niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
'Going back to the beginning.'
2018 . 09 . 15
― 例えば「ふたつ会」にしても、こちらの予想の範疇を超える仕掛けは必ず用意してあって、そこには鈍化なんて全く感じ無いし、相変わらず楽しませて頂いてるんですけど。
― tamaki niimeとしての、スタッフの皆さん含めてのポテンシャルを爆発させるような仕掛けを考えようと?
― スタッフが増え組織が大きくなる中でいつの間にか目に見えない縛りのようなものが生じ、現状を維持してゆく事に考えが傾きがちになるところで、玉木さんの意識の「覚醒」が起こったわけですね。
玉木「中途半端やったらアカン、って事がわかったから、今一度ショールを生み出した時のあの時の初心に帰って、スタッフ教育もそうだし、自分自身に関しても、ここ何年間のうちに気づきはあるんですよ、こうしたいああしたいと。でもそれに対しての反対勢力的なのもあって。例えばウチで使う洗剤を化学系にするのか天然系にするのか、というところも環境の事を考えたら天然系なんですけど、最初はモノづくりの一環で柔らかいモノを創りたいというところからとにかくスタートしてるから、そっちばっかり気にしちゃって購入後も作品の表情が変わらないモノにしたいと思って、洗剤も普通にその辺のスーパーで買えるような洗剤にしてたんですね。その時はその方がお客様にとっても良いと思ってたし。ただ実際やり始めてみるとやっぱり市販のメジャーな洗剤じゃない方が良いんだというところもわかってきて、じゃあそっちにシフトしようってなった時に、色んな価格面とかも踏まえて実験もして比べた結果、柔らかさが足りないっていう事で、やっぱりガシガシやからtamaki niimeとして出すべきじゃない、というところに落ち着いたんですよ。」
― 天然系洗剤を試したところ、使わないでおこうとなった、と。
玉木「それは私たちの知識も足りなかったし、わかってなかったというところも含めてだと思うんですけど、その時点では既存の洗剤を使った方が抜群に柔らかいから、tamaki niimeの柔らかさというのは表現出来るから、変えるのはやめましょう、というところで終わっちゃったんですよね。また機会があったら今度、ってなったんですけど。でも結局、仕方ないか、で終わってる感じなんですよね。もっと突き詰めていれば出来たとも思うけど、でもそのまま逃げちゃったな、というのがあったりとか。」
― 追求半ば、課題として残ったというか。
玉木「ウールを使わないってことにしても、別に今すぐ使わない、明日から止めるって言ってるわけじゃないけど、やっぱり私が動物性のものを食べないからには、動物性のモノはtamaki niimeのブランドとしては使いたくないってゆうところを、皆んなに言ったけど大反対にあって。やっぱりウールもして行きましょう、もちろんそれはいつかはやめたいというのは今でもあるし、やめるための努力はしてるけど、緩かったなとは思った。まあ仕方ないかな、ウールがいいって言って下さるお客様がいるから、そこを否定するのは良くないなってゆうのでそこもちょっと自分の中で逃げたなと。だからその時その時に学んだことでtamaki niimeらしさとは何か、世の中の他のブランドとはどう差別化するのか、今後どう歩んでゆくのか考えた時に、あ、そこを貫かないから駄目なんだ!と思って。その辺はスタッフに相談して、貫きたいってゆうお願いをして、その為に学びに行かなきゃいけないんだったら、学びに行って来たらいいし、更に掘り下げてそれでも駄目な時は考えるけど、今まだうわべの事しか見てないし、世の中がこうだからこうだよねってゆう感じで終わっちゃったら、それは中途半端なブランドになっちゃうから、もっとひとつひとつのことを…真剣に、突き詰めていく必要があるってゆうのを今ひしひしと感じてる。」
― tamaki niimeが成長してゆく過程で、色々ある潜在的な可能性のうちで、課題として置きっ放しになっているものがちょっとずつ増えて来てるという感じでしょうか。
― シンドイ道なのかもしれないけど、課題をスタッフと共有しクリアしてゆく事でグッとチームとして成長する、そんなイメージを…
玉木「そうなって初めて、ホントに世界中からウチに遊びに来て欲しいと思えるブランドになると。世界中でもtamaki niimeにしかないというか。tamaki niimeはtamaki niimeでしか在りえないってゆうところをしっかりと、やんわりとした感じじゃなくて、具体的にきっちりと表明するというか。「ざっくばらん会」の時にも感じた事だけど、わざわざお客様にこちらに来て観て頂いて伝える事が出来るというのはウチならではの強みだと思うので。うわべじゃなくて、考え方・中身からこうしたいというヴィジョンも、ちゃんとスタッフ皆んなでしっかり伝えていくことで、地球がきれいになることにも繋がっていくだろうし。自分たちが出来ることをしっかりと信念を持ってやっていかなきゃいけない。ただモノを作って売るという消費活動に留まる必要はないんだから。そこにしっかり意義を持たせる為にも、自分たちは何のためにモノづくりをして、なぜこうゆうことをやっていくのか?という事をもちろんトップとしては皆に伝えて導いていかなきゃいけないけど、皆んながスタッフ全員がそのモチベーションを共に持って、自分たちで創造し可能性を模索するっていうチームに編成し直さなきゃ、ってなったんやな?」
tamaki niimeの、ブランドとしての、真に価値ある在り方とは?
The “Zakkubaran-kai (open discussion)” was held on September 2. There, they invited the “Unagi no Nedoko (Eel’s bed)” staff from Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture to work on solving local issues through creation. Tamaki was so caught up in her ambitions; she didn’t give herself time to engage with the people from Kyushu and their clear vision. Tamaki says that an “awakening” happened within her that night after the fulfilling event. Getting back to the roots. We listened carefully as she reflected upon the “awareness” she gained at the time, including about her position of manager.
- Tamaki
- I was sharp, wasn’t I, at the beginning? Not only anti-fashion but also anti-world momentum. Damn it, I’ll change it! That’s how I started with a lot of motivation, so I rarely listened to other people. We had the momentum because we continued to do what we thought was good without compromising. Still, as the number of people increased, we started asking for opinions from everyone, which is called “common sense.” The information came in like a storm. Even if I thought something was exciting and it was so cool, I started wondering if it was normal or not. Opinions like this have become very close to me. So, I thought I had compromised my beliefs. I knew that was the cause of slowing down our growth.
—— Don’t get caught up in ‘common sense’. First, try continuously pursuing your own ideas. If you feel there are possibilities, pursue your ideas to the end. It is the Tamaki creed. As staff increases, she listens to them, absorbing everyone’s opinions, but does that mean she unknowingly saved her attitude of herself?
- Tamaki
- Before that, we wouldn’t talk to anyone other than Sakai, and when we were making things ourselves, we would create new things that the world couldn’t really do or that only we could do! Because I was doing it with a fighting spirit, I thought it was good not to ask people’s opinions, and if I had to listen to their opinions I felt it was because of friendship. So my mind wasn’t sharp, and I thought that our company didn’t grow well because the tip was rounded. Even in manufacturing, efficiency has been improved, and the things that can be created are expanding. Of course, the brand is growing, but it is not the rapid growth that I envision, and I did not understand the cause. “I was the reason!” So it will be interesting from now on. I noticed.
- Sakai
- We have a staff member who has orange hear, so I proposed to put her in the shop. However, the other staff didn’t like it because she didn’t suit our style. They also said the customer would not have a good impression of us. When I heard that, I didn’t understand. Firstly, aside from fashion or customers, do we need to categorise in a place where we can express ourselves freely? I don’t care. I think that is one of the reasons why Tamaki said that we are slowing down.
- Tamaki
- Because it’s a group action. We’re not the only ones here, so motivation and the craziness of the site are also important.
- Sakai
- Yeah, we should be crazier. Everyone should be.
- Tamaki
- I don’t care how other people look at us. It’s important how we want to proceed. So, as a manager, I really regret that.
—— For example, even in the “Futatsu-kai”, there are always things that exceed our expectations. I don’t feel any slow down there, and I’m still entertained.
- Tamaki
- Still, it shouldn’t be like this.
—— Are you thinking of a surprise to accelerate the potential of tamaki niime, including the staff?
- Tamaki
- It wasn’t good because it sold halfway. I mean I was on the defence. I felt that I had to protect it. When there were only two of us, we were doing it with such momentum that we could go bankrupt at any time.
- Sakai
- Yeah, the result was because of our rampage.
- Tamaki
- The numbers came with it.
- Sakai
- Yeah, I felt the numbers came, but without pride in ourselves.
- Tamaki
- I felt like we were going to do something interesting again!
- Sakai
- Oh yeah, I kept on trying, or I kept exploring. Well, the staff had to maintain the current sales on the site. In that situation, for example, don’t put an orange-haired person in that position. Isn’t that like a school rule?
- Tamaki
- I felt like it’s a “government office”. I thought it would be awkward if I followed the “common sense”.
—— As the number of staff increases and the organisation grows, something like an invisible bond occurs before you realise it. When you tend to think about maintaining the status quo, Ms Tamaki’s “consciousness” awakened.
- Tamaki
- I realised that if I only went halfway, it wasn’t good enough. So I went back to the beginning to when I created the shawl, and so did the staff education. And I’ve noticed myself in the last few years that I want to do this and do that, but there is also opposition to it. For example, if you think about the environment, whether the detergent used in my house is chemical or natural type. It should be a natural type, but at first, I started from the point of wanting to create soft things as part of creations, so I just care about that and want to make the creation look the same even after purchase. So the detergent I used was detergent that you usually buy at the supermarket there. At that time, I thought it would be better for the customer. However, when I actually started doing it, I realised that it was better not to use a major brand detergent, so when I decided to shift, I also experimented and compared the results based on various price. Because of the lack of softness, I settled on the fact that it shouldn’t be released as tamaki niime from a detergent.
—— So after you tried a natural detergent, you decided not to use it.
- Tamaki
- I think that’s because we didn’t understand enough and didn’t grasp it, however, right then, it was much softer using the existing detergent. Because we could express the softness of tamaki niime products, we ended up saying that we should stop changing. If we had another chance, we would try again. That’s what we thought. But in the end, I felt like it can’t be helped. I think I could have done it if I had done more, but I just ran away. “
—— So is it still an issue you left open in the middle of pursuing it?
- Tamaki
- Even if I don’t use wool, I’m not saying that I won’t use it right now or stop using it from tomorrow, but since I don’t eat animal products, animal products are in tamaki niime products. I told everyone that I didn’t want to use animal products as a brand, and I was against it. Let’s go with wool, of course, I still want to stop it someday, and I’m trying to stop. I’m doing it, but I thought it was warm. Well, some customers say that wool is good, so it’s not fair to deny that, so I ran away for a while. So, when I thought about what tamaki niime is about by what I learned then, on how to differentiate from other global brands, and how to proceed in the future, oh, I can’t go through that. I wondered what it was! I consulted with the staff about that area, asked if they wanted to stick with it. If I had to go to learn from that, I should go and learn more about it and dig deeper. I think when it still doesn’t work, but I’m always looking at only superficial things, and if the world ends up like this because it’s like this, it will become a half-finished brand, so I’ll do more about it one step at a time…seriously, and now I feel that I need to dig deeper.
—— In the process of tamaki niime’s growth, do you feel that among the various potentialities, the ones that are left unattended are issues that are gradually increasing?
- Tamaki
- Yes. It means that I gave up, just leaving it alone. When we were two of us, we never left it alone?
- Sakai
- No.
- Tamaki
- That’s it. I only thought about the thing. I’ll do it thoroughly, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll move on to the next stage. Without understanding, it’s best to end it with something, but I’ve done it. I think that’s because I’m not creating directly, so I have to make the staff understand it correctly, and I believe that the staff will also need that motivation. In that sense…innovation? Revolution?
- Sakai
- Revolution.
- Tamaki
- It’s time to say goodbye to my loose self. I want to go back to the beginning. I decided to do so.
—— It may be a difficult path, but by sharing the issues with the staff and clearing them, you can grow as a team. I can imagine…
- Tamaki
- If so, for the first time, it will become a brand that I really want people from all over the world to come to visit us. It seems that there is only tamaki niime in the world. tamaki niime can only exist as tamaki niime. It’s not a gentle feeling, but a concrete and precise statement. As I felt at the “Zakkubaran-kai (open discussion)”, it’s possible for customers to come to see and tell all. I think it’s one of our strengths. The vision of wanting to do this through a process of thinking and content, rather than appearance, will be connected to a clean environment by proper communication with our staff. We must do what we can with a firm resolve. You don’t have to remain in the consumer concept of making and selling. What are we doing, and why are we doing this to make it meaningful? Of course, as a top manager, I have to explain it to everyone, but I have to reorganise it into an idea that gives motivation to the staff to explore the possibilities to create. That’s the conclusion, right?
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— What is the truly valuable path of tamaki niime as a brand? Tamaki and Sakai’s determination to create a path for the future by sharing their motivation with the staff, coupled with a stoic feeling without compromise or deception. At the same time, having the same sense of excitement and enjoyment, with the two swayings, I felt that I had touched the missing “core” again.
Next time, we will continue to talk about the “awakening” that she gained through the “Zakubaran-kai”, touching on the “Unagi no nedoko”.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.