niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
2021 'New Film Crew' has launched!
〈part 1〉
〈part 1〉
2021 . 01 . 15
2021年。新年早々、tamaki niimeの新たなチームが本格始動した。その名も「にゅうとるチーム」。いったい、どんな、何をやろうとしているチームなのか?久保翔平、藤本隆太、大濱英明、玉木睦美、植田凪紗、そして新入社員として加わった稲垣慶子。年始で忙しくしている最中、集まってもらった6人のメンバーに直撃取材してみた。
― 「にゅうとるチーム」ってゆうのは、皆さんそれぞれ他の所属チームとかけ持ちなんですよね?
― はい。
― …「織チーム」所属の植田さん、「織チーム」にいて広報も担当する藤本さん、マネジメントを手掛ける睦美さん、そして今日入社したばかりという稲垣さん。多士済々な顔ぶれですね。
久保「主に動画コンテンツを扱うチームだという。でもブランド戦略もみんなで考えるし、tamaki niimeのこだわりをきちんとメッセージとして伝えるためには、部署として分派する必要があるということで立ち上がりました。」
― ブランド戦略の立案もやるという…
― すごいですね。何というか、“社内広告代理店”みたいな?
― 以前取材させていただいた時に「わチーム」もすごく仕事内容が多岐に渡る、っていうのがありましたけど、「にゅうとるチーム」はもう、“多々岐”に渡るくらいになってきてるような?
― 色んな部署の選抜チームでもあるので、企画を練るのにもすごくコアな取り組みが可能というか。
久保「これまで写真や文章ではたくさんのことを表現してきたtamaki niimeなんですけど、それでは伝え切れないとか、今の時代に即したアウトプットの方法を取り入れていくべきだ、っていう社長の想いがあって。」
― なるほど。
― 情報量的にも…
― すぐにUPできるというところも。
― わかりました。えっと、それぞれの所属チームで取材させていただいたことがあるんですけど、この「にゅうとるチーム」で皆さんが何をしているか、何をしようとしているかをお一人づつお願いします。
― はい。藤本さんは広報担当としての蓄積もありますし。
藤本「今まで繋がってきた人たちとか、一緒に仕事をしてきた人たちとか、社長が良いなと感じたモノとか…そうゆう繋がりをこのチームに引っ張ってきて、それを企画として提案するようなところが自分がやっていこうとしているところで。例えば、以前開催した「コシラエ会」や「腹ごしらえ会」で繋がってる方とか、なぜ僕らが皆さんを呼んでいるのかの理由がそこにはあるんですけど、皆さんがtamaki niimeと繋がったきっかけであるとか、そういうものを社員間だけで共有するのではなくて映像にとってもらって発信する企画の提案であるとか、そういうモノをやっていくことだと思ってます。」
― それは具体的には?
藤本「例えば、「石鹸屋りーふ」さんの品であるとか、tamaki niimeがこの人たちのモノヅクリ良いねと感じたりしていて、そうゆう人たちのストーリーを映像を通して発信して行きたいなっていうのがあって、そんな繋がりを持って来れればと。」
― お話しを聞いて、様々な企画を定着させ発信するために、映像が大事なツールというのが…今おぼろげに理解出来てきたように思います。
― はい。睦美さんは進捗管理というかマネジネントを担当されるわけですね。では、大濱さん。
大濱「僕は本来「わチーム」に所属していて、ここでの役割としては外に出てtamaki niimeのことを伝えたりだとか、逆に外で得たことをtamaki niimeに持ち帰る、作品だけに留まらない“届ける人”として「にゅうとる」に今いると思うんですよね。すごい狭い意味で言うと、撮影をして動画中心に発信するっていうチームではあるんですけど、普通に考えたら構成メンバーって撮影や動画編集が得意な人とか、ITやしゃべりが得意な人になるんでしょうけど、ただ単に撮るんじゃなくて、それぞれが色んな想いを持ってこのチームに入ってきてますから、広報の藤本もいますし、モノづくりやってる植田もいますし、撮ることをやってる久保もいると。新しいメンバーも入ってきたり、コントローラーの睦美もいるんですけど、そこがtamaki niimeらしいのかなぁと思ってます。」
― はい。
大濱「で、「わチーム」の役割として、社内で輪をつくっていくというのがあったんですけど、いよいよ外と繋いでいこう、というところの動きのひとつなのかな、と僕は理解していて。藤本が言ってた「石鹸屋りーふ」さんとか、ウチでコーヒーをもらってる「LANDMADE」さんとか、黎明期から私たちを支えてくださった卸先さんだったりとか、そんな方たちのところに行って色んな話を聞き、tamaki niimeの新しい何かをお届けして、また新たな繋がりを持って帰ってくる。それは無茶苦茶でっかい輪をつくろう、みたいなところに繋がってゆくのかなぁと。そんな風に思ってます、はい。」
― 輪を大きく広げると。
― タマスクも装着して。
― はい、ではどうぞ。
― いつ始動したんでしたっけ?「西脇学」※の時にはもう撮影してましたよね。
※西脇について学ぶ講座。2020年11月22日、アピカホールにて開催された第1回の講師として玉木が登場した。tamaki niimeのYouTubeチャンネルで視聴可能。
― レポーターになってましたよね。
― うってつけじゃないですか。
― そうなんだ(笑)。
― 力んでた?
― なるほどね。ちょっとカメラ映えを意識し過ぎて。
― はい。
― はい(笑)。ひと通りお話しを聞いて、稲垣さん。どうですか?今日入社されたばかりとのことですが。
― ええ。
― 「にゅうとるチーム」を希望したところもあったのでしょうか。
― 動画編集の経験はお持ちなわけですね。
― 映像の強力なメンバーが。
― はい、皆さんそれぞれお話しがてんでバラバラで(笑)。でもお聞きしてtamaki niimeらしさというか、玉木さん仰るところのアメーバのような、カタチが固定されないような部署がついに立ち上がったのかな、という気がしてます。映像というものがtamaki niimeを表現しやすいっていうのは、やっぱり独特の“ライヴ感”を一番表現しやすいからかなと思うんです。活き活きとした表情を包み隠さず表現するという。
― そういう部分ですごく映像メディアっていうのは、tamaki niimeを表現するのに適しているのかなと。で、そこにコンテンツを集約させるべく、皆さんが集まっておられるのかなと。
― はい。
― 社長プレゼン!
― おお!
― 「ニュー・にゅうとるチーム」ですね。さっきスタッフの方にも映像を撮ってもらうというお話しがあったでしょう?
― なるほど。
睦美「インスタとかはスタッフ皆んなが上げてるので、そういった感じでスタッフ皆んなが思うtamaki niimeというところで、同じような切り口ではない色んな映像が出てくれば。」
― 撮る人も固定していないと。面白いですね。動画はtamaki niimeのYouTubeにUPされるわけですか?
久保「これまで「tamaki niimeの日常」という番組をやってて、社長と酒井さんが出てて、たまにスタッフがゲストとして登場するという感じだったんですけど、ウチには現場でモノづくりをしている人間がたくさんいて、その全員を紹介しきれてない上に、このコロナのご時世にも関わらず、一緒になにかを創りたいというスタッフが今もたくさん増えているんですよね。」
― はい。
久保「ここでみんなが言ってるように、全員異なる能力を持っているスタッフたちを、ちゃんともっと丁寧に、一人一人にフォーカスを当てて、そこから、tamaki niimeの今というものを伝える必要がある。僕らが毎日当たり前にやってることが、まだまだお客様には届いてないので。」
― tamaki niimeの、モノづくりのヴィヴィッドな日常を、ですね。
― (笑)。
久保「なんか、人間の体温がちゃんと伝わるように、とか、そうゆうのが届けばいい。そうなると今のtamaki niimeなら、動画の点数が集まってくれば…しかも色んな角度から。「で、tamaki niimeって、一体なんなん??」ってとこにもう一回戻って来るっていう。多角的ってゆうよりかはもう、「円」です。ちゃんと“求心”していきたい。そんなイメージがありますね。」
― なるほど…。
― そこをぶっ壊して。
― ええ、ええ。
久保「そこで初めて、tamaki niimeの「LIVE(ライヴ)」が現れるんじゃないかと思ってます。」
各チームから多彩なスタッフが集まり、映像を通して、確固とした「芯」を持ちながら日々刻々とカタチが変化してゆくtamaki niimeの生な姿を集め、映し出し、広い世界に届けてゆく「にゅうとるチーム」。
ブランドの核となる部分をよりシンプルなひとことで表すべく、大濱が再度考案した、新しい「tamaki niimeの根っこ」の発表もあります。
In 2021, this year, ‘tamaki niime’s’ newest team has officially launched. Their name is the ‘New Film Crew’. What is it? What are they going to do? I interviewed the six individuals; Shohei Kubo, Ryuta Fujimoto, Hideaki Ohama, Mutsumi Tamaki, Nagisa Ueda, and new member Keiko Inagaki during the busiest time of the new year.
—— The members of the ‘New Film Crew’ also belong to other teams, right?
- Ohama
- Yes, we do. No one works only for this team.
- Kubo
- First, we had the ‘film team’ who handled the overall shooting. The ‘New Film Crew’ came from the filming team.
—— I see.
- Kubo
- To go into detail, the team in charge of promotion sales and online marketing works closely with the team in charge of making products. Mr Ohama takes care of the ‘Wa team’, and I handle the ‘Toru team’.
—— You have excellent members in Ms Ueda of the ‘Weave team,’ Mr Fujimoto from the ‘Weave team’ and public relations, Mutsumi in management, and new member, Ms Inagaki.
- Kubo
- We mainly take care of video programs and make plans for business strategies. This team is specific in explaining our commitments for ‘tamaki niime’ to the world.
—— You plan out a branding strategy.
- Kubo
- Yes, we do. We make plans, write scripts, have photoshoots, edit, post, and share through SNS.
—— You are fabulous. Are you like the company advertising agency?
- Ueda
- Hehehe.
- Ohama
- Exactly.
- Mutsumi
- We look like it.
—— In the last interview, I found out the ‘Wa team’ covers a wide variety of jobs, but ‘New Film Crew’ seems to have more of theirs.
- Kubo
- I think so. I feel we made significant progress by setting up this team and making videos. Gathering staff from across the teams helps create an excellent environment to create various and thoroughly enriching programs.
—— They are selective staff from other teams. That’s why it’s possible to approach the target subjects.
- Kubo
- ‘tamaki niime’ expresses themselves a lot by posting pictures and statements, but Ms Tamaki thought that was not enough, so we should have other ways to provide information.
—— I see.
- Kubo
- Other than that, as you know, Ms Tamaki’s interests have been increasing. It would be too much to post with just pictures and statements. I understand she thinks videos maybe the best way to explain.
—— That makes sense as you consider the amount of information.
- Kubo
- Yeah, that’s right.
—— Its great advantage is you can post them immediately.
- Kubo
- That’s right. Videos, which contain audio and visual information, allow us to explain quickly. I hope to improve our efforts using words and pictures to express these ideas, which helps, like enhancing the resolution.
—— I see. I interviewed each of you in the past, but I would like each of you to state what you do and want to do in the ‘New Film Crew’.
- Fujimoto
- I recognize that my role is to connect people on the outside.
—— I see. You have public relations experience.
- Fujimoto
- I want to introduce the people we have been working with and the things the boss feels good about into this team and suggest and make plans. For example, we connected with the people who knew about “Koshirae-kai” (* creation trial) and “Hara goshirae kai” (* meal trial). There are reasons why we invited them. I want to interview about why they connected with “tamaki niime”. To make plans to share the information, not just share it among the staff.
—— Do you have some details?
- Fujimoto
- One example is “The soap shop Reef” in which we feel great about their creations. I want to tell their story through the video. I wish we connected well with them.
—— Listening to what you said, I understand a little that videos are the essential tool to stabilize plans and send information.
- Mutsumi
- I think we each have roles. To sum up opinions, share them with staff, and check up the progress to keep working productively. We hope we ended up not doing it even though we planned it out.
—— I see. Mutsumi, I understand you are in charge of progress management. Ms Ohama, will you tell us, please?
- Ohama
- I belong to the ‘Wa team’. In my role here, I send pieces of information about “tamaki niime” to the people outside, or I give the information to our staff. I think I am here at ‘New Film Crew’ to be a messenger to deliver information about products. In a narrow sense, we take videos and send messages to the world. Generally, our members are the workers who are good at shooting and editing videos, speaking, or IT. But they don’t just work with videos. They work with their unique skills and thoughts; Fujimoto in public relations, Ueda in creation, Kubo in filming, Mutsumi in management, and a new member. I think they are so ‘tamaki niime’.
—— I see.
- Ohama
- As one of my roles, I work on making ties with staff, which was probably the beginning of making outside connections. We could visit “The soap shop Reef” which Fujimoto mentioned, “HANDMADE”, which gives us coffee, and the wholesale stores that have been supporting us from our early time, and talk and hear them to make connections. In return, we bring them “tamaki niime”‘s new something. I hope such works make new massive connections.
—— You want to work on extending connections.
- Ohama
- That’s why I will go more outside this year.
—— Of course, you wear “Tamask”.
- Ohama
- Absolutely!
- Kubo
- He is the mule.
- Ueda
- Hahaha. ( laugh )
—— OK.
- Ueda
- At the end of the year, 2020, the “New Film Crew” started up.
—— When was that? Did you begin making films when they had * ‘Nishiwaki gaku’?
*A class to learn about the city of Nishiwaki, Hyogo, Japan. On November 22 in 2020, the first class was held at Apica Hall, and Ms Tamaki was invited to give the first lecture. You can watch it on the ‘tamaki niime’ YouTube channel.
- Ueda
- Yes, we did.
- Mutsumi
- That was a little before the class opened.
—— You were the reporter.
- Ueda
- Yes, I was. Expressing with my characters, I was hoping to report with a natural excitement for the customers.
—— That seems perfect for you.
- Ueda
- ( laughs ) But I was too nervous at that time.
—— Is that right?
- Ueda
- I was feeling a bit out of control.
—— You pulled yourself together?
- Kubo
- She tried to be a good girl.
—— I see. You had a camera in mind.
- Ueda
- I got hung up about that I was in the frame. I couldn’t think of customers behind the camera. For 2020, I want to break my shell and be myself. I know being yourself is the best I do.
—— I see.
- Ueda
- I want to express myself naturally. That’s how I should be. ( laugh ) Please watch over me. I will move forward. ( laugh )
—— I see. Ms Inagaki, listening to other’s comments, what do you think? I heard you have just joined today.
- Inagaki
- I applied for this company with much interest; I checked out their website and Youtube, talked about the want ads, and saw the staff and had a good impression of them. My image for the company has been positive.
—— I see.
- Inagaki
- I thought that older women favour the ‘tamaki niime’ brand, but my misconception has changed. I feel the videos have the power to let the audience catch people’s feelings or the site atmosphere. Rather than writing, they can convince people with “silent voices.” I want to work on getting that.
—— Did you request to join the ‘New Film Crew’?
- Inagaki
- Well, when I worked as an intern, I edited two videos. While listening to Ms Tamaki, I thought about what I should select from her talk. And I thought it would be exciting if just a bit of her comment was a big hit.
—— Have you ever worked in editing films?
- Inagaki
- Yes, I worked through video shooting in college and as my job.
—— You got the top talent.
- Kubo
- We appreciate her.
—— All right. It looks like the team is out of order ( laugh ). But you sound like “tamaki niime” as I am listening to you. I feel you finally set up the ideal team, free from stereotypes and flexible like an amoeba, as Ms Tamaki mentioned. Videos are easier to express ‘tamaki niime’ because they can easily express important feelings and moments. They can show vivid facial expressions.
- Kubo
- I think so.
—— So, this medium is very suitable for expressing ‘tamaki niime’. Enriching the programs, I think you are well set.
- Mutsumi
- At the beginning of the new year, the boss asked us to decide what we want to do as the ‘New Film Crew’ because it would be vital for us to send messages even though not knowing how 2021 would be.
—— I see.
- Mutsumi
- Five of us had a serious meeting the next day. We could set our direction and where we wanted to go. We thought to ask the staff to take of as much video as they could. After that, we showed our presentation to the boss.
—— Wow, you did it!
- Mutsumi
- We got her approval. We just started doing the project a few days ago.
- Ueda
- We worked hard together.
—— Oh, great!
- Ueda
- We had a wonderful time.
- Mutsumi
- We have just started, and I know there are tons of things to discuss. I expect Ms Inagaki, with her new ideas and skills, could work well with Mr Kubo. I hope they fill in the blanks.
- Ueda
- They are great.
- Mutsumi
- That’s how we have restarted in 2021.
—— You are the ‘Renewal New Film Crew’, aren’t you? Did you mention that you asked other staff to shoot videos?
- Mutsumi
- I think each team, such as ‘weaving’ or ‘dyeing’, can make videos about what they want to tell. It is more effective that way. It would also be better with written messages because they can send messages with much knowledge and hearts. Ms Tamaki loves working together, so I want to ask the Lab team to shoot videos by themselves.
—— I see.
- Mutsumi
- Like every staff posts on Instagram, I hope to create the video from various angles of ‘tamaki niime’ with the staff’s different views and feelings.
- Ueda
- That sounds interesting.
—— The video would be an interesting one by differing views. Would the video be posted on the ‘tamaki niime’ YouTube channel?
- Kubo
- We have had ‘tamaki niime’s Daily Life’, with Ms Tamaki and Mr Sakai, and some staff as well. We have too many staff working at the factory. Not only are we unable to introduce all of the staff, but we are also currently increasing our staff who want to work with us even during COVID.
—— I see.
- Kubo
- As we have been saying, we need to take excellent care of our staff. We need to send information about the present ‘tamaki niime’ to the world. We haven’t posted all of our daily jobs to our customers yet.
- Mutsumi
- That’s true.
—— You want to tell ‘tamaki niime’s ordinary creation life’, right?
- Kubo
- We are not trying to make programs with organized stories, but instead we want to express our lives, which is more human-like, in an old fashioned style even with newer technological fields. I don’t have any desire to take beautiful photos at all. (laugh) I even shoot videos if the images are out of frame.
- Ueda
- (laugh)
—— (laugh)
- Kubo
- I want to shoot videos that the audience can feel the warmth of humanity. Right now, we collect videos from many angles, and I hope they could make us reflect on what ‘tamaki niime’ is. It’s more like a circle, not multi-directional. Overall, I want to focus on introspection.
—— I see.
- Kubo
- I want to focus on each staff’s personality in their videos. Shooting videos, taking videos, having your photo taken may sound bombastic or high tech.
—— But, you want to change that image.
- Kubo
- Yeah, just like blinking your eyes, I want people to feel through their eyes. Just like they watch with their eyes instead of a smartphone.
—— I see, I see.
- Ueda
- Yeah, yeah.
- Kubo
- There, we could finally reveal ‘tamaki niime’s’ lively creations.
Gathering the various staff from each team, through their lens, the ‘New Film Crew’ collects the vivid images of the daily changes that “tamaki niime” keeps while sticking their ideal and sending their message to the world.
Just like a fish in water, Kubo can’t stop talking enthusiastically. Next time, I will cover the staff’s stories who knew what to do after all the rewarding discussions.
Mr Ohama came up with the idea of “tamaki niime’s foundation”, which can be expressed that being simple is the essential core part of making brands.
I will reveal more next time.
Please look forward to the next issue.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.