niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
niime温故知新 茶谷堯典の巻
“Discovering New Things by Taking Lessons from the Past”
Episode: Mr Takanori Chaya 〈 part 2 〉
Episode: Mr Takanori Chaya 〈 part 2 〉
2023 . 12 . 04
—— 自分がやるしかない。そんな風に切羽詰まった状況になった時に、覚悟を決めて動き出すことで眠っていたチカラが発揮されたり、自分が伸びてゆくと感じる。そんな経験って人それぞれあると思うんですよ。あえておのれに負荷をかけるというか。
—— いったんtamaki niimeを離れるまでは「織」チームにおられたわけですが、現在の茶谷さんの役割としては?
—— 今は「みのる」チームに籍があるんですね。
—— オールラウンダー的な。そこは茶谷さんの取り組み方のスタンスとしても変わってないというか。
—— そっちの方がいい?
—— なるほど。
—— フリーマン的にあちこち観て、ここはこうしようかと自分で…
—— 良かれと思ってやったけど(笑)。
—— では、最近急を要するからと頼まれて手掛けたことと言えば?
—— Labの外でパイプを組まれている姿を見かけたことがあります。
—— 次の日に繰り越さないと。
—— そこは、tamaki niimeが常に動いているということの証でしょうかね。
「そうそう。ほんとそうだと思います。エッ!っというような、“無茶振り”もありますけど、でも、出来ません、という言葉なんてないから。わかりましたと。そろそろ来るかな という予兆があるんですよ。」
—— 何か予感がして(笑)。
—— なるほど。
—— 事細かには指示されないと。
—— そこは大変さも伴うけど充実してるというか。
—— 退屈してる暇はないという(笑)。
—— そこは酒井さんの言うところの“LIVE感”というか。
—— …深いですね。
—— ええ。
「自分で織った『Only One Shawl』を玉木が店内に干してたことがあって、干す位置によって出荷先を分けてたんですよね。僕、それを知らなくて、ガサッとまとめて、外に持ち出して天干しして。その後に、周りのスタッフからここに仕分けしてあったショールどこに行ったの?と訊かれて。エッ!全部一緒ちゃうの??ってなって…。その時、朝早くてまだ玉木は寝てたんですけど、どれがどこの分か分かりますか??って訊いたら、あれはどこそこで…って全部覚えてて。しかもまだ寝ぼけた状態で。そん時、改めて凄ッ! て。普通、そんな瞬時に答えられんわ。。…しかも寝起きっスよ。」
—— この人、寝てても起きてる…みたいな。
玉木に対する大きな敬意を抱きながらスタッフとしてブランドの発展期を支えていた茶谷。ふとした事から口論となり会社を飛び出してしまった行動を悔いていた彼は紆余曲折を経て、3年振りにtamaki niimeに復帰を果たした。そのきっかけとなったのは、かけがえのない存在だった義母の初子さんが突然に旅立って逝ったことだった。
—— ええ。
—— 戻って来れたのは…
—— ……。
ひとことずつ絞り出すように語る茶谷の口元から、亡き義母・初子さんへの、そして玉木・酒井への、tamaki niimeへの想いが滲む。
—— 茶谷さんの想いが伝わってきます。
—— ……あぁ~…。
—— そうですね…。
—— その言葉の中に。肩の荷を降ろしてもらえ、また励ましでもあるような。
—— 愉しんで伸び伸びと茶谷さんがチカラを出してくれたら、という…いろんな意味合いがこもってますよね。とっさに溢れてきたのだろう、その短い言葉に。
—— そこまでの深い想いがあるわけですね。
—— 玉木さんとはいつ頃から?
「僕が22、3で、まだみんなが勝山に住んでた頃です。そうそう、みさきと結婚したいんで挨拶しに行って、初子さんにお会いして。結婚後みさきと札幌に住んでたんですけど、今でも覚えてるのは、僕かみさきのどちらかの誕生日に、昔のtamaki niimeのロゴが入った服をお揃いで送って来てくれたんですよ。スウェットみたいなジャケット。まだ筆記体のロゴでしたね。かれこれ20年近くになりますね。」
tamaki niimeについて、定型を持たずアメーバのように日々変化してゆく組織であると、かつて玉木は「niime百科」の連載が始まった頃に発言していたことを思い出した。
変化・進化を繰り返しつつも、確固たるtamaki niimeの“芯”があることを誰よりも肌感でよく理解している茶谷の語り。
—— ひとつひとつ世の中の常識を検証して自分たちのやり方をイチから新たに構築してゆく。tamaki niimeに出会った頃に私もそんな凄味を感じたんですよ。会社の組織に関しても…。
—— 確かにそうですよね。水面下で。
—— “一点モノ”ということにしてもそうですが、tamaki niimeの方法論を考え抜いた挙句の、“初期設定”が凄いと思います。
—— エッ?!みたいな(笑)。それこそ毎日刺激が…
—— それこそスリルとワクワクですね。日々新たな“出来事”が起こるし、自分もそこに交わっていきたい。そんな気にさせられてしまうというか。
—— 人を巻き込んでいく。…茶谷さんの「tamaki niime論」みたいになってきて、オモシロい(笑)。
「tamaki niimeへの愛は深いです。感謝があるからこそ愛がある。僕はそう思っているんです。」
—— そこには湧き上がる想いがあると。
「そうそう。tamaki niimeが理想的なカタチになるように、最速でそうなるように、何かしらちょっとでも役に立ちたい。それしかないですね。」
〈 continued from part 1 〉
—— I have no choice but to do it myself. When you get into situations at your wits’ end, you decide to move on. By doing so, you feel your sleeping power is unleashed, and you feel you grow. I think everyone has experiences that dare you to place a load on yourself.
“You could probably say that in my case, too. If I had someone who did it for me, there wouldn’t have been myself now. I would have been spoiled and depend on someone. In reverse, I have nothing but gratitude for having been given great opportunities. Otherwise, I can’t give any lectures to young people. Even now I can work well on weaving, and have confidence in it.”
—— Mr Chaya, you were on the ‘Weaving’ team before you temporarily left ‘tamaki niime’. What’s in your role now?
“Just like before, I work flexibly when they have an emergency. I even assembled a place to dry wash items. I did the one at the laboratory on the second floor. Because I used to work constructing scaffolding, I remember that they used to ask me to do anything for an emergency. I worked at ‘Weaving’ mainly, but I worked for any needs all-around, that I haven’t changed much. I just came to belong to ‘Minoru’ team.”
—— You belong to the ‘Minoru’ team now.
“I work for outside jobs a lot, and don’t work inside much, but things I do haven’t changed much.”
—— You work as an all-rounder. That’s your working style, too; you haven’t changed.
“You are right. My jobs haven’t changed. Yeah, I prefer that.”
—— Do you prefer to work like that?
“Rather than having assigned jobs, I like to work freely in an environment, I don’t like to feel constrained.”
—— I see.
“I can work freely. They provide me with such an environment. I feel trusted. But the requests from Tamaki and Sakai are my first priorities, which I sometimes have now. When they ask me, I do as fast as I can even though I am doing other jobs. I don’t change that like before. Because they are all for me.”
—— You watch all over freely and think about fixing it here and there.
“Yeah, I do. I get scolded sometimes for doing too much without asking. Unnecessary things. (laugh)”
—— Even though you did it thinking for goodness. (laugh)
“Yes, I did. They kept it with great care, but I misunderstood that it was trash and called a garbage collector to remove it. What! Do you use it? I threw it away! Something like that…”
—— What have you done recently that you were asked to do urgently?
“I built ‘the house of animals’.”
—— I have seen you fixing pipes outside of the laboratory.
“I went to buy materials right after I was asked. I have the personality that I have to do it immediately on the day I am asked. I was told that I could take more time to do it, but I can’t allow myself to delay. I want to finish the job on that day, because there’s another job I will have tomorrow. I think I have to handle them, that’s why I finish the work during the day. That’s my style. That’s how I am.”
—— You won’t postpone the work to the next day.
“Because we surely have other jobs to come in the next day.”
—— It’s the testimony that ‘tamaki niime’ is actively working, right?
“That’s right. I really think so. They sometimes ask me something crazy, but there’s no answer, like ‘I can’t do it.’ I’d say, ‘I got it,’ instead. I have a feeling that something is will be coming soon.”
—— You feel something. (laugh)
“Yes. Sometimes before the events, feeling it may be coming. Most of the time, my guesses are right. If I have unfinished work, I can’t start working for the job they ask me on that day. I need to finish the work they ask me to do immediately.”
Without asking for many work details, ‘tamaki niime’ lets each staff member work with inspiration, which is the ‘niime’ style.
“They don’t explain about the details of work for 100 percent. Since they just tell me roughly, I try to figure out what I should do, and confirm it to them. I make a plan and confirm if it’s all right or not. If I don’t confirm it, I would have to make twice the effort.”
—— I see.
“I make myself figure out about the work…and then make it begin.”
—— They don’t give you much details.
“Not at all. They usually tell me roughly 20 percent. I surely ask them when I am not sure about my understanding. It’s essential how much I understand the expected ways of Tamaki and Sakai. There are many cases where we see our staff not doing the right things.”
They tell the staff with simple words and images and make the staff handle work with their imagination. Asking for their ability will draw out the staff’s action, which is how to approach them and give them high-quality freedom. Mr Chaya knows from his experiences that it’s difficult but worth doing.
—— It is hard, but you feel so satisfied as well.
“That’s right. I don’t get bored. “
—— There’s no time to get bored. (laugh)
“After all, for humans, ‘There’s no harder thing than boredom’.”
—— That’s the ‘alive feeling’ that Mr Sakai says.
“Yes. I have been learning a lot from them. They observe people well. Their ability to observe is great. I try to be like them every day, but it’s hard. I could mimic them, but can’t get even closer to them.”
—— … That’s deep.
“They always work in their heads. I think they are simply great. I have an interesting episode happened to me before. “
—— Yes?
“Tamaki used to hang her woven product named ‘Only One Shawl’ in the store. They were hung at different places in the store according to different shipping destinations, but I didn’t know that, so I grabbed them all and took them out to dry in the Sun. Other staff came to me and asked, “Where are the separated shawls?” I was panicking because I thought they were all together. At that time, Tamaki was still asleep, but went to ask her if she knew which one to go where. Even though she was still half asleep, she remembered where they go. Wow! She is awesome! Usually, you wouldn’t answer them all instantly. Because she just woke up.”
—— It looks like she is awake while she sleeps.
“I felt she keeps her mind active even while she sleeps.”
Mr Chaya supported ‘tamaki niime’ during its development, having great respect for Tamaki. However, he argued with the little things and left the company. Going through hardship and regretting his actions, he returned to ‘tamaki niime’ in three years. The chance to be back was given through the death of Hatsuko, his precious mother-in-law.
“A little while after Hatsuko passed away, my wife, Misaki, and I knew that Tamaki and Sakai had been thinking and supporting us since we lived with Hatsuko.
—— I see.
“When we lost Hatsuko, whom we depended mentally on, feeling closer to my heart, my brother-in-law Sakai called me suddenly. He said Tamaki asked me to come again. “Do you want to come back?” I quit the company I was working at immediately …… Thankfully, I have this condition now because of Hatsuko.”
—— Why you could come back is …
“Without such an opportunity, I wouldn’t have asked them to let me work again, because I quit in a terrible way. There was no way for me to ask them to work again. Hatsuko looked worried about it after we worked separately, even though she didn’t say anything. She must be feeling very relieved to see me and Misaki back at work here. Every day I report her when I give her incense sticks with my prayer. I am sure she is so relieved.”
—— ….
“They were concerned about us and asked me to come back, that’s why I am here now.”
Mr Chaya, who speaks out his heart, has so much love for Hatsuko, his deceased mother-in-law, Tamaki, Sakai, and ‘tamaki niime’.
“I may be overconfident, but I am highly loyal.”
That’s why he had complicated emotions during those three empty years and at the return time.
—— I can see how Mr Chaya has been feeling.
“Tamaki and Sakai, their existence, are all for me. When I returned here, I told Tamaki I would do my best. But she replied to me, ‘You don’t have to do your best. I will be happy if you enjoy the work here. That’s all.’ I was so impressed with it. She is great.”
—— Yeah….
“If I were her, I absolutely wouldn’t have said it. She’s awesome, a huge hearty person. I was impressed even at 40 years old. Nobody could ever say such a thing.”
—— I see.
“I have never been told such a thing and was nervously preparing myself for what she would say. So I suddenly felt deflated. (laugh) I am confident to work to do things they ask for. I wonder if she said it because of having confidence in me, or avoiding giving me pressure … it may include everything in her word.”
—— In her words, you could take your burden off your shoulders and also be encouraged.
“I have quite a peculiar character and they know it well.”
—— She wishes Mr Chaya enjoys developing his works… which may include many meanings. In her short words, her emotions must have flooded in quickly.
“I am not good at talking, but I am not in my 20’s anymore, so I have to be a person who can support them, such as a company organisation. The staff under them have to consider and build up organisation and relationships. Now the scale of the company is large, and the number of staff is increasing. If Tamaki and Sakai take care of the staff, the company’s growth speed would stop. I can’t make them lose their time.”
—— You have such deep thoughts.
“I have nothing but grateful thoughts to them even before getting in the company. I have known them for a long time.”
He knew them well when he was young and lived in Fukui. Sakai is his brother-in-law, and Tamaki is also like his sister for him.
“Her image is like a super smart older sister.”
—— When did you come to know Ms Tamaki?
“When I was 22 or 23, everyone still lived in Katsuyama. Oh, yeah, I wanted to marry Misaki, so I went to see Hatsuko. After getting married, I lived in Sapporo with Misaki. What I remember is that they sent me an old ‘tamaki niime’ logo matching clothes for either me or Misaki’s birthday. They were sweatshirts like jackets. The logo style was still cursive. It was about 20 years ago.”
Mr Chaya talked about ‘loyalty’, which means his respect for Tamaki and Sakai is the foundation. On the other hand, valuable skills or visible abilities are more favourable in our business and society. There’s a hidden missing essential compared to thinking of people and organisations and trying your best.
“There’s nothing but respect for those two about the company, their visions, actions, and kindness. Everything and their lifestyle are all my longing. I could mimic them, but it’s hard to be. I try to be like them. I hope I can support the lines on Tamaki and Sakai. Because I respect them, I will protect them if something difficult happens. I really do my best.”
I remember what Tamaki mentioned about ‘tamaki niime’ at the beginning of ‘Encyclopedia of niime’; that is, the organisation changes daily like an ameba.
Repeating changes and development, Chaya understands more than anybody else that ‘tamaki niime’ undoubtedly has a core centre.
On the entrance floor of the laboratory, there’s Sakai’s slogan ‘Doubt your common sence’ is written big with a brush.
In the first place, Tamaki was a designer, but she outstretched to operate a power loom, where they outtracked the old common way of Banshu-ori at that point.
“I don’t think there’s a big success if you do something common. You must make something more than standard products to overtake ready-made products. “
They build their way by studying each world’s common ideas. When I met ‘tamaki niime’, I also felt their awesomeness. It’s also about the organisation of the company….
“When they start studying, they severely study. Once they decide to do it, they are so fast, but until then they search and study deeply.”
—— That, indeed, is behind the scenes.
“Now that they have made up their foundation, they feel more at ease.”
—— Talking about ‘one-item products’, ‘their first setting’ is so great after the ‘tamaki niime’ method was devised.
“Their way of thinking is so severe. Other than sleeping, they are always working fully. I even think they are great even though I am with them every day. What?! Are you already thinking of such an idea for the next thing?”
—— Looks like, What?! (laugh) you get energised everyday …
“I am off the top of my head. (laugh) That’s why it’s so much fun.”
—— It’s thrilling and exciting. There are new exciting ‘happenings’ every day, and you want to get involved with them. They make you feel like that.
“They will start a movement.”
—— They get involved with people. That sounds like Chaya’s ‘tamaki niime logic’, which is interesting. (laugh)
“My love for ‘tamaki niime’ is deep. There’s love because of having gratitude for them. I believe so.”
—— You got feelings that welled up.
“That’s right. I want to help ‘tamaki niime’ so they can grow into an ideal style as fast as possible. That’s it.”
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.