niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
The beginning of a new cycle
2018 . 10 . 01
福岡の八女市を中心に、九州ちくごのモノづくりを伝えるべく活動する「うなぎの寝床」のメンバーをここ「日本のへそ」にあるtamaki niimeのshop&labに迎えてのトークセッション「ざっくばらん会」。玉木が感じた、自分と志を同じくする人たちが九州にいるという共生感。ありのままを語り合う、顧客も招き入れての寛ぎに満ちたイベントは、心弾む交感のひと時となり、玉木の覚醒の呼び水となった。
― あらゆる点でモノづくりを突き詰めて行くというのは実に面倒くさい事でもあると思うんです。淡々とモノづくりをこなしていれば、という意識に傾きがちではと思うんですが。
玉木「それで私の中で、tamaki niimeのブランドってゆうのがグチャッとしてきたみたいな。意識を緩めちゃった事で、あっても無くてもいい様な。“Lab”と名付けたからには、それをやることで世の中が良くなるというようなことを実験していきたいんだけど、でもやっぱり売り上げを取らなきゃいけないから仕方ないよね、とか、そこは妥協しなきゃね、とかいうのをやめる事にしました。」
― はい。
― 課題を明確にして、それを皆んなで共有して、いつまでにという期限を設けて、と。
― 取り組みにしても、いわゆる「地球にやさしい」という様な耳触りの良いキャッチコピー、軽いイメージ的なものを唱えるのじゃなくて、具体的にこうやります、という打ち出しを考えているように思えます。
― …なるほど。もう騙すのはやめろよ、という話ですね。
― 対人がフラットなんですよね。
― フロンティア、道を創る人ですもんね。
― なるほど。
― 白水さんのお話を聞いて、やるべき事が明確に整理されてる方だなと。すごく分かり易かったです。
― tamaki niimeを単なるファッション・ブランドだと思ってたら全然違いますよね。
― 九州で頑張っている人たちがいるんだ、と。
― そうなんですか。
― アプローチ的には玉木さんと違う。
― なるほど、アプローチはそれぞれ違えど、目指す理想を共有出来ると。
玉木「これまでなかなか出会えなかった、そういう人たちが育っているという事に嬉しさを感じた。出会いも縁だなと。私ずっと引きこもってたから外へ出なかったじゃないですか?一切プロモーションに行きたくないと言ってて。去年くらいからもうちょっとtamaki niimeのあり方を考えるためにも、可能性を探るためにも、自らが出る用事を作ったんですけど、たまたま2回出た東京出張で2回とも、「うなぎの寝床」の営業スタッフの方に出くわしたんですよね。」
― それは縁ですね。
― 出る人、出ない人っていう対比が面白い切り口でした。
― 僕たちは産地に居たいから九州からお呼びが掛かっても播州から出ませんという、あのイベントの案内の文面に表れたキッパリ感が凄くて。地の人間でも言わないというか。そこにプライドが滲んでるじゃないですか。
― その考え方っていうのはtamaki niimeとしてずっと一貫してて、私たち元々の地元の人間も見習うべきところだと思うんです。もっと人を呼び込む工夫をしなければと。
― そうですね、そこが凄いと感じます。そこも、凄い。
― あの日「ざっくばらん会」を催して。
― 良いですね、アナログ(笑)。
― また目が輝いてきましたね。やっぱりtamaki niimeのコアな部分をどんどん出して行くと。
― サイクルが一巡したって感じですかね。
暴れ放題やって独創的なショールを産み出し、その結果顧客が増えスタッフが集まった。tamaki niimeがブランドとして成長する過程でこれまで試みてきた事、起こってきた出来事すべてが糧になり、知らぬうちに再び“暴れまわる”ための新たな舞台は整い始め、そして玉木の覚醒を待っていた、という事なのかもしれない。九州からはるばると招いた“同志”「うなぎの寝床」スタッフと想いを共有した時間が玉木のスイッチを入れる役割を果たした。
2巡めに突入したtamaki niimeが何を企み、これから何をしでかすのか?ますます目が離せない。
Regularly pondering the significance of creation, they continue to explore their potential and the relationship with the world moving forward. It will also be a thorny journey that requires enormous effort. The “Zakkubaran-kai (open discussion)” was held in the Shop & Lab of tamaki niime in the “Navel of Japan” to invite the members of “Unagi no Nedoko”, who work mainly in Yame City, Fukuoka to convey the creation of Kyushu Chikugo. Tamaki felt a symbiotic spirit between the people in Kyushu, who have similar aspirations as herself. The event, held in a relaxed atmosphere open to customers; considered their own nature; enkindled a moment of sympathy and touching upon Tamaki’s own awakening.
〈 continued from the first half 〉
—— I think it’s really troublesome to pursue creation in every respect. I think people tend to be conscious that they should be able to make things straightforwardly.
- Tamaki
- That’s why I started feeling like the tamaki niime brand has become a mess. It seems that it doesn’t matter if it’s there or not because I’ve relaxed my awareness ever since I named it the “Lab”. I’d like to experiment with things that will improve the world through our products, but I have to stop doing things that compromise my beliefs just because it’s easier to make sales.
—— Yes.
- Tamaki
- Of course, you can’t change right away, so let’s set a goal and decide when and how to get this result, or when to think about this and how to do it.
—— Clarify the issues, share them with the staff, and set a deadline, right?
- Tamaki
- Yes, precisely.
—— Even if you are working towards that, it seems that you are thinking of launching something that is concrete, rather than chanting a catchphrase that feels good to the ear, such as so-called “earth-friendly”, or something that has a lighter image.
- Tamaki
- A clear launch. I don’t want to do something better for the earth, but this will make it better.
- Sakai
- I was thinking that initially when I saw the news and commercials, various things related to politics have been soft on. Recently, the truth has shared on Facebook and some other media, but most of the press is still lying. After all, I think it’s okay if there are pros and cons, which astonish the world astonished by being sincere whether or not it’s true, and the correct discussion will be born again. Anyway, I don’t want unclear expressions, and I hate a world where the truth is candy coated.
—— …I see. You mean no more deceit, right?
- Sakai
- That’s right. Something really right or exciting will be born from that kind of discussion.
- Tamaki
- So far, Mr Shiramizu from “Unagi no Nedoko” has similar feelings. I didn’t talk about the details, though, when I was spending that time and space together, but it triggered an awakening in my thoughts. A long time ago, when Sakai and I had our awakening and decided to create shawls, I had never met a person like Mr Shiramizu. We were so lonely while doing the job. Of course, I believed it was the correct way, but why doesn’t anyone understand it? Even though I’m doing such an exciting thing, I’ve always had this dilemma. (To Sakai) It’s been around for a long time, hasn’t it? Why is there no one who can speak on the same wavelength and do the same thing? Even if it’s not exactly the same thing or the style is different, I’ve never met people who say that they have the same motivations, and I always talked to Sakai that everyone makes us bored to death.
- Sakai
- Even though we have a sense of camaraderie with others, there is no such thing as being older or respecting celebrities in the first place.
- Tamaki
- I have. You might not have. (bitter smile)
- Sakai
- It’s not like I don’t respect anyone.
- Tamaki
- You’re observing how you live?
—— You have a flat relationship.
- Sakai
- Yeah, yeah, in a sense, it’s flat.
- Tamaki
- I understand what you mean. (laugh)
- Sakai
- So, in a sense, I don’t have anything that can be used as an index.
- Tamaki
- When I was asked who my master was, I said I had no one.
—— A pioneer, creating the road as you go along.
- Tamaki
- If you like a particular brand, you should get a job there. If there is nothing you want, I think you will try to create one on your own. Mr Shiramizu is younger than me. I think it made me happy to catch a glimpse of the idea that younger people who are so motivated are also growing up and are dispersed into various areas of work.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- And he also said that he would bring in various people, and we’ll have numerous encounters there.
—— Hearing Mr Shiramizu’s story, he is a person who is clearly focused on the path forward. It was easy to understand.
- Sakai
- He is a person who can really see our “view of revolution” even though he is very logical.
—— If you think of tamaki niime as just a fashion brand, it’s completely different.
- Tamaki
- I felt that I should be passionate as well! I can’t lose. I feel like my fighting spirit has been reignited.
—— People are doing great in Kyushu.
- Tamaki
- “Hey? That’s good. This “Zakkubaran-kai” was great.
- Sakai
- Mr Shiramizu and his people are trying to break some preconceived ideas differently.
- Tamaki
- They have a different style, yet they are struggling just like us.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
- Tamaki
- When we launched the brand, we had a similar vision. What “Unagi no Nedoko” is doing now is what we were thinking we would have done back then.
—— Really?
- Tamaki
- However, … I hate people, so I thought it would be difficult. (laugh) I can’t “fill in the gaps” in the area.
—— The approach is different from Ms Tamaki.
- Tamaki
- Different. So I thought it would work well since such people have been brought up and need such a method.
—— I see. Each approach is different, but you can share your ideal goals.
- Tamaki
- I was happy that those people who I hadn’t met before are growing up. The encounter is a coincidence. I’ve been withdrawn for so long, and I didn’t go out, did I? I didn’t want to go to promotions. However, since last year, I did some errands for myself to think about what tamaki niime should be and to explore the possibilities. I have been to Tokyo for business twice, and both times, I came across the sales staff of “Unagi no Nedoko”.
—— What a coincidence.
- Tamaki
- She said “The reason we met here twice was a special connection, so I’m going to Nishiwaki!”, and she came here immediately, saw the Lab and cried “Greaaate!!” She was crying because she was so impressed. That was an episode, and from there it sailed through smoothly.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— It was an interesting perspective to compare people who go out and those who don’t.
- Sakai
- I was the one who thought about that name.
—— “We would like to be in the production area, so even if we get a call from Kyushu, we won’t leave Banshu.” The clearness of the sentence on the event announcement was extraordinary. Even local people don’t say that. Isn’t your pride bleeding out there?
- Sakai
- Yes.
- Tamaki
- Because if you don’t come here, you will never understand our strength.
—— That way of thinking is consistent as tamaki niime, and I think that we, the local people, should also follow suit. I have to devise ways to attract more people.
- Tamaki
- We do have you come here. That’s also a production, for us.
- Sakai
- It’s a production, and it’s something we really want to do and vice versa.
- Tamaki
- Of course.
—— Well, I feel that is amazing. That is also amazing.
- Sakai
- I’m not doing it for a cover story. Since I speak at that kind of talk show with everything I’ve got, I’m totally exhausted the next day.
- Tamaki
- I’m not. I was awakened that day, and I couldn’t sleep all night (laugh). Early in the morning, I talked to Sakai and then slept refreshingly. I was awake! I knew what I missed! I had the same feeling when I created the shawl, but it took me several years to figure out the various puzzle pieces. There was a feeling that the details were coming together. I met Banshu-ori and knew the goodness of it, and I came to like it here, and I had various encounters …
- Sakai
- In both good and bad ways.
- Tamaki
- At first, various things were not connected as a line. However, when I realized that it was a shawl, it all made sense as a brand, including the fact that I had my own weaving machine, so this is it! At that time, I had a real passionate talk with Sakai. I felt that the day when the event was held was the next stage for me. I still think about anything good for the environment. I also think about happiness for humanity. I don’t want to stop manufacturing from Japan, and there is a vision of how people should be, but somehow everything was just a piece of the puzzle. And it was the same with food and living environment, and I could see how to connect them, in my mind. I knew that it was because I’d given up. If I tell our staff that I hate it or I want to go do this, it will be cleared, but I’ve been running away. I had been worried for a year because I didn’t know the direction. Then I realized that it’s so easy. As long as I say it clearly.
- Tamaki
- I said both to the customers and the staff that regardless of age or gender is good, but I realized it was not valid. I also want them to be not self-centred but think about the people around, nature and the earth. The thing is, I want people who have that kind of vision to come here as staff, I want them to grow up, and I have to make a mechanism so that customers can appeal it properly. I think it makes sense.
- Sakai
- Some gimmicks, promotions and advertisements are kinds of tricks, but recently I think they are not necessary. It’s crucial to convey ourselves with all our strength. Even if people come here due to promotion, if we can’t share it with all our power, it’s the same thing. Then, even without publicity, to each person, I think that if you can tell them about us, it will definitely spread.
- Tamaki
- So we are trying to make our website easy to understand, but at the talk event, we did 100%. And it wasn’t just me, but all the staff, showing the Lab, making “Misaki lunch”, we did our best with the hospitality. The customers were also very comfortable. Something has started by being able to share that.
—— Through the “Zakkubaran-kai” on that day.
- Tamaki
- Oh, I thought this method was our way. Even if there are various promotions such as appealing on the website, SNS, letters, etc., we would like the customers who come to have a full understanding. Analog is our style. (laugh)
—— Analog is good. (laugh)
- Tamaki
- After all, it’s fun to see the faces of our customers, and the more there are, the more I thought that this would spread. So, not with forcibly making things cool and sharing on SNS; the so-called “promotion” concept.
- Sakai
- In a sense, this is the beginning of a right enlightenment activity for us.
- Tamaki
- Finally, it begun.
- Sakai
- Finally.
- Tamaki
- I’m looking forward to it.
—— Your eyes are bright again. After all, you’ve revealed a core part of tamaki niime.
- Sakai
- Oh yeah, Tamaki has suppressed that, so I feel that it’s finally time to rampage.
—— Is it like the cycle has come full circle?
- Tamaki
- Yeah. Something like that.
- Sakai
- Yes. It’s come full circle, and here we are.
After the rampage, they created original shawls, resulting in more customers and more staff. All the things that tamaki niime has tried and what happened in the process of growth has helped the brand form the core. It sets a new stage for ‘rambling’ without knowing when it will begin while waiting for Tamaki’s awakening. The time when she shared her thoughts with the “kindred spirit”; “Unagi no Nedoko” staff who travelled all the way from Kyushu played a role in reenergizing Tamaki. What does tamaki niime, who has entered the second round, plan, and what will she do in the future? I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.