niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Encyclopedia of niime 100th anniversary
niime Year In, Year Out 2023-2024
New Year's Eve 'Giant Killing' random discussion
〈 Year In extended version 〉
niime Year In, Year Out 2023-2024
New Year's Eve 'Giant Killing' random discussion
〈 Year In extended version 〉
2024 . 01 . 20
玉木「ドバイに行ってる面白い人たちがいるから、と紹介してもらったんですけど、私たちもショールをはじめ世界中にtamaki niimeの作品を届けたい!との想いがあるので、そのお二人からのドバイに戻るからよかったら一緒に来たら?というお誘いに、行きます!!ってなったの。」
ドバイ在住のKさんと神戸を拠点にドバイとを往き来するOさん。二人は知人を介して昨秋西脇のtamaki niime muraを訪れた。
—— 急展開ですね。さすが話が早い。
—— そんなに激しく想いが下降・上昇したと…。
—— ショールを手土産に意気込んで行ったにも関わらず。
—— う〜ん…。。
玉木「あ、無理やわ。tamaki niimeは日本で頑張ろう、ってゆう初日の夜の反省会だったの。世界は諦めた。二度とドバイへ来ないから、しっかり観光して帰ろなって具合だったのよ、テンション的にね。凹んだまま早朝3時から気球に乗って…。」
—— …ああ~…
—— 意気消沈してると。
—— …そうだったんですね。
—— はい。
—— ドバイのあれもこれもを。
—— 凄まじいですね…。
—— う〜ん…。。
—— それこそ、すごいパッションに溢れたお話だったわけですね。
—— そんなドラマがあったとは…。
玉木「で、無茶元気もらって。「tamaki niimeはやれる。全世界に絶対行ける!!」って背中を押してもらって帰って来たの。だからドバイで、商談自体の結果云々じゃなくて、日本と世界を俯瞰して観れた。」
—— なるほど…
—— それが大事ですよね。
—— 外から手を差し伸べてチカラを注入してもらえる出会いがあったわけですね。
—— そこは酒井さんとしての確信があるわけですよね。
—— ならば、勉強すればよいだけかという…
—— なんてゆうか、太刀打ちできないような“天性のもの”があるとかじゃなくって…
—— 酒井さんは感覚も思考もワープ出来る人ですからね…。
—— …。
玉木「(歌うように)でも、tamaki niimeは今年もっと面白くなるよ、ねッ?また新しいこと始めるから~。」
—— …なんて言うか…この時代、あれもこれも整然と形作られていて、“カオス”が無いってゆうか。
—— 今の世の中、“ワンダーランド”じゃない、ってゆうか?(笑)
—— なんか予想がついちゃう、みたいな。
—— 前々回、アツくなってパンクの話しちゃいましたけど、そんな自分にとって未知の冒険みたいに無我夢中になれるもんが…
—— これから一体どうなるんだろう?わかんねーみたいな、ワクワク感…。
—— はい。
—— どう既成の枠組みから逸脱するか?ハミ出してゆくか…
—— というか、どうやって?と、問う以前に…
—— あ、ひとりでに違う方向行ってた、みたいな。
二人とトークしつつ、私には中1の頃にビートルズを耳にし、“Come on, Come on!”と唄うジョン・レノンの声のチカラ強さと魅力に促されるように洋楽に夢中になっていった経験もまた、想い出されて来た。
—— ジョン・レノンからの誘い声にワクワクとついて行ったという。
玉木「そうゆうことでしょ? 結局。愉しそうやなって。そんなもんや。」
—— 大衆的であり実験的。そんな在り方は、tamaki niimeにも相通じるものを感じるんですよ。広く影響を与えて人々を巻き込んでゆく。
—— これからの時代、いっそうアートが重要になるかなと思うんですよ。
—— AIだって絵を描いたりアート制作をやるわけですけど、そうゆう、過去のデータから導き出すとかじゃなくて…
—— 横尾さんは大きなキャンバスに毎日のように絵を描いて自分のことをまるで「アスリート」って言ってますよね。
「アール・ブリュット art brut」とは「生の芸術」を意味するフランス語で、画家ジャン・デュビュッフェによって1945年に提唱された。「アウトサイダー・アート」とも呼ばれる。
スイスのローザンヌにはデュビュッフェの蒐集した作品を元にした「アール・ブリュット・ コレクション」の美術館がある。
—— ほんと自由ですよね。
—— やっぱり自分を解放することなんでしょうね。
—— 皆んなもっとハメ外せばいいと。
—— 何かこう、計算なく、予測不能に突発的なことをやった方がいいのかも。
—— 予定調和はつまらない。
酒井「ほんと退屈っスよ。だからtamaki niimeは世の中の“不協和音”で居続けたいなと思いますね。」
—— ありきたりではない、異質な音を奏でる…だけどこっちは調和なんだよ、みたいな。
—— いやぁ、本質的な話になりましたね…。
—— いちおう聞いとこう…。今年はどんな年になりそうですか?
—— niime村に新しい生命を迎え入れて。
ありのままの、ものごとの本質をいっそう深く見据えながら、2024年に踏み出した玉木& 酒井、そして「ネイチャーブランド」tamaki niime。
いま様々に同時進行中のniimeプロジェクト、新たな“航海”の先に一体どんな展開が待っているのか?今年も高鳴る期待を胸に、心踊らせながら、tamaki niiimeに伴走してゆきたい。そんな風に思った。
- Tamaki
- We were introduced to interesting people who had been living in Dubai. They invited me to go to Dubai with them when they went home from Japan. We wanted to expand the reach of our ‘tamaki niime’ products, such as shawls, worldwide, so I decided to go with them.
Ms K, who lives in Dubai, and Ms O, who goes back and forth between Kobe and Dubai, whom we met through familiar friends. They visited tamaki niime village in Nishiwaki last fall.
- Tamaki
- They wanted to see it and came. They were very impressed with our business. They thought we needed to spread our business to the world, saying, “Let’s make a plan to go to Dubai together!” So, I went to Dubai on business with Ms Ae to see if our shawls would be accepted worldwide.
—— Wow! That’s a quick move! Just as expected, you go on immediately.
- Tamaki
- What happened in Dubai was…I felt like I fell to the bottom of the earth once…but I came back to the sky mentally the next day.
—— You felt up and down dramatically…
Dubai is the central city of the Dubai Emirate, United Arab Emirates, facing the Persian Gulf in the Arabian Peninsula. It was opened as a transit trading port in the 19th century. After the 20th century, they built skyscrapers and colossal shopping malls one after another. Today, they have been dramatically developing as the Middle East’s leading global city, a significant financial distribution centre, and a tourist city.
- Tamaki
- I actually did go negotiating for business with our products. Even though two Japanese ladies supported us a lot, the Turkish rug industry tops their partners, whom they explained to us in advance. We felt they had little interest in us. We were told that they would be absolutely positive because they are people from a pro-Japanese country, though.
—— Despite going there with much enthusiasm with shawls for their souvenirs…
- Tamaki
- Yeah, I had a similar experience in Europe a few years ago when I went there. We have completed manufacturing products in our company in Japan, which is a unique approach in Japan, and it’s excellent for Japanese people. Still, it has already been done in other countries. In Turkey, they don’t have global brand products that they created, but they have raw materials and already have skills. So they have everything they need to make; if they want to make them, they can do it. They have goats and organic cotton as well. They have no problem with spinning and weaving.
—— Ummm.
- Tamaki
- We are proud of our work because it’s a unique approach in Japan but not in other countries.
- Sakai
- You felt devastated.
- Tamaki
- We thought it’d be impossible. On the first night there, we talked about doing our best on the ‘tamaki niime’ business only in Japan and giving up doing it worldwide. We felt like we wouldn’t return to Dubai again, so let us go home and enjoy sightseeing. Feeling depressed, we rode a balloon at 3 AM.
—— …Oh…no
- Tamaki
- And after all, Ms O, who invited us to Dubai, felt something strange about us when we returned from breakfast, comparing us to those who looked excited yesterday.
—— You looked so depressed.
- Tamaki
- She asked us what was wrong with us (if something happened)? We told her that we didn’t feel like riding on camels even though it was scheduled that day, but instead needed to talk about whether our business would be successful in Dubai. So on that day, we cancelled sightseeing. To get to know Dubai, we observed shopping malls with Ms O instead, seeing what kind of people there were.
—— … Oh, I see.
- Tamaki
- After all, they encouraged us that night.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- They told us what happened in Dubai in the last 18 years, how they have developed so much, and what would happen in the future…they told us everything.
—— All about Dubai.
- Tamaki
- Dubai is the world’s most cutting edge. Their technology is more advanced than Tokyo’s. They made it more modern than New York or London within 18 years. With the ambition of the king of the United Arab Emirates, who wanted this desert land to be a lively city, starting from nothing, decisive top officials went out to do business themselves and called to get effective workers. Every year, they announced they would make the world’s number one item, the tallest skyscraper or the most prominent water fountain, which were used as set pieces in the movie Mission Impossible (Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol). They had done everything to get to where they are now. However, they were still on the way to develop. They have a plan to urbanize the desert to an area twice the size of existing megacities they have, which was progressing at a rapid pace, and surprisingly, they were not trying to do it by themselves, giving benefits to blue-class workers and the wealthy class and calling in immigrants… After reaching out to get such ideas, they have made up the megacities today.
—— Amazing …
- Tamaki
- So they told us we could make it if we tried!
—— Umm.
- Tamaki
- They strongly told us, “Look at Japan, which has kept itself and continuously exists without being invaded. It must be only Japan if you search for such a country in the world. Their own culture has been transmitted from generation to generation. Banshu ori has continuously been woven for over 230 years, which traces its roots of Nishijin ori with 1200 years of history. That is about the same age as the United States of America. Be proud of being Japanese.” We answered, “That’s right…”
Starting a business selling Japanese electric home appliances in Dubai, Ms K established her business and patiently built a foundation in the local area while doing steady networking and making success in real estate. During those times, her business suffered much damage from the Lehman Shock, the disaster of the Tohoku earthquake, and the COVID pandemic, but she overcame it each time.
With her words of fighting spirit over her experiences, Tamaki and Ms Ae were encouraged.
- Tamaki
- They scolded us, saying, “It would be all right. Go for it!”
—— Wow, it was a very passionate talk.
- Tamaki
- Yes, it was! They told us that we are doing fantastic work. I told them that we were depressed when we compared ourselves with what the Turkish people were doing, and they said we shouldn’t feel like that.
—— Wow, I never knew you had such an experience …
- Tamaki
- And we became so happy. They made us feel that ‘tamaki niime’ can go forward. We can go to the world!! They encouraged us, and we came home with confidence. It did not matter if we made business deals; we could see Japan and the world from a bird’ s-eye view.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- I recognized Japan’s good aspects, and many experiences made me think I was lucky to be Japanese. Many Japanese people hang on to their work overseas, and we can get help from them…we were able to build a strong bond with them.
—— That’s important.
- Tamaki
- Last year, I wished to have that. I felt limited to working only domestically.
—— You had a chance to meet the people outside who gave you help and strength, right?
- Tamaki
- Not only the people in Dubai but also the property owner of our new shop in Kamakura and their staff, who are all in their 50s, encouraged us, telling us, “Hang on! You are going in the right direction.”
- Sakai
- Everyone tells us that.
- Tamaki
- Everyone helps us and thanks us.
- Sakai
- But…
- Tamaki
- …what is it??
- Sakai
- Even though Tamaki had such an experience in Dubai, I have believed in myself, not giving up or giving in to anyone now or in the future, even in the world.
—— Mr Sakai, you are so sure about it.
- Sakai
- Yes, I am. As I mentioned in the early days of the ‘Encyclopedia of niime’, I went to England long ago and met the top creators there. Before I met them, I believed creation was supposed to be inspired by heaven. But I saw them studying a lot. I was surprised at how easy it is to become a creator. I thought I could reach their position soon.
—— All you need to do is study…
- Sakai
- That’s right. They are just making efforts.
- Tamaki
- I thought they were getting information but not creating new ideas.
—— How can I say? It’s not a ‘heavenly thing’ that you can’t compete…
- Sakai
- Their creations are at the acquired level. When I knew it, I thought I could win. I depend on more of my senses.
- Tamaki
- He thought they don’t need to be inspired.
- Sakai
- What the!?? I thought that was nothing.
—— Mr. Sakai is a person who can warp in senses and thinking.…
- Tamaki
- Hehe. (laugh)
- Sakai
- I always look for various marketing information and catch and look at them, but I am not impressed with anything.
—— ….
- Sakai
- I could see the mechanism in most cases, which have such and such purposes with so-on-so devices linking to here and there…mostly, there are such business strategies anywhere worldwide, and some people on the business strategies…I could see through such flow.
- Tamaki
- We can see through shallow flow.
- Sakai
- It is thinner than a piece of tissue paper.
- Tamaki
- (like singing) But, we will become more interesting this year, right? Because we will start doing new things.
—— What can I say?…nowadays, everything is well-constructed, which has no ‘chaos’.
- Sakai
- Right!
—— There’s no ‘Wonderland’ in this world? (laugh)
- Sakai
- That’s right, that’s right! No wonderlands. That’s true.
—— It’s all predictable.
- Tamaki
- We can say it with television as well. It’s not interesting because we can see it. We know how they try to sell it.
—— The interview two episodes ago, I was getting excited and talked about punk music, but I don’t have anything I am completely absorbed in, like future adventures …
- Tamaki
- … There’s none!
- Sakai
- Don’t you think??
—— There’s no excitement like you don’t know what will happen in the future.
- Sakai
- That’s right. No unpredictable things.
- Tamaki
- Because you don’t know it, you are curious, right? It’s not fun to know all the answers easily.
- Sakai
- That’s right. However, nowadays, we can see things through quickly, which could be more enjoyable. Like, we see how the world works.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- Considering that, how are we doing? Just like punks, we try to be different from others.
—— How do you get out of the regular framework? Sticking out another way…
- Sakai
- That’s right, that’s right.
—— I mean, before asking how you do…
- Tamaki
- We are different.
—— Without planning, it looks like we went in a different direction.
- Sakai
- You are right.
- Tamaki
- We wonder why they don’t come our way. For us, we think our way is the main one. What?! Why are they going that way? Ours are more fun.
- Sakai
- Yeah, our way is more interesting, right?
- Tamaki
- Absolutely.
While talking to them, I remembered my 7th-grade days when I listened to the Beatles, John Lennon singing “Come On, Come On!” I was attracted by the strength of his singing voice and charm, which caused me to be obsessed with Western music.
—— I excitedly followed the invitation of his voice.
- Tamaki
- That’s how it goes, after all. You just thought it looked fun. The thing is, how does it work like that?
In the 1960s, The Beatles captivated young people worldwide for their catchy and attractive hit songs with lively beats, one after another.
In my case, reliving those days, I was also very impressed with their growth. They repeatedly made music experiments and released groundbreaking music one after another, even though they had easy and friendly music, as their fans of the late ’60s also grew up with them.
—— They are popular but experimental. I feel that there’s such a style in ‘tamaki niime’. It influences people widely and gets them involved with others.
- Tamaki
- I wonder if it would be possible. I hope the time changes, and then it becomes interesting.
- Sakai
- Yeah, I hope we can make it happen.
—— In the future, art will become more essential.
- Sakai
- That’s right. I really think so.
—— Even Al draws pictures and makes art, which draws data from the past. That’s not what I want.
- Tamaki
- Just do it without thinking. Mr Yokoo said that drawing is physical work.
—— He draws pictures on a big canvas daily and calls himself an athlete.
- Sakai
- In that sense, I had a great experience. I went to the Museum of Fine Arts of Lausanne in Switzerland and saw ‘Art Brut’, which was a great deal for me.
In 1945, the artist Jean Dubuffet proposed ‘Art Brut’, which means ‘raw art’ in French. It is also called ‘outsider art’. It has creative activities by disabled people and arts by non-art educators.
It is recognized as an art expression uninfluenced by existing art trends. Without being influenced by tradition, trends, or education, they express the pure impulse welling up from within themselves.
In Lausanne, Switzerland, there’s an art museum called the ‘Art Brut Collection’, which is based on collecting interesting art by Dubuffet.
- Sakai
- Without Avant-garde or any reason, those arts are welled up from humanity in the truest sense. There’s no…
- Tamaki
- No calculations!
- Sakai
- That’s right. They go beyond such boundaries.
- Tamaki
- How wonderful!
—— They are free.
- Sakai
- Absolutely. I met so-called ‘business’ people in England, after that …
- Tamaki
- You felt like they were nothing!
- Sakai
- Yeah, after I saw Art Brut, I felt genuine, meaningful humanity, which was a great deal for me.
—— Releasing yourself is essential, I think.
- Sakai
- That’s right. It’s no good if you can’t release yourself. Punk music is the same thing, which is also releasing yourself.
Shake off the limiter. You don’t set limits or stop your creativity.
I have always received such messages and positive waves from Tamaki and Sakai.
- Sakai
- Yeah, because there’s no limits to mental speed.
- Tamaki
- No, none.
- Sakai
- That’s right. We get on the highway and more.
—— You want everyone to cut loose.
- Sakai
- Right, right, right (laugh). Why does everyone not remove the break?
- Tamaki
- There’s no rule that it has to be this way.
- Sakai
- Everyone has to remove restrictions. What a waste!
—— It must be good to do something unpredictable suddenly without calculating.
- Tamaki
- I think it’s a good idea.
- Sakai
- It is good if something you do turns out to be interesting.
- Tamaki
- As a result.
—— It’s not interesting if you plan and adjust to be good.
- Sakai
- That’s really boring. So I want ‘tamaki niime’ to be an uncooperative chord forever.
—— It’s unusual, playing a strange sound, but it’s harmonious for us.
- Sakai
- That’s right. It makes sense.
—— Wow, we had an essential talk.
- Tamaki
- We had a good talk.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— Let me ask you…what kind of year will this be?
- Sakai
- I hope to improve my five senses and become sophisticated this year. It’s not only us; it includes all the staff.
- Tamaki
- (muttering quietly) I became a grandma again.
- Sakai
- What? What do you mean by ‘grandma’?
- Tamaki
- A baby boom arrived in us last year. In niime village, we had seven babies. We have a good flow in that they bring their babies, and everyone takes care of raising them. I hope we can do good work on ‘living’.
—— You welcome new lives in niime village.
- Tamaki
- A year ago, Hatsuko passed away. It’s about time for us to think about caring for our parents’ generation or staff’s parents, who may be still too young, as our family in the future. Therefore, I want to deeply think about ‘a way of dying’ through ‘living’.
- Sakai
- Living and dying are two sides of the same coin.
Looking deeper into the essence of the things, Tamaki, Sakai and the nature brand ‘tamaki niime’ have started stepping in 2024.
In the current world, rapid changes like the Rise of AI, the Forces of Nature, and fights between nations can be complex, but people work on creation while sharpening their five senses and keeping the spirit of enjoying all they do every day.
They are working on various niime projects at the same time now. I’d like to know what kind of development awaits after the voyage. With much excitement, I want to run chasing them excitedly this year.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.