niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
We announce niime's fabric store!
〈 part 2 〉
〈 part 2 〉
2021 . 03 . 02
― 基本的に人に対する愛情というか想いが溢れて、それをオブラートに包まずに強い言い方になるのではと。
― それはすごく感じます。
― 父親の影響って大きいですもんね。
酒井「そんなことブッ壊せばいいやん。じゃあここに書いてもらおう。tamaki niimeでは、男も女もないやん。ジェンダーレスやん。」
― それは何か、産地のモノづくりを集約させる場になるという予感がしますね。播州織の高度な技術を「布屋」という窓口を設けて、tamaki niimeというフィルターを通してクオリティ高く提示するというか。
― はい。
― はい。
― そこは横一線であると。
― tamaki niimeというブランドが突出しているところは色々とあると思いますが、「布屋」という部門を設けることで、産地にとっても突破口になるのではという気がします。
酒井「 B to Bだけでなく、B to Cでリアルにお客様と行き交いできるプラットフォームがあれば。僕らはB to C ベースで、そこからB to Bに繋がれば良いなという発想やから。」
― 最終的にはCustomer=顧客に届くことを見据えたモノづくりであって、それが前提のB to Bであると。
― そこはお客様目線を大切にしているところに繋がりますね。
― なるほど。
― う〜ん。。
玉木「なにかtamaki niimeが…もちろん成長はしてるんだけど、ある意味では伸びが鈍化してるんですよ。その理由が何か?って考えた時に、外部との接点が少なくなったからだと思った。」
― というと?
― 玉木さんの目線を交えて意見交換することで双方に色んな新しいモノづくりの可能性が芽生える気がします。
玉木「ここのShop&Labはお客様が買い物のために来る場になってるから、機屋さんが相談に来るところには成れてないし、新しい生地を提案する場にも成れてないと思うから。その辺がうまく、「布屋」ができることで何か面白いアイデアが生まれたら、tamaki niimeでも更にアレンジを加えて創れるかもしれないし、良い関係性を築けたら、もっと面白くなる。もっと生地開発が進むなと。」
― 垣根のない。
― 一番わくわくする場所ですね。
― 音楽の世界なんかでも、既成の概念に縛られずにどんどんとジャンルレス化が進んでますよね。混じっていく面白さというか。
― もうフラットに。
― はい。
玉木「いちおう目標としては、5月23日(日)に「播博(播州織博覧会 ※西脇で開催予定の生地マルシェ・イベント。今年が3回目となる)」が行われるそうなので、その日に合わせて私たちも「布屋」をOPEN出来たら良いかなと。準備間に合うんかな?焦るな。」
― 同じ日にイベントとして店開きしようかと。
― 先行で今回この「niime百科」で言っちゃって良いんですか?
― はい。
― どんな場になるのか愉しみです。
― なるほどですね。
― 西角さんとの出会いの時のわくわくという玉木さんの個人的な体験をスタッフの皆さんに…。
― なるほど。
― う〜ん…。
― 「わくわくが集まる」場、「布屋」ですね。
かつて、播州織職人として高度な技術と豊かな経験を持つ西角博文氏とのわくわくする生地開発のコラボレーションが、玉木の創造力を刺激し、ショールをはじめとするtamaki niimeの独創的な作品づくりの原動力となった。
「布」というシンプルなキーワードによって、モノづくりを志す学生たちが、経験豊富な播州織職人たちが、tamaki niimeのそれぞれ個性を持つ若いスタッフたちが、美しい生地に惹かれる顧客が、そしてあらゆる人々が、ひとつの場を共有し混じりあってゆく。
そこは買い手が創り手ともなりうる、これからの時代に先駆けた、tamaki niimeらしい、自由で開かれたモノづくりのプラットフォームになってゆくことだろう。
4月にプレスリリースが予定されていると聞く「tamaki niime「布屋」始めます!宣言」。プロジェクトの詳細が明らかになるその公式発表を、春の陽射しを待つように、わくわくと待とう。
- Sakai
- The artist Taro Okamoto once said, “Art is like an explosion.” But the contemporary world has a system that doesn’t allow us to explode. Do you understand what I mean?
- Tamaki
- I wonder why it’s like that. I would rather make society better than let sleeping dogs lie, looking away from the problems, or trying not to cause problems.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
- Tamaki
- So I have to say it now to make things better, no matter who they are. I was sometimes told that I explained in a way that was not pleasant, but the actual problem is what I said. I think it’s more important to have discussions with them.
- Sakai
- In Tamaki’s case, I think her way of explaining may be too strong and doesn’t sound nice, but she has respect for those people in her heart. I hope they understand why she speaks like that.
—— In her principle, she has a lot of love for people; that’s why she uses direct terms to explain without anything hidden.
- Sakai
- She has a very warm heart.
—— I can feel that.
- Sakai
- She becomes too passionate.
- Tamaki
- Recently, I became more aware that I am more strict with men. I basically believe that a man has to show himself that he is a man.
- Sakai
- Tatsuo (her late father) was like that.
- Tamaki
- Yeah.
—— Your father’s influence is considerable, right?
- Sakai
- But your grandfather was different, right?
- Tamaki
- (pointing at Sakai) He was like you, Sakai.
- Sakai
- Yeah, he was like me.
- Tamaki
- He was a similar kind of person. I was shocked.
- Sakai
- He was flaky.
- Tamaki
- My grandfather and my father, they are true biological parent and son.
- Sakai
- My grandmother was a great businesswoman, from which my father was greatly influenced, I think.
- Tamaki
- I don’t think Japanese society is wrong, but there is this social trend where women should be quiet.
- Sakai
- What is different between men and women?
- Tamaki
- There is a historical influence within the society.
- Sakai
- We should break it down. Okay, let’s write it down. ‘tamaki niime’ does not discriminate between men and women or non-binary.
- Tamaki
- I think we have simply educated the gender values subconsciously. By the way, I was awakened by what Mr Nishikaku said. I don’t know if his suggestion was the best or not to activate Nishiwaki City, but anyway, we came to agree to have a ‘fabric shop’, right?
- Sakai
- Yeah.
—— I feel it may help the local creative products to come together there. We could display high-quality Banshu-ori products and skills at the ‘fabric store’, refined through the eyes of ‘tamaki niime’.
- Tamaki
- It probably wouldn’t be limited to just displaying in Banshu area.
- Sakai
- Yeah.
- Tamaki
- Ultimately, we aim to have products all over the world, but our main focus is to maintain Japanese creativity.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- We wouldn’t do things on such a small scale, only to take care of products from Nishiwaki. If the people with good sense bring excellent products, it doesn’t matter where they are from. As long as they are excellent products, we would accept them.
- Sakai
- We should keep that stance, not to be tied to fixed ideas.
- Tamaki
- Not to limit to protect only the products of Nishiwaki.
- Sakai
- We aren’t only fixated on Nishiwaki. I think we have to be the neutral platform within the big picture.
- Tamaki
- I see.
- Sakai
- So we should accept many materials, and should make high-quality products for customers.
—— You have to run it fairly, right?
- Sakai
- That’s right. They keep working horizontally, and I think our role is to connect the two lines.
—— ‘tamaki niime’ brand has many areas where they stand out from the crowd, but having ‘a fabric store’ can create many more opportunities for the product district.
- Sakai
- I wish to have a real free platform of B (Business) to C (Customers) market distribution, not only connection of B to B. Our business is basically on B to C distribution, and we hope to have newer links of B to B.
—— Our final goal of creation is to get the products in their hands. Making more B to B connections is a precondition for that goal.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— From what you have been stating, I understand how much you consider your customers.
- Tamaki
- After all, the end goal of the ‘fabric store’ is to help children grow.
- Sakai
- What?
- Tamaki
- I hope our fabric store can provide learning opportunities such as making fabrics for the high school students I mentioned before. Of course, we will sell materials, but even artisans can come over if they want to understand what our customers want. We could provide a class for people who don’t know what to do with the fabrics even though they bought them or don’t know how to sew would be taught there. We could help those who want to open their own fabric store.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- After all, I wish I could be a centre point to provide a place to answer their needs for those who want to do something, to make something, but don’t have the know-how. If there is such a place to get help, they would absolutely challenge and step into what they want to do without suffering by themselves or giving up because of not knowing how.
—— Ummm.
- Tamaki
- ‘tamaki niime’ has been growing, but our growth is slowing down by some definition. I think what causes it is because we don’t make more connections with the outside world than we used to do.
—— What do you mean?
- Tamaki
- Because I think we could give people advice at the places we meet to improve them. Because I like to add some extra touch to whatever work they do. I want such a meeting place to help develop people who could make connections.
—— I think it would be possible to produce new products by having people exchange opinions through Ms Tamaki’s visions.
- Tamaki
- ‘Shop & Lab’ is the place for customers to shop, but not for fabric makers to come to consult with us or provide them with new fabrics. If our ‘fabric store’ could provide everyone with good ideas, we at ‘tamaki niime’ could add something more to help create products. If we develop good relationships with them, we would have more fun and work on fabric development.
- Sakai
- Many products are sorted by categories such as high-quality, no-name, creation brands like us, or crafts, but I want to remove all the types.
—— Remove all the barriers.
- Sakai
- I want to have various people and cultures mingle. If different people work together, something new would be created naturally without suggesting anything to them. I desire to have a place for those who could freely interact with each other and make a place by themselves.
—— That would be an exciting place.
- Sakai
- That’s right.
—— Even in the music world, they are not bound by traditional concepts. They try to go beyond the categories of music. They have fun blending together.
- Tamaki
- The only option is to blend together because we have everything we need now.
- Sakai
- Even though we blend together and do well in some parts, we get a domain and have difficulties integrating after a while. That’s where they usually have a new category. But from now on, we remove all the genre and barriers.
—— You want to make it all evenly.
- Sakai
- That’s right. I think it would be more fun when we are all in one place. In that sense, there would have no hierarchy when you see the big vision. I mean, we shouldn’t have a ranking system.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- I would like to have a gathering place such as a store, a platform without barriers.
- Tamaki
- Yeah. We still need some effort.
- Sakai
- True. We need more effort.
- Tamaki
- Right now, our goal is to open our ‘fabric store’ on the 23rd of May, the same day when the ‘Banshu-ori Festival’ is held in Nishiwaki. (It is the event of fabric markets. This is the third year.) I hope we can make it for that day. I feel rushed.
—— You make it match with the event date for opening the store.
- Tamaki
- Please look forward to our fabric store. I will send out a press release on the opening of the fabric store in April.
—— Is that okay to announce it in this ‘niime Encyclopedia’ in advance?
- Tamaki
- I want to announce it, even though I still don’t know the details. (laugh)
- Sakai
- Anyway, we will open it someday, absolutely soon.
—— I see.
- Sakai
- I’m sure it’s okay to announce it.
- Tamaki
- No problem! We should say, ‘we will start getting ready to open a fabric store.’ That sounds fun.
—— can’t wait to see that.
- Tamaki
- I enjoyed hearing the interview for Mr Nishikaku, remembering the old days of fabric making. They kept making fabrics in conversations with artisans. Nowadays, we set up the laboratory, and our staff isn’t in contact with the people outside. They don’t have chances to meet with artisans, because we could complete our production in our company. If we had the opportunities to be taught by them, we could develop our creativity. I feel bad, though. Even though we should meet with outside artisans to learn, we can’t ask them to get the fabrics for our products in reality. I have been thinking about how we could meet with them and learn from them. It would be an excellent idea for both of us to open a ‘fabric store’ and mingle together.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- We could meet and discuss. If the fabrics are suitable to sell, we could make a good amount of them as long as they go well. It is a significant benefit for us that we can order more fabrics for the craftsmen than before.
- Sakai
- It is beneficial for both sides.
- Tamaki
- Yeah.
—— You want all your staff to have the experience of being excited, like when Ms Tamaki met with Mr Nishikaku, right?
- Tamaki
- I wish to have that excitement repeatedly. I want all our staff to feel that. They still don’t know many things about weaving and could learn it by talking to the artisans. They would love to and be into it if they enjoy making things.
—— I see.
- Tamaki
- Because we have the laboratory at our place, we don’t search outside, but I think we should try to get more information from outside, which exists all around us. Basically, such efforts are not made through encouragement, but we should naturally do it. We neglect to do it because of our environment.
—— Hmmm.
- Tamaki
- It is undoubtedly vital to reconsider yourself once you gain knowledge and skills. But there are artisans around you; needless to say, you should talk to them more.
- Sakai
- Yeah, because our motto is ‘Gather! Excited people!’.
- Tamaki
- That’s right. That’s right.
—— ‘The gathering platform for excited people’ is ‘the fabric store’, right?
Tamaki’s excitement of fabric development with Mr Hirofumi Nishikaku, a Banshu-ori artisan with high skills and rich experiences, stimulated her creativity, which gave her the original inspiration to make such unique products as the shawls.
Even Mr Nishikaku gained new fabric making ideas through helping Ms Tamaki, who is not bound by the old Banshu-ori style, with the requests to her free-spirited style.
Under the simple keyword of ‘Fabrics’, a student aiming to create, rich experienced Banshu-ori artisans, each individual within ‘tamaki niime’, the customers attracted by beautiful fabrics, and various people come to one place to blend and share with each other.
The customers can be the makers there. It would be a new open creation platform to feel our future and the way ‘tamaki niime’ is.
The press release announcement of ‘tamaki niime fabric store’ is expected to send out in April. We can’t wait to hear their official announcement of the project details as much as we can’t wait for spring sunshine.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.