niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
What is the "Wa(わ)team"??
〈part 1〉
〈part 1〉
2020 . 03 . 15
「niime百科」、今回は「わチーム」の巻。「わチーム」って?いったい何をやってるチーム?? まずは最年少にしてチームリーダーを務める本岡寛子がtabe roomに現れ、取材を開始した。
― 最年少ながら本岡さんがチーム内では一番社歴が長くないですか?
― でもイヤじゃなかったわけでしょう?
― 困ったな、みたいな(笑)。
― そこはフラストレーションもあったわけですか?
― どんな絵を描くんですか?油絵とか?
玉木「ウチの“見せる”ところに関しては全部任せてるから。ホームページもそうだし、打ち出しもそうだし、online shopも含めて。」
― いつぐらいから今の担当に?
― 時間制限は…。
― そうくると思いました(笑)。えっと、どなたが今日はこられてないんでしたっけ?
― では改めて御三方、インタビューよろしくお願いします。皆さんご担当が…たくさんある?
久保「混ざってる感じです。僕は…そうですね、撮影と作品の登録などもやるんですけど、本岡さんがtamaki niimeのメインであるここのshop(直営店)の販促物や先日始まったonline shopのサイトなど、柱となるデザイン・制作担当で、僕は主に百貨店などの催事やイベント時に使うもののデザインをしたりデータを作ったりをやってます。」
― Youtubeの『tamaki niimeの日常』も久保さんの担当ですよね。大濱さんの仕事もそれこそ多岐に渡っていると思うんですが。この『niime百科』の連載の担当もされてたりとか。
大濱「基本はシステムの構築なんですよ。webの表側はけっこう本岡が中心になってやってくれてて。online shopだったりとか、法人のお客様とのB to Bの仕組みだとか内側の新しい機能をつくったり改修したりを窓口としてやってます。」
― けっこう目に見えない部分の…
― 重要なところですね。
大濱「あとは一点モノの作品を倉庫で管理してるんですけど、何かあった時に対処するそこの責任者的な役割ですかね。online shopで注文が入った時の出荷の事務的なところとかも私がやってる部分です。」
― ちなみに橋本訓典さんはどういったお仕事を?
― ほんと皆さん多岐に渡ってますね。
― そんな、多彩な能力をお持ちの皆さんの集合体が「わチーム」であると。
― 皆んな違ってて、かぶって無い?本岡さんはもともと芸大出身でアート畑ですよね?
― 久保さんは?
― 大濱さんは?
― そして橋本さんは服飾を学んでいたと。なるほどバラエティ豊かですね。「わチーム」の発足っていつなんでしたっけ?
― なるほど、ざっくりと「わチーム」の歩みがわかりました。
― ありましたね、「視覚チーム」。実質は同じですか?
― それも実質はいっしょで、ひらがなの名前が良いよねと。活動場所はshopのカウンターの中にいるのと…
― なるほど。で…どうですか? …って、無茶漠然とした問いですけど(笑)。
― はい。
― あぁ、なるほどねぇ…。販促の仕事だけでは無くて。
― 「わチーム」っていう名前のいわれってなんでしたっけ?各チームの真ん中に位置するから?
― つながってますか?ガッチリ。
― 最初大濱さんが入社された頃に、tamaki niimeのブランドの企業理念・経営指針となる「tamaki niimeの根っこ」を定めましたと聞いて。「創造を愉しみ、地球にやさしいことを探求し続ける」。それが大濱さんからの提案だったということなんですけれども。
― すごく面白い方が入ってきたんだなと印象的を受けたんですが、まさに多岐に渡るブランドとしての取り組みのベクトル合わせというか意識統一というか、スタッフ皆んなのよりどころとなる言葉の提案だったわけですよね?
― 言語化が必要というのはまさに的確ではとハタ目にも思ったんですけど。言語化することで共有が図れるという。
大濱「当時私自身が、tamaki niimeの組織や玉木や酒井のことを理解したい、という思いがあったので。自分の中で言語化したい、それが一番最初だったんですよね。」
― なるほど。
― う〜ん…。
― なんか単に、このフレーズ覚えてね、という。
― それを掲げることで皆んなの行動指針となり、軌道修正もできる、“羅針盤”みたいな言葉というか。その時期からチーム化というかtamaki niimeの組織化が進んでいったのではないかと。またその辺りからモノづくりにとどまらず、発信であったり販促であったり外部への打ち出しが活発化した印象もあります。
― というと?
本岡「う〜ん、パンフレットとかwebとか、最近だとonline shopとか、必要性があってつくってますけど。統一性じゃないですけど、もっと「根っこ」のところから表現できるものを創らなくちゃいけないなと思ってるんですよ。今はまだ表面的というか、そんなところで終っちゃってる感じなんですけど、もっと深いところを整えていくような仕事をできていけたら。」
― コアな部分をもう少しデザインだったり、視覚化するというか?
― 久保さんその辺りどうですか?
― なるほどねぇ。
― うんうん。
― う〜ん。
― 論理の外に。なるほどですね。
― ロジカルにちょっと語れない部分はもちろんあるし、言語化しようとしても収まり切れなさっていうか。たぶん、玉木さん・酒井さんもそれを望んでる節もあるし(笑)。
― 言葉にできるもんならしてみろ!ぐらいな勢いがあるかも。
― そこの面白さってちょっと無いというか。伝える側にしたらやり甲斐でもあるでしょうね、大変でしょうけど…。その辺り日々悪戦苦闘してるみたいな。
― ええ。
― 本岡さんとすれば、たぶん皆さんもそういう想いかもしれませんが、今だとその場その場の対応的なのを、もっと深いところから揺るぎなくやりたいというか。
― ああ…そこはすごく難しいですよね。曲解される危険性もはらみつつ、デザインだったり発信をしないと、という。慎重にならざるを得ない部分もあるでしょうけど、あまり慎重になり過ぎると瞬発力がなくなるでしょうし…。玉木さんや酒井さんの考えは日々聞かされていると思いますが、そのコアなところをどう置換するか、みたいな。
― まぁ身振りの時もあれば。確かに。
― 『niime百科』でインタビューしてても、そういうところはありますし。難しいですよね。悩める「わチーム」みたいな(笑)
確固たる核を持ちつつもアメーバのように絶えず変化してゆくブランド「tamaki niime」をいかに言葉で・ビジュアルで表現し、伝えるか?この高難易度のミッションに日々取り組む「わチーム」の面々。ブランドとしての打ち出しをはじめ、重責を担う彼らそれぞれのやり甲斐や今後の展望が語られる次回もどうぞお楽しみに!
This time, the “niime encyclopedia”, is the “Wa team” volume. What is the “Wa(わ) team”? What on earth are they doing?? Let’s get started. Hiroko Motooka, the youngest team leader, entered the tabe room, and we started the interview.
——Though she is the youngest, Ms Motooka is the most senior member of the team, isn’t she?
- Motooka
- It’s been about two and a half years now. I was originally part of the “Sewing team”. I was working part-time for about a year in the beginning because I wanted to draw in private, but I’m too busy to draw.
- Tamaki
- You’re a very talented staff member, so you are always busy.
——But you didn’t dislike it, right?
- Motooka
- No, I didn’t.
——You didn’t know what to do, right? (laugh)
- Motooka
- I didn’t expect that. (laugh)
- Tamaki
- It’s different from what you planned. Did you think about what you were going to do? (laugh)
——Was there some frustration?
- Motooka
- Yes. Well, I hadn’t drawn much anyway.
——What kind of pictures do you draw? Oil painting?
- Motooka
- My major was Japanese painting when I was a university student, but my style of painting isn’t Japanese painting at all. It’s more of abstract art.
- Tamaki
- You also draw a print shawl, so you can reduce some stress there, right? (laugh)
- Motooka
- A little. (laugh)
- Tamaki
- I’m leaving every “exhibit” to you, the website, promotions and the online shop, too.
- Motooka
- I don’t think I have done that well at all.
——When were you put in charge?
- Motooka
- While I was doing print shawls and cutting denim while sewing …that kind of job has increased little by little, and from around the 2nd-anniversary event “Futatsu-kai”, I was put in charge of leaflets or visual production… I couldn’t be in sewing any more.
- Tamaki
- It looked like you were kicked out.
Here, Hideaki Ohama and Shohei Kubo appeared together.
- Sakai
- The interesting thing is that Kubo-kun was originally freelance.
- Tamaki
- So he was a lone wolf.
- Sakai
- Ask the “Wa team” for more details.
- Tamaki
- Ask for more!
——What about the time limit …?
- Tamaki
- No time limit.
——I thought you would say that. (laugh) Well, is anyone not here today?
- Tamaki and Sakai
- Hashimoto-kun.
——Thank you again for your cooperation. You three are in charge of many roles…
- Ohama
- Yes, we do.
- Kubo
- I feel they are mixed. I …well, I shoot and register items. Mainly, Ms Motooka is in charge of the tamaki niime’s promotional products at the main shop here and also designs and creates pillars such as the online shop site that has begun the other day. I mainly design and develop data used for things that are needed for such as department stores and events.
——Mr Kubo, you are also in charge of the YouTube channel “tamaki niime’s daily life”. I think that Mr Ohama’s work is very diverse as well. He is also in charge of the serialization of this “niime encyclopedia”.
- Ohama
- Basically, I’m building a system. On the front side of the web, Ms Motooka is the leading player. I’m handling our online shop, a B to B mechanism with corporate customers, and new internal functions. I’m a front person who deals with them as a new contact.
——It’s pretty invisible …
- Ohama
- I guess.
——It’s an important role.
- Ohama
- Additionally, I manage the only one items in the warehouse. It’s also my responsibility for dealing with any problems that may come up with. The clerical part of shipping when the orders are placed at the online shop. It’s part of what I do.
——By the way, what kind of job does Kuninori Hashimoto do?
- Kubo
- He has a wide range of responsibility.
——Seriously, each of you has a variety of roles.
- Kubo
- He had been making clothes since he was a student, so he can draw patterns, design and sew. After that, his aim was to be a painter. He also managed EC sites in his previous job. So he’s also good at inventory management and photography. He also draws visual drawings for the 2019 autumn and winter collection. And he also registers new works.
——The “Wa team” is a group of people with diverse abilities, correct?
- Kubo
- We have different backgrounds.
——Isn’t everyone something different? Ms Motooka was originally from the University of the Arts, right?
- Motooka
- Yes.
——What about you, Mr Kubo?
- Kubo
- I’m from a vocational school for interior design.
——How about you, Mr Ohama?
- Ohama
- I have a bachelors in business management.
——And Mr Hashimoto was studying fashion. It’s a great variety, isn’t it? When was the actual start of the “Wa team”?
- Ohama
- When was the actual start?
- Motooka
- After the “Futatsu-kai” in summer of the year before last, Ohama joined the company. At that time, we started the “web team”. It was also the time when I started making flyers for the “Futatsu-kai,” and that kind of work started to increase. Mr Hashimoto came in about two months later, and Mr Kubo came in about March last year.
——I see. I roughly understand the history of the “Wa team”.
- Motooka
- The “Web team” was renamed as the “Visual team” in a few months.
——I do remember the “Visual team”. Aren’t they kind of the same?
- Motooka
- Yes. Only the name has changed. And it became the “Wa(わ) team” around in March.
——Actually, they were same, and we thought the hiragana was better. We are working in the shop counter and…
- Motooka
- We also have a place where we shoot each piece one by one. So we have two locations.
——I see. So how is it? …it’s kind of a vague question. (laugh)
- Motooka
- As I said, there are a wide range of duties, so there are endless things to do.
——I see.
- Motooka
- Yeah. So… Only four of us somehow manage to take care of everything.
——Oh, I see… Not just for sales promotion.
- Kubo
- There are sale promotion aspects, but there are many other things too.
——What was the origin of the name of the “Wa team”? Is it the centre of each team?
- Motooka
- By creating such a team, there is a connection with the outside (the company), and there is also a connection between the (inside) groups, so we name/call it “Wa (わ)”.
——Does it connect them? Firmly.
- Motooka
- I think it does.
- Ohama
- We are trying to connect them.
——When you, Mr Ohama first joined the company, I heard that you established the “root of tamaki niime,” which is the corporate philosophy and management guidelines of the tamaki niime brand. “Enjoy creation and continue to search for something earth-friendly.” That was a proposal from Mr Ohama, right?
- Ohama
- That’s right.
——I had an impression that an interesting person came in. It was a proposal of words that would be the basis of all the staff, such as vector alignment of the efforts of various things as a brand and unification of consciousness. Right?
- Ohama
- That’s right. Of course, I made a suggestion that it would be better to verbalize the ideas that came out from Tamaki and Sakai when we were talking.
——I also thought that it was appropriate that verbalization was necessary. It can be shared by making it into a language.
- Ohama
- At that time, I wanted to understand the organization of tamaki niime, Tamaki and Sakai. I tried to make it into a language, which was the very first thing I did.
——I see.
- Ohama
- I suggested that we could connect it to other people around us if we could put it into words. So, I’m glad that things started taking shape. And now we should try to let everyone know it. I mean, there is still a lot of work left to do in getting people to understand.
- Ohama
- I think that the fact that I was so particular about verbalization (that it) gave them a strong sense of just learning words.
——Like, merely making people remember the phrases?
- Ohama
- Yes, that’s why there were probably some people who rejected the idea, and I couldn’t picture the next step by myself. Because of that, the “Wa team” was made, and we’ve stepped up to create a form in which everyone’s ideas are based on one policy. That’s how I feel now.
——A word like “Compass” that can be a guide for everyone’s action by raising it and can also correct the trajectory. From that time onwards, I think that tamaki niime was becoming more organized. I also have the impression that from that point on, we are not limited to creating, but are also active in PR and promoting sales..
- Motooka
- But I think … it’s still not “basically” good enough.
——What do you mean?
- Motooka
- Ummm, I’m making things that are in need, such as brochures, the web, and recently the online shop. It lacks coherence. We have to create something that can be expressed from a more “root” (point). Right now, it’s still superficial. I feel we’ve ended up in such a place, but I hope we can do a better job that will straighten the depths.
——To design or visualize the core a bit more?
- Motooka
- That’s right.
——How about you, Mr Kubo?
- Kubo
- Well, Mr Ohama and Ms Motooka talked about the “root”. Since our company changes a lot, the part around the “root” often changes. We also talked about the verbalization earlier, but I think it’s quite challenging to verbalize our company, including logic and rationality. Personally, I don’t think we can narrow it so easily with them, thus defining it becomes a lot of work.
——I see.
- Kubo
- There are too many things that we should explain. It’s easy to explain when we are talking to Tamaki, but it’s complicated to explain to people on the outside. We have too many things.
——Yeah, yeah.
- Kubo
- To put it all together, if we set this up, there will be some other things that we would like to say next, no, we can’t explain this enough. If we can parallelize them, we would say that the core brought up by the concept and in language. It would be possible to visualize what we grasped as Ms Motooka says. But it might be difficult.
- Kubo
- Basically, we’re like being outside of logic.
——Outside of logic. I see.
- Kubo
- I feel that our thought itself is outside the logic.
——Of course, there are parts that you can’t say logically, and if you try to make it into a language, it may not fit. Maybe Ms Tamaki and Mr Sakai want some of that. (laugh)
- Motooka
- Yes, they do. (laugh)
- Kubo
- Because they are playing. (laugh)
——If you want to explain, go for it! That’s something they are thinking.
- Ohama
- Indeed.
- Kubo
- So, can you catch it? Something like that.
——You cannot find anything exciting like that. It would be worthwhile if you were the one who has to explain, but it would be difficult … It seems that you are struggling every day with it.
- Motooka
- We must accept that it is changing, and because it’s interesting, we’d like to shape it each time. But since there are still parts that do not change, it is like a fundamental idea there, isn’t it?
- Motooka
- We hope we can adequately support that. On that, we will do this next, and it will be this kind of development. Even if the directions seem different, the original thought is the same, (so) we would like to explain a little better.
——For Ms Motooka, including all of you, might think similarly. Now you are just dealing with each decision each time, but you prefer to be more responsible and firmer from the deep end.
- Motooka
- From the outside, people can only see the part cross-sectionally here and now, but if they can’t see the whole thing with directions, they might get confused.
——Oh … that’s very difficult. You should design and deliver messages while considering the danger of being distorted. You may have to be careful, but if you’re too careful, you lose the momentum. I think you’ve been listening to Ms Tamaki and Mr Sakai’s thoughts every day, but how to get people to understand the core message.
- Motooka
- It’s more like a whole idea, rather than a language, so Ms Tamaki doesn’t even say everything in words.
——Well, there are times when she’s gesturing. Indeed.
- Motooka
- Unless we understand what she (Ms Tamaki)’s saying about this much, including the intentions of the surrounding wills, we are not sure I’m going in the right direction. What? It’s like going in a different direction.
——Even when I interviewed in the “niime encyclopedia”, there is such a moment. It’s difficult, isn’t it? It’s like a struggling “Wa team”. (laugh)
- Ohama and Kubo
- (laugh)
- Motooka
- We’re always struggling. (laugh)
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.