niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
スタッフ藤本×石塚 新しいtamaki niimeを語る。
Mr Fujimoto × Ms Ishizuka discuss the new ‘tamaki niime’
〈part 1〉
〈part 1〉
2020 . 09 . 01
あのコンビが再び!2年前の11月にインタビューした藤本と石塚。石塚が産休に入り、育児休暇を経てこの度現場復帰。夫である藤本には広報としての視点で、石塚にはモノづくりの現場に戻り新たに見出した役割を中心に、コロナを境に大きく変わったtamaki niimeの今とこれからを大いに語ってもらった。仕事と子育てを分け隔てずに愉しむふたりの横顔も!
― いや〜急にお呼びたてしまして。
― やっぱり今回の「niime百科」、久しぶりにこのお二人そろっての登場が良いかなと。で、下準備というか、2年前のインタビューを今日の昼間に読み返してたんですよ。
― 改めて読み返すと、おふたりとも良い発言をたくさんされてて、すごく中身が濃いなと。
― その“ケンカ”が良いんですよ(笑)。
― ちょっと拾ってみると…石塚「皆んなが本当に意見を言い合って、一緒に創っていくみたいな。お互い信頼を持ち合って、一緒にモノづくりをしていく。“尊敬”っていうのがすごい良いキーワードだと思うんですけど、皆んなが一緒の時間を共有し合って、進んで行きたいなと思いますね。」とかね。すごく良い言葉がいっぱいあるんですよ。
― その辺も含めて聞かせていただきたいんですけど、藤本さんはその石塚さんの言葉を受けて、「会社としても、全員がレベルアップを求められているというか、それぞれの役割として、もうワンステップ上に行かないといけない時期に来てるんじゃないかとすごく感じます。さっきの僕たちのケンカの話も近いところがあって、石塚さんが重責を感じながらやってるその仕事をひとつでも僕が担えるように成長出来れば、彼女としては余裕が生まれて別の動きが出来るわけじゃないですか。そうなれば仕事自体がすごく回転するというのを考えた時に、現状維持に留まらずに皆んなが今の仕事をもうワンステップ向上させて、新しい仕事が出来る範囲を広げることだと思うんですよ。」と話されています。これは藤本さんならではの全体を俯瞰して観る視点がすごく現れてたかなと思うんですけど。
― 連携みたいなところですか?
― 交わるみたいな?
― 交じり合うみたいな。
― はい。
― なるほど。
― う〜ん。
― 石塚さんが現場に復帰した7月にはもう「タマスク」の生産体制は確立していたわけですよね。
― ああ〜、なるほど。それは具体的に作品で言うとショールだったりとか?
― なるほど。役割として、バランサーというか、昔からtamaki niimeのモノづくりを熟知しているというポジションで…
石塚「でもどうだろう? 私的には逆に、客観視出来たのかもしれないです。」
― 離れてみて。
― 逆に対コロナで「タマスク」生産の初期に関わっていなかったからこそ客観視出来たと?
― はい。
藤本「今までチーム間でやってる時も、デザインであったり色の合わせ方だったり、tamaki niimeとしてのモノづくりの考え方っていうのも、やっぱりまだ若くて、入社して年数が経ってる人間が多くないので、コミュニケーションというのが難しい部分がいろいろあった中で、以前からウチにいてそこの考え方を知っていて皆んなと共有してくれる存在として帰って来てくれてるので、彼女が復帰してまだ2ヶ月ですけど、そのわずかな間でもすごく、現場は大きく変わったかなっていうのは感じますね。」
― 実際の所属としては「織」チームに戻ってというところですかね。
― まずは、ですね。
― 他のチームへも。
― まだそんなには踏み込んでない?
― リンクさせる人だという。
― そこはディレクションというか、方向づけというか。
― はい。
― 具体的にいうと、「織り」の現場があって、「染め」から上がってくる色糸に対して、ここはこうしたら、とか…
― それほど回転が速いと。
― アドバイスというかそこは石塚さんの経験値ってすごく高いわけですから。
― これまで「織り」以外にも色んなポジションをやって来てて、「織り」の中でも織機で織ることから生地の組織づくり、生産計画、在庫管理とあらゆることを担当されてたので、あちこちへの目配りというのが出来るわけですよね。だから“潤滑油”みたいな意味合いでも、すごく機能されてるのかなと。
― その辺はふたりで主夫と主婦を分担してる感じですか?
― 仕事でも家庭でも考えて賢くやれる人なんですね。産休と育児休暇はどれくらいの期間でしたっけ?
― 復帰のタイミングというのは、会社と一緒に見計らっていたわけですか?
― 女性が多い職場でもあるし、玉木社長の考え方としても、女性が活躍できる社会にしていきたい、という想いは以前から聞いてますし、その中で女性として出産だったり子育てというところも柔軟に働きやすい環境づくりを目指しておられるところではと思うのですが。おふたりは夫婦として役割分担しながら家庭も職場も共にされているわけですよね。
― 皆さんの協力あってのことだと。やっぱり仕事と子育ての両立は、頭の切り替えをしながらですか?
― 分けずに頭の中で繋がってると。
石塚「良い環境で助かってます。ほんとに。会社に連れて来た娘が遊びにゆくと皆んな全然遊んでくれるので。基本的にはここの2階のtabe roomにいるんですけど、一緒に下に降りて行くこともあるし、「糸並べ」をすることもあるし(笑)。」
― 織りに使う色糸を並べてると!すごい。早くも才能を発揮してますね。
― 玉木さんご自身も赤ちゃんの頃、実家の営む洋装店の売り場のカゴの中に寝かされてて、お客様に相手をしてもらってたと聞きましたし。
― 幼い頃の体験って感覚に染みつくじゃないですか。糸に触れて選んで遊んだりとか、素晴らしいことだなって思います。
― 素晴らしいですね。その辺で遊ばせておいて、糸に触れさせるってすごく良い教育というか、育て方ってゆうか。
仕事と子育てがナチュラルに結び付く環境で、今後の各チーム“混ぜこぜの”モノづくりの推進役を担う石塚と、広報の立場でその変化をいち早く俯瞰して捉える藤本。次回、コロナ禍をきっかけに「タマスク」創りの濃縮された経験値を得て、新たな領域に突入したtamaki niimeの現在地とこれからを、藤本と石塚がそれぞれの確かな視点をもとにさらに深く熱く語り合います。どうぞご期待ください!
The couple, Fujimoto and Ishizuka returned. I interviewed them two years ago in November. Ishizuka took maternity leave and recently returned to work. I interviewed her husband, Mr Fujimoto, in his role as public relations and Ms Ishizuka, to ask about her new role at “tamaki niime”, which has changed a lot since the Pandemic. I could report on how both of them enjoy working and raising their family at the same time.
—— I am sorry for the suddenness of the interview.
- Ishizuka
- It’s been a long time for the two of us to be interviewed together. (laugh)
—— I thought it would be a good idea to have the two of you this time for “niime Encyclopedia “. Preparing for this interview, I reread the previous interview we had two years ago.
〈showing them the covering interview article with pictures of previous “niime Encyclopedias”〉
- Fujimoto
- It’s been almost two years since we had this one in November 2018.
- Ishizuka
- (laugh) We look much younger. My stomach was big from the pregnancy at that time.
—— Rereading your comments, I was impressed with the content in here.
- Ishizuka
- They were just our arguments. (laugh)
—— I like your arguments. (laugh)
- Ishizuka
- You could say they were discussions.
- Fujimoto
- Yeah, they were discussions.
—— Referring to your comments, here is “Ishizuka: Staff open up their opinions and make things together. “Respect” is the keyword for that. We want to share our time together and keep going.” There are many great comments there.
- Fujimoto
- I still have the same opinion about that.
- Ishizuka
- Yeah. I agree with you. It would be more critical since we are increasing staff.
—— I would like you to tell us including that. Here are Mr Fujimoto’s comments after receiving Ms Ishizuka’s remarks; “I feel we have come to the stage that the company asks each staff to level up our skills. The argument I had with Ms Ishizuka seems to have a similar problem. If I could develop my skills to be able to do one of her jobs, for which she feels much responsibility, she could have more room to complete other tasks. That would make our work rotate more effectively. While remaining in the same conditions; I think everyone should improve one set of skills and expand the scope of your jobs.” I think this comment can show that Mr Fujimoto observed the whole picture of the company.
- Fujimoto
- What I meant “improving skills” has a different meaning now. I feel we are not just being asked for technical skills. You mentioned the word “observe” which I think maybe the central theme for the company, which expects the staff to see the entirety of the company objectively. It is the relationships with teams and individuals.
—— It is like coordinating?
- Fujimoto
- You may say that.
—— Everyone tries to mingle?
- Ishizuka
- Yeah, we should mingle together.
—— Blending in together?
- Ishizuka
- Yeah.
- Fujimoto
- Right now, I feel we are trying to break down the walls in the company.
- Ishizuka
- There is a reason for that. Two years ago, our goal was each should stand firmly in each position as our first step.
—— I see.
- Ishizuka
- Now, each team has become good at solidly doing their work. But if we become too independent, we would have to tear down the walls of ourself and blend into one for our goal.
—— I see.
- Ishizuka
- The COVID Pandemic was a trigger to bring us together to move in the same direction, which was making masks. That means that we can blend without teams, developing the strength of each, their expertise, or working together with the things we have never experienced. Since we have come up here, we can mix or blend with what we have been setting up so far.
—— Ummm…
- Ishizuka
- I think we have come to a point to do that. I arrived at the time when the production of “tamask” has been increasing.
—— When you came back to work in July, they have already set up the “tamask” production system. Right?
- Ishizuka
- Yes, the processes of the system were completed. When I got here, they already got through the tricky part, which is organizing the system to include making masks in their production. On the other hand, they have forgotten to do their original works, because they focused on masks too much. I believe I have a role in bringing them back to their original positions.
—— I see. For example, the shawls are one of them?
- Ishizuka
- Yes, they are. It is not a big deal. We follow natural, simple ideas; since Winter is coming soon, we will quickly start on Winter items.
—— I see. You want to work as a balancer in your role since you have known “tamaki niime” for a long time.
- Ishizuka
- I don’t know that. I could somewhat see them objectively.
—— You could see them from a distance?
- Ishizuka
- I saw everyone focusing on Corona measures in the factory. Me getting inside them, I could tell them to be aware of what they are missing.
- Fujimoto
- That’s true.
—— Because you were there for the beginning of the project, you could see them objectively, right?
- Ishizuka
- I couldn’t have seen them objectively if I didn’t come in later.
- Fujimoto
- I think so. Focusing on Corona measures at work, we had to concentrate on just making masks. During this situation, she returned and observed. I appreciate her advice, which makes us aware of what we need to do. She reminds us of how to do our original works properly. I think she has been communicating with us so well.
—— I see.
- Fujimoto
- In working with teams, since many of our staff haven’t been working here for a long time, we had problems in the communications about designs, colours, or the principle of ‘tamaki niime’ creations. Since we have her back to share her knowledge in just the two months, I think our work environment has changed a lot in only this short period.
—— You are positioned with the “Weaving team”, aren’t you?
- Ishizuka
- Yes, for now.
—— For the time being, huh?
- Ishizuka
- I have been getting to work with all teams now about the need to cooperate with other teams. I go here and there.
—— You work with other teams.
- Ishizuka
- I believe I must from now on.
—— You haven’t done much yet?
- Ishizuka
- I want to do it from now on. Gradually. (laugh)
- Fujimoto
- In just two months, she has been playing an essential role in functioning as a mediator. She builds bridges between all the teams like “Weaving” to “Dyeing”, or to “Knitting” to “Sewing”
—— She is a go-between.
- Ishizuka
- No, I am not that good, yet.
- Fujimoto
- She is humble though, she has been trying hard to unify us.
—— She tries to give them direction.
- Ishizuka
- I am not that cool. (being shy, smile) Not at all. I don’t feel comfortable where people are not connecting. It is difficult to work if we are not linked together, right?
—— I understand.
- Ishizuka
- Especially in our type of business operation, we need coordination. Without it, production wouldn’t work well. I always wonder how other processes are going. Of course, I could move around because other staff are working in their positions.
—— For example, do you give some advice about the colour threads which were done by the “Dye team” to the “Weave team”?
- Ishizuka
- Yes. I suggest some methods. For example, with “tamask”, each team has been creating stronger ties with the “Sew team”. There have been days that we have to finish up the masks which materials need to be woven and to be sewn quickly on the same day.
—— You are needed to rotate the processes quickly.
- Ishizuka
- My role is to go check on how everyone is doing, such as; “How was the response from customers?”, “Do you still have enough stock of good colour materials?”, “Aren’t there any strange colour coordinations?”. I make sure if the rotations go well. If one team is behind, I suggest the other teams slow down their pace. Or I recommend some of the different ways they could try even though I am not sure if my suggestion is good or not.
—— Your experiences or advice are highly dependable.
- Ishizuka
- I have had many experiences.
—— You have worked in many different roles, not only weaving. You experienced weaving with handlooms, make fabric structures, planning production, stock controls and much more. That’s why you are very capable of being aware of what’s missing. You are like the lubricating oil necessary for functioning.
- Fujimoto
- She has some limitations in that she has to work while taking care of her daughter. But she adjusts her schedule not to get overburdened and balances her work and family life.
- Ishizuka
- I make myself free to do what I want. (laugh)
—— You two, share the housework and keep working?
- Fujimoto
- She does the most of things.
- Ishizuka
- Hahaha. (laugh)
- Fujimoto
- I watch our child on my day offs, but, recently, I could take care of her right. All-day long from the morning till late night, I help a little. She mostly cooks for me.
- Ishizuka
- I cut corners right. (laugh)
—— She is the woman to do both her job and housework well. How long was your maternity leave?
- Ishizuka
- About a year and a half.
—— Did you negotiate with the company when you should come back to work?
- Ishizuka
- I was thinking to be back to work later, but I thought of the situation now. I wanted to work again, and they told me they want to work together, which made me feel optimistic about returning to work. Since I have a child, I have to adjust how much I should work. I knew the company needs help, and I have thought about what I can do for them. That’s why I am here now.
—— This is the company where many women are working, and there is Ms Tamaki’s philosophy to be a better society for working women, which I have heard from her before. So she aims to provide suitable environments for women who give birth and raise children. You try to share your housework roles and work, right?
- Ishizuka
- We know we can do it with everyone’s help and cooperation.
—— I see. You could with their help. Do you work with switching your mindset from work to child-rearing?
- Ishizuka
- I am the type of person not to divide up my work and raising children. I treat them together.
—— You connect them in your head.
- Ishizuka
- I appreciate this excellent work environment. When I bring my daughter here to work, everyone is happy to play with her. She stays in the “tabe room”, but often I take her downstairs and let her play with “thread arrangement”. (laugh)
—— She arranges colour threads for weaving! Wow! She is already developing her talent.
- Ishizuka
- Children are curious about everything, even touching threads. I don’t let her do dangerous things, but she enjoys being with staff and talking with many people. I appreciate that the boss welcomes her. I don’t think other companies would accept bringing children to work.
—— I heard that Ms Tamaki, as a child, was in a basket at the dress shop, where her parents worked, and the customers played with her.
- Ishizuka
- I heard it from her, too.
—— We stick to the memories of our experiences in childhood. I think it is terrific that she touches threads and plays with them.
- Ishizuka
- I don’t know what she is thinking about. (laugh) She does it by mimicking the staff’s movements.
—— That’s so wonderful. That is an excellent way of raising or educating children by being free to touch the threads.
- Ishizuka
- I think so. I was able to come back to work here with everyone’s help and understanding. I wouldn’t be here if they didn’t. I appreciate that.
The environment that connects work and raising a child, allows Ms Ishizuka to work towards blending teams together and Mr Fujimoto observes the changes quickly in his role of public relations. Due to the Pandemic, they were thrust into a new era after experiencing the creation of “tamask”. Fujimoto and Ishizuka will passionately talk about the present “tamaki niime” from their specific points of view. Please look forward to the next one.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.