね。
—— 新しい部品はだんだんと馴染んでくる感じですか?
—— 暴れる、みたいな(笑)?
—— ほんと、生きてるみたいですね。
—— 2台ともそんな感じですか?
「一度試しに動かしてみようとして、まだ玉木が『only one shawl』を織っている途中で触ったら、ガシャーン!!、…と。経糸をバッサリ切っちゃって、織れなくなっちゃって。すっごい怒られて…すごく大事な時期だったんですよ…。」
—— 操作ってやっぱり難しいんですね。。
—— むちゃ人間的ですね。
—— そこが準備が要るってところですね。
—— 動かす前にまず掃除と手入れから。
—— へぇ〜…。
—— ほんと茶谷さんが入社される前の導入最初の頃は、玉木さんしかベルト式力織機は扱えなかったわけですよね。織りたい一心で勉強されたんでしょうけど、それもスゴイことですよね。
究極の柔らかさと心地よさをとことん追求するためには、ヴィンテージのベルト式力織機でないとこれ以上の風合いは出ない、その都度人に頼むのではなく自分で織るしかない。そう決意した玉木。無我夢中で織機と遊んでいたと当時を振り返るものの、「only one shawl」を産み出すまでの、古い織機と幾度となく対話を繰り返しながら扱いこなせるようになるまでの苦労も並大抵ではなかったことだろう。
—— ホールガーメント横編み機導入時、山下さんが最初のニット作品づくりで勝手が違って納得できるものが創れず玉木さんからもOKがもらえずに数ヶ月かかって、一斗缶にしゃがんで作業していた記憶しか残ってないと仰ってました。
—— それは前回の取材で阿江さんも同じようなことを仰ってましたね。ニューヨークへ行った時に、自ら動かないとtamaki niimeは世界に広がって行かないと考えるきっかけになったと。
—— 当時、茶谷さんも山下さんも阿江さんも、それぞれのポジションで未知のフィールドに向き合いながら、悪戦苦闘されてたわけですよね。
—— 皆さんそれぞれに、替わる人のいない責任を負っていたということですね。
織機を導入し自社で機を織り「一点モノ作品」の創作を手掛ける、現在に至るtamaki niimeの創成の頃。玉木や酒井とともに茶谷たちスタッフは、新たな独自の“モノヅクリ”の可能性を求め冒険へと乗り出した。
それは各々が意を決して、tamaki niimeにとっての未知の領域の開拓へと向かった時期と言えるだろう。その挑戦を恐れないフロンティア精神は今に息づいている。
シリーズ「niime温故知新 茶谷堯典の巻」。〈後編〉では、玉木と酒井の素顔をよく知る彼が観た二人の人間像、そして義母であった初子さんのこと、溢れるtamaki niimeへの想い…が熱を帯びて語られます。
After thinking deeply, Tamaki didn’t keep her method, which she had created, to herself but shared it with her staff, who gathered and chose the way to develop and inherit for this district and the nation’s future.
Takanori Chaya and Tamaki have known each other since they were in Fukui. At Tamaki’s request, he joined the company to operate the loom and maintain its maintenance. Being impressed with her enthusiasm, though, at first, he had continual difficulty dealing with unfamiliar super analog machinery.
In the series of niime “Discovering New Things by Taking Lessons from the Past”/’niime Learning from old and new’,’ we listen to unprecedented frontiers in manufacturing open to reveal their ways of overcoming difficulties with trial and error at the developing time of ‘tamaki niime’. This time, we hear from Chaya, who supports ‘tamaki niime’ with his passion for the company within.
——What brought you to ‘tamaki niime’?
“Sakai is my brother-in-law. He and Tamaki talked to me when they just got the looms. They had Mr Ito who was, and still is, in charge of taking care of the machine’s maintenance, but they also needed their own staff for maintenance, so they asked me to be the one.”
The designer Tamaki challenged Chaya to work to make products, and Chaya joined their staff 11 years ago when they had a small shop and lab called ‘589’. Masanao Yamashita, who is in the ‘knitting team’ at present, joined ‘tamaki niime’ as one of the staff at about the same time.
——You have worked in a different field, right?
“Yeah, that’s right. I worked as a scaffold assembler and have never been a maintenance worker, but I replied back quickly, “I will do it.”
——You thought it seemed interesting.
“That’s right. I replied back immediately. I remember I did so on the evening of the same day I was asked. I didn’t take time to think.”
——What was your impression before you got into the company?
“I knew they were an apparel company just by looking from the outside. They were…unique. (laugh)”
——What they were doing.
“I was curious that this kind of business existed. I have known Tamaki and Sakai for a long time, but I didn’t know what they were doing. Yeah, those two were mysterious, and then I heard they would have two belt type power looms. I surely remember going to look at them. I have never seen looms, either. I was amused.”
——At that time, it became a hot topic in the local newspaper that Ms Tamaki, a designer, started weaving independently.
“I have learned a lot about looms after getting into here. I came to talk to other people at loom shops and found out Tamaki and Sakai were doing unusual things. (laugh). That’s when I first realized it made sense. Those two are crazy!”
——You are right…
“In the first place, they are crazy, but grasped essential key points. They are surely making no mistakes. Including their response speed, everything is very fast. Yeah, they are so good. I really knew it, after I once quit here and worked at different place.”
——You had a time when you were away from ‘tamaki niime’, right?
“Once I left here, and realized how different it was. In short, working at a regular company, I really felt their differences on my skin.”
——That is the core part of ‘tamaki niime’, right?
“You can’t realize it while you work here because it has become commonplace. If you go outside and look at how regular companies interact with them, you realize how things go slowly. Oh, no! That’s how they are…not exciting. (laugh)”
Working at ‘tamaki niime’ for almost eight years, he got used to the niime way, which is not bound by common sense, responds speedily, and experiences thrilling developments. After he left, he was not satisfied with the ordinary business way of other companies.
“I was really sure that the movement of the world is so slow.”
——You thought it was not good at all.
“I realized it’s terrible. (laugh) I could end up coming back…I feel more than thankful to be back here.”
He doesn’t speak much, but you can feel his unique, keen sense of honesty and unswerving, single-hearted character from his stammering words.
“I wonder when it was, but I had an argument with Tamaki at the meeting and quit my job that day. I did it on impulse. I bit my boss, and couldn’t take it back. I regretted it the next day. I am just stupid. Hatsuko, my mother-in-law, scolded me a lot.”
——Is that so…
“Three blank years, it was over in a flash when I think back. “
Tamaki had looms and wove to create products, such as shawls, representing her work. After getting a big reputation, she pondered her direction for ‘tamaki niime’. She decided not only to gain her authorship but also to keep Banshu-ori tradition and inheritance of craftsmanship; she gathered various staff to take the helm in developing the business. Chaya was the one she called at that time.
“At that time Tamaki wove on her own, but she had so many other things to do, however, she couldn’t stop weaving, because once you start weaving, you had to keep doing it. I think because she wanted me to do it, and asked me to weave with looms.I liked to use the machines, but the looms were very different, because they were very analogous. At first, that was a problem. I really didn’t know about them.”
Every day, whatever problems he faced, he asked Mr Yoshitada Ito, the owner of a local textile machinery speciality store who still helps teach maintenance at present and is called ‘teacher’, or asked Tamaki directly. He wanted Tamaki to concentrate on other work, so he asked Mr Ito to see the machines daily.
You can still get the parts of rapier looms, but when it comes to belt machinery looms, which can be called vintage, if there are no old parts that need to be replaced, you have to ask a textile machinery shop and steel cast factory to make steel parts on a particular order.
“They are very old. If you change one part with a new part, it stops working because it has a bug. To be interesting, they have to be all worn out.”
——I don’t know if it is called malfunction…I see when only one new part gets in.
“It goes wrong. It is a really difficult point and interesting as well.”
——They look like a living creature.
“It doesn’t mean there’s no problem if you change it to a new part. I am beginning to understand as I take care of machines.”
——Are new parts working well with the machines?
“Yes, they do gradually. I can tell with the working sound. When they have problems, they make funny noises, ‘those guys’. Vice versa, it’s easy to understand it. When it has a problem, the thread breaks in a very nasty way. I need to be aware of it in advance.”
——They go wild? (laugh)
“That’s exactly right.”
——It sounds like they are alive.
“Those belt type machinery looms are super analogous.”
——Two of them are like that?
“Each one has their own characteristics. They are totally different when we use them. One on the left when you get in the laboratory, it’s heavy and hard to handle. You have to get ready before using it. The right one is light. They are upgraded now more than when I was in charge of them.”
Mr Chaya also said, “At the beginning, I couldn’t handle the looms well. At first, I started using 2 rapier machines to get used to handling them.”
“One time I tried to use it while Tamaki was weaving ‘only one shawl’, and it made a big noise, ‘crash’! The warp thread was cut completely and it made it unable to weave. I was scolded hard…because it was a very important time…”
——It’s hard to handle machines.
“If you catch their characteristics, you would know how to handle them. It’s not just pushing a button and working. You have to assist it to work together, specially that machine needs to help at starting, just like humans don’t work well when they just wake up.”
——They are just like humans.
“Yes, they really are. They have personalities.”
——That’s how you need to get them prepared.
“I believe in doing so to make them work well in a good mood. I clean well and put oil in, which takes 30 to 40 minutes for preparation. If there’s trouble, I won’t regret it. It can’t be helped if I have done what I had to do. I don’t like to think about the cause of the trouble after it happens.”
——Before moving the machines, clean and care for them.
“Yes, I do. There’s some oil left, which happens sometimes. The oil hose that is supposed to reach some parts is sometimes cut off in the middle, or it’s loosen and falling out. In some cases, the oil leaks from the crack in the hose.”
——Oh, I see.
“If I don’t make the hoses clean, I can’t see them. It’s easier to see the cause of troubles if it’s clean.”
——At the beginning of having looms before Mr Chaya joined the company, Ms Tamaki was the only one to handle the belt machinery looms. She studied with the sole desire to weave it, which is fantastic.
“She tried the looms, not the rapier machines from the beginning. I don’t think I had such courage.”
“To pursue extreme softness and comfort, you can’t get them if you don’t use vintage belt machinery looms. Tamaki couldn’t ask someone whenever she wanted, so she decided to do it alone. Thinking back about that time, she played with the loom in a daze. It was a great challenge to be able to handle the old looms and learn how to weave while talking with them many times until she finally produced ‘only one shawl’.
——When he got whole garment flat knitting machines, Mr Yamashita had a hard time making his first knitting products because they were very different from his past experiences. His pieces couldn’t even get accepted by Ms Tamaki. He said that he only remembers sitting on an 18-litre drum for months.
“Yeah, that was a paint can, and it was freezing. At the old laboratory, it chilled to the core… I was also there at that time. My brother-in-law (Sakai) bought me a warm-down coat. As for me, I was weaving by him. The warp threads broke frequently, which was not too much time now. At that time, I was slow and shocked when 100 threads broke. But there was no one to help me.”
——In the previous interview, Ms Akou said a similar thing. When she went to New York, it was time to realize that if she didn’t work, ‘tamaki niime’ wouldn’t spread to the world.
“I think Ms Akou had a hard time trying to develop at a new place in New York. She must have had a lot of pressure. Tamaki is strict, too. Ms Akou couldn’t make any excuses. She had to do it.”
——At that time, Mr Chaya, Mr Yamashita, and Ms Akou each had different positions and faced unknown problems. They were battling at work.
“We had to do it. That’s the fact. We couldn’t keep moving forward if we didn’t do it. We couldn’t ask Tamaki, “Please tie the broken threads. That’s not the way. I had to do it.”
——Everyone had responsibilities that nobody could replace for you.
“When we had the shop 589, we did ‘wash’ at the bath tub because we didn’t have a sink. There were two washers at the bathing place. The flow line was not very good, so we had to take off our shoes to go to the bathing place, and even bending over made posture difficult. After taking a bath, we did ‘wash’…… so it was very hot. (laugh) We washed wool in summer… you wouldn’t understand such situations without the experience … We are so thankful for the fully equipped laboratory facility now…the staff who started with it may not understand it, but I want them to know there was such a time.”
< continued >
At the beginning of ‘tamaki niime’, Tamaki got the looms, wove at her own company, and created ‘one item products’.
With Ms Tamaki, Mr Sakai, Mr Chaya and other staff, they started on an adventure to seek the possibility of their own new ‘creation’.
That was when each of them decided to explore unknown territory for ‘tamaki niime’. Their brave, challenging frontier spirit lives on today.
In the series niime “Discovering New Things by Taking Lessons from the Past”: episode of Mr Takanori Chaya
Please look forward to the next episode.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.