niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
tamaki niimeの活力を生み出す「実るチーム」
"Minoru team"; where tamaki niime's energy begins.
〈 part 1 〉
〈 part 1 〉
2020 . 11 . 01
播州織を発展させた新しいモノづくりを基軸に、衣食住=暮らしのすべてにクリエーションの裾野を広げてゆくブランドtamaki niimeの活動のベースとなる「コットン」と「食」に関わるスタッフたちに、ゆったりと話を聞いてみた。
― 那須さんはtamaki niimeの畑や田んぼを手掛けられて長いですね。
― すでに玉木さんがコットン栽培を始めておられたんですね。
― 実際に糸にして、というところまでは…
― 玉木さんが選んでこれだという品種に絞っているとお聞きしたんですが。
― 今年の収穫は?
― えっ?
― そうなんですね。
― 西脇出身の横尾忠則さんの美術館もある島ですね。
― それで収穫したものを送っていただいて。
― そういうところが何ヶ所くらいあるんですか?
― 一般の方というのはお客様だったり。
― その取り組みは皆さん毎年継続してやって頂いてる感じでしょうか?
― それは素晴らしいですね。
― なるほど、広がりが出来てると。で、その収穫して集まったコットンが紡績工場で糸になり、「染めチーム」に渡るという流れなんですね。
― 福森さんはいつ入社されたんですか?
― 最初から畑希望で?
― はるばる西脇までありがとうございます。
― そこは有機農法で?
― 無農薬で。肥料とかはどうされてるんですか?
― どんな堆肥を?
― 牛糞や鶏糞などの動物性ではなくて植物性ですね。
― 無肥料栽培であると。
― 収穫とかはどうされているんですか?
― なるほど。では田植えはどんな風にされてるんですか?
― あ、tamaki niimeを取り上げたテレビ番組『ザ・リーダー』でその様子を見ました。
― 何人がかりでですか?
― わかりました。では今度は「くうチーム」のお二人にお訊きします。まず大石さん。食の担当ということで、お米、それに野菜も「まくチーム」からのものを使われるわけですね?
― そこでつながると。
― ちなみに野菜はどんな種類を?
― 今だとどんな野菜がありますか?
― すごい。いろいろつくってるじゃないですか。
― 夏野菜とかは?
― すごい!
― カラスとか来ません?
― そうでしたか…。で、「まくチーム」から色んな野菜を受け取って、「くうチーム」が調理されてると。大石さんは入社されてどれくらいでしょうか?
― ご近所さんで。それは働きやすいですね。「くうチーム」の1日のスケジュールってどんな感じですか?
― だいたい何人分くらいの食事をつくられているんですか?
― 出勤状況を見ながらですね。
― そのサポートもされて調理の学びの場でもあると。tamaki niimeで食事を担当してどうですか?
― 「まくチーム」の方から、そろそろこんなん採れるよと伝えてもらうわけですか?
― ふむふむ、なるほど。その方が愉しいですよね!
― ほしい野菜が手に入るから。
― 野菜が余ったりしたらどうするんですか?
― それはいいですよね。収穫の愉しみも味わえますから。
― 枝豆料理とかはしました?
― 良いですね〜。はい、ではちょっと遅くなりましたが上屋敷さん。まだ入社間もないという。
― まだ入りたてのホヤホヤですね。どういったきっかけで?
― あ、そうなんですね。
― フランスへ行かれたのはずっと料理の道で進んでいきたいというのがあったわけですか?
― そうだったんですか。バッチリじゃないですか。
― 素晴らしい。
― フランスで勉強中に帰らざるを得なくなったんですね。
― 身に付いたこととかはありますか?
― ええ。
― それで10月くらいから行ってたわけですね。
― なるほど。ジビエというと、ちょうど玉木さんが狩猟免許取りたい仰ってるのを聞いたので。ちなみに服飾の勉強の方は?
― では、入られたばかりですけど、tamaki niimeの印象は?
多彩な個性が集まり、有機的に絡み合うtamaki niime。次回は都合で取材開始時間には間に合わなかった“おかあさん”酒井初子も登場。ブランドの歩みをよく知る彼女が語る歴史秘話?も。モノづくりの現場やShopとはまた一味違ったtamaki niimeの一面が見える、「農」と「食」を担うスタッフたちのトークを引き続きお愉しみください。
Autumn is the season for harvest! It’s also the season for a big appetite! Mr Kunio Nasu and Ms Shoko Fukumori are in charge of “Maku team” where they cultivate their original material of cotton for products as well as growing rice and vegetables. Mr Mizuki Oishi, Ms Nanami Kamiyashiki and Ms Hatsuko Sakai are the “Kuu team”, where they provide meals for staff, providing nutrition and tasty foods. Those two teams are called the “Minoru team”.
Developing Banshu-ori to advanced new creation, “tamaki niime” is expanding more creativity into all of our living items of meals, clothing and housing. I took time to interview the staff who are growing “cotton”, a fundamental material for “tamaki niime” and also the team working with meals.
—— Mr Nasu, you have been working here quite a long time in the vegetables and rice fields. Right?
- Nasu
- It’s been six years this September. When we were at a little place in Ueno, Nishiwaki not far from here, Ms Tamaki rented the land to make cotton. But she was too busy to do it and asked me to. I have been doing it ever since.
—— Ms Tamaki had already started making cotton, right?
- Nasu
- We were making cotton at 3 or 4 places and got about 30 or 40 kg a year, which was like the hobby amount. We had too many weeds to grow cotton.
—— You couldn’t make a reasonable amount to make it into threads…
- Nasu
- We have actually made it after we moved in here. We have decided to put together all cultivated lands at Hie district, which is where we have 5 cotton sites now.
—— I heard Ms Tamaki decided what kind of cotton to use.
- Nasu
- The one we are cultivating is one of the Western kinds of cotton, very close to the purest white Egyptian cotton. The harvested cotton is sent to a spinning mill to make them into threads.
—— When is the harvest this year?
- Nasu
- It’s coming soon. The fields are not only here. We have other sites that we ask some customers to grow, too.
—— What?
- Nasu
- We have been giving out cotton seeds at various events. At the nearest place, the people of a facility in Shisou City are making for us.
—— I see.
- Nasu
- At this remote location, do you know Teshima in Kagawa prefecture in Shikoku?
—— That’s the island where there is an art museum for Tadanori Yokoo who is from Nishiwaki.
- Nasu
- A group of people in Teshima are making efforts to grow it. They open events for cotton.
—— They send the harvested cotton to you, right?
- Nasu
- Yes, we purchase them all.
—— How many different locations do you have?
- Nasu
- We can get a large amount from one of the suppliers in Gunma prefecture and Kasai City near us as well.
- Fukumori
- The rest is from the general public.
- Nasu
- They each make small amounts; like 50 or 100 kg.
—— Are they your customers?
- Fukumori
- It started from leftover seeds at various places. We made connections to people to increase sites for growing them. Especially this year, we have more locations.
- Nasu
- People in Bizen are growing them, too.
- Fukumori
- Other than that, if you search for “purchasing cotton”, you can see our website and come to the page for “sakumen”, making cotton, that people contact us.
—— Do they continually make such efforts every year?
- Nasu
- Yes, they do. Actually, they have been increasing.
—— That’s wonderful.
- Fukumori
- This year, many people are voluntarily self-quarantining or staying home, and there are many requests from people to share the seeds. That’s why especially this year many people are growing them.
—— I see. You have been broadening your connections. So, the harvested cotton is gathered to go to a spinning mill to make threads, and go to the “Dye team”, right?
- Fukumori
- That’s right.
—— Ms Fukumori, when did you join the company?
- Fukumori
- I came here last September.
—— Did you make a request to work in the fields from the beginning?
- Fukumori
- It all started when I was interested in “nature restoration” around the Shop & Lab and came here for the tree maintenance last summer. I like to work in nature basically, and heard they looked for field staff. I moved here to work from Mie.
—— Thank you for coming all the way to Nishiwaki.
- Nasu
- I had never worked in farming at all, but taking the opportunity for retirement, I came here for my son (Mr Sakai). I was taught agriculture by people or learned online. I am doing it somehow in my way. I am also making rice, but I feel natural cultivation is hard, indeed.
—— Are you doing organic farming?
- Nasu
- We have harvested through trial and error this year. We made it using completely natural cultivation.
—— You made it pesticide-free. How did you use fertilizer?
- Fukumori
- We used the compost sold by “Nuka Tengoku (bran heaven)”. They recommended it for use. We may make it on our own next year.
—— What kind of compost do you want to make?
- Fukumori
- We want rice-husk compost.
—— You want a plant-based one, not animal-based like cow or chicken manure.
- Fukumori
- Yes.
- Nasu
- As far as the rice cultivation, we haven’t used any fertilizer at all.
—— You have done fertilizer-free cultivation.
- Nasu
- This year, no one had a good rice harvest. We estimated we expected to have 1000 kg in less than 6000 square meter field, but I wonder how much we actually got?
- Fukumori
- We got about 700kg.
—— How do you harvest a crop?
- Nasu
- Half is made into a bundle after reaping by binder and all the staff work on them to be sun-dried on the rice drying racks, and for the rest, we ask local farmers’ associations to do it. We also ask them to remove rice hulls to produce brown rice, because we can’t do that.
—— I see. Then, how do you plant rice?
- Nasu
- There are 9 rice fields. This year, our staff worked with bare feet on the only rice field.
—— Oh, I watched it on the TV program “The Leader”, where they covered “tamaki niime”.
- Nasu
- For the next year, we are planning to plant 4 rice fields by hand.
- Fukumori
- Because we did it too quickly this year.
—— How many people participated?
- Nasu
- I think they were about 30 people.
- Fukumori
- That was the first trial we did. First, we planted 3 rows by the rice transplanter, which created the guideline for producing by hand. And we were surprised that we finished it in an instant. (laugh)
- Nasu
- We bought the tool following the guidelines for hand planting. Ours are pot seedlings, which are even easier to plant.
—— I see. Well, I would like to interview the two of you in the “Kuu team” now. First, Ms Oishi, you are in charge of cooking. Do you use the rice and vegetable ingredients provided by the “Maku team”?
- Oishi
- Yes, we do.
—— That’s how you are connected to them.
Oishi &
- Fukumori
- (laughs)
—— By the way, what kind of vegetables do you use?
- Fukumori
- There are various kinds, but we don’t have outstanding products this year.
—— What kind do you have now?
- Oishi
- We are given a lot of sweet potatoes.
- Fukumori
- We have sweet potatoes, bok-choy, Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach), green beans, etc.…
- Oishi
- Cauliflowers and broccoli.
- Fukumori
- And cabbages.
—— Wow. You grow a lot of vegetables.
- Fukumori
- (laugh)
—— How about summer vegetables?
- Fukumori
- We have peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, okras and what else?
- Oishi
- Did we have Goya (bitter melons)?
- Fukumori
- Yeah, we made them and also watermelons! What kind did we have more of?
- Oishi
- Oriental melons.
- Fukumori
- That’s right! Oriental melons!
—— Great!
- Fukumori
- Basil…
- Oishi
- Corn.
- Fukumori
- Speaking of corn, they were eaten by animals.
—— The crows came to eat them?
- Nasu
- Wild animals came this year.
- Fukumori
- Vegetables were eaten by them.
- Nasu
- One of the animals is Civet. Raccoons eat watermelons. The fields around Nakahata have traps, and if we catch one, we take them to the Hunting Club.
—— I see. So you receive various vegetables from “Maku team” and “Kuu team” cooks with them. Ms Oishi, how long have you been working here?
- Oishi
- It’s been about 7 months. My mother knew of this company and told me that they were hiring, that’s how I came for an interview.
- Nasu
- It’s nice that you live close.
—— It is easier for you to work in a close location. Would you tell me the daily schedule of “Kuu team”?
- Oishi
- I arrive in the morning and make lunch by noon, clean up, make preparations for the next day, and end up with cleaning for the day.
—— How many meals do you prepare?
- Oishi
- We make about 50 at most, and 35 at the least.
—— You adjust the amount by attendance, right?
- Oishi
- Just like today’s menu of Soba noodle, we have other shops come in to help us once a week.
—— You work on adjusting and also learn cooking techniques. How do you like working in charge of meals at “tamaki niime”?
- Oishi
- As I started working earlier, I have made menus. Seeing the vegetables received, I am allowed to decide the menu for the day.
—— Does “Maku team” inform you as to the vegetables they will get soon?
- Oishi
- They show me the vegetable book first, then they ask me what kind of vegetables I want this season when they buy seeds.
- Fukumori
- When we buy seeds in advance, we ask them what kind of vegetables they want, and grow them, and report them when harvested.
—— I see. You have fun in that way.
- Oishi
- Yes, we do. (smile)
—— Because you can get the vegetables you want.
- Oishi
- That’s right. We hope we can cook them without wasting as little as possible.
—— What do you do with the leftover vegetables?
- Fukumori
- When we have too much harvested…
- Oishi
- We sometimes give them away to the staff.
- Fukumori
- Yes. We share with them, telling them to pick them up freely at the field. (laugh)
—— That’s a good idea. They could enjoy picking the harvest.
- Nasu
- We had a lot of edamame (soybeens) last week, and Ms Fukumori asked the staff to get them for free on Saturday and Sunday.
—— Did you make the edamame dish?
- Oishi
- Yes, we made mame-gohan (rice with edamame).
—— That sounds nice. Well, Ms Kamiyashiki, I am sorry to have kept you waiting. I heard you haven’t worked here very long, as of yet.
- Kamiyashiki
- No, not very long. I arrived here earlier this month (October).
—— Wow, you are still a newcomer. What brought you here?
- Kamiyashiki
- I had been studying cooking abroad in France until March.
—— Is that so?
- Kamiyashiki
- But I had to come home because of the Corona pandemic. One of my friends knew about this place for a long time, and she recommended me to apply here when I was looking for a job.
—— Did you go to France because you chose to work as a cook?
- Kamiyashiki
- Yes, that was one of the reasons. I also studied fashion before that.
—— Is that right? That sounds perfect for you to work here.
- Kamiyashiki
- I hope I can work for both professions in the future.
—— That’s wonderful.
- Kamiyashiki
- I found the perfect place.
—— You had to come home while studying in France?
- Kamiyashiki
- Yes. I stayed for about 7 months and came home while studying as an intern at a restaurant.
—— Did you master something?
- Kamiyashiki
- Before going abroad to France, I studied at a cooking school in Japan, and was interested in wild game meat and French cooking. There were Spring and Autumn courses for the study abroad program. The Spring course uses Spring and Summer ingredients, and the Autumn course uses Autumn ingredients like wild game meat.
—— I see.
- Kamiyashiki
- It was just the hunting season that I was very interested in.
—— That’s why you went there around October.
- Kamiyashiki
- That’s right.
—— I see. Talking about wild game meat, I heard that Ms Tamaki wants to get a hunting license. By the way, how was the study of fashion?
- Kamiyashiki
- I learned about basic patterns. My main study was in textiles.
—— As a newcomer, what was your impression of “tamaki niime”?
- Kamiyashiki
- I have an impression that each staff is very unique.
Many different personal originalities are gathered and intertwined at “tamaki niime”. For the next interview, we will have a “Mom”, Ms Hatsuko Sakai who couldn’t make it at the opening due to her schedule. She knows the history of the company very well and may reveal secret stories in the past. The staff of “farming” and “cooking” distinguishes themselves from the teams at the factory and the shop. Please enjoy their continuous discussions.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.