niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Online outbound team discussion: Wa and Toru
〈 part 2 〉
〈 part 2 〉
2022 . 06 . 30
—— それでは、いまさらではありますが皆さんの現在の担当業務を教えてください。
—— プリントショールのデザインはずっと担当されてるんですね。
—— 「染め」もやってるんですか!
—— 様々に手を広げて。
本岡「それと最近、“引退宣言”したんですけど、『B to C』(一般のお客様向け)のオンラインの運営ってところは、まだ半分くらいやってますけど、引退します。」
—— じゃ、後輩に引き継ぐみたいな。
—— 「わチーム」っていま何人いらっしゃるんですか?
—— 「わチーム」の仕事内容としては?
本岡「今はOnline Shopがメインの業務ではあるんですけど、もともと私一人しかやってなかった仕事が多くて。『B to C』とかの部分は他の人に渡していこうと。」
—— なるほど。じゃあ今引き継ぎ中であると。
—— モノづくりの現場の場合、藤本さんのお話では例えば「織チーム」だったり、引き継いでゆくという流れを以前から聞いてたんですけど、オンラインのところでもいよいよそうなってきた感じですか?
—— 個人能力に委ねる部分はありつつも、会社組織として。
—— 30代のスタッフがこれから主力を担って、というお話がありました。
—— 「ちきゅうのゆがみをととのえる」というミッション、「niime村の創造」というビジョンに照らした各チームの取り組み、その延長線上でしょうか。
—— それは各チームリーダーで寄り合いをして。定例ミーティングみたいなカタチで?
—— 橋本さん的にはどうですか?今の仕事は。
—— はい。
—— 組んでる感じですか。
橋本「そうですね。それで、もともと『わチーム』にいた時から、Online Shopの作品ページを創ってゆくのもメインでやらせてもらってるんで、そこを次の若い子に引き継いでゆくという。」
—— 作品ページというと、作品紹介になりますか?
—— 橋本さん、LINEで「縫製チーム」の新作作品についてのやり取りとかを聞いてると、やはりとても服づくりに詳しいですよね。
—— 川畑さんとの言葉のキャッチボールがすごいなと。
—— なるほど。服づくりもできる、服についてのその理解度というのは、強みというか。
—— サラッと(笑)。
—— そこって、皆さんそうなんですけど、仕事内容が色々と多岐に渡ってるっていう。どれもやりたいって感じですか?
—— あ、これまで動画を担当したことってなかったんでしたっけ?
—— 久保さんにしても、そんなに昔から動画撮ってたわけではなかったんですよね?
—— そこがスゴイですよね、やれちゃうってゆう…やれちゃうどころか、「グッドデザイン賞」受賞のプレゼン映像制作しちゃうという。
久保「動画表現とtamaki niimeというブランドの相性が良いってゆうか。」
—— ですよね。LINEも日々あれだけの頻度で更新されてて、そこが如実に現れてますよね。毎日だけど決まりきったルーティンという感じでは全くなくて、ナチュラルにtamaki niimeの今日が伝わるというか。そこがすごく良いなと思うんです。久保さん的には現在の仕事内容と言いますと、やはり動画中心ですか?
久保「(橋本と顔を見合わせて)けっこうかぶってるよね。Online Shopのページ制作もあるし、裏側のシステムも触るし。」
—— あれは久保さんの仕業なんですか(笑)。
橋本「あと『shima』の外壁にtamaki niimeのロゴ塗ったりとか。」
—— 3拍子揃ってますね(笑)。あと、グラフィック的なところでいうと、本岡さんデザインによるチラシなどの紙もの・印刷物を観させていただいて、線画のイラストだったりも含めて、tamaki niimeのグラフィック表現ってゆうのはブランドの在り様を咀嚼して、すごくフィットしていると感じるんですけど、どうでしょう?試行錯誤もありました?
—— なるほど。そこのバランスってゆうのはもう自ずと出来る感じですか?
—— 尖ったバージョンも期待しそうになるんですが(笑)。いやぁ、ありがとうございます。では最後に、2年前にも訊きましたけど、皆さんのこれからの抱負なり、やりたいことをお願いします。先ほどこの会社なら色んなことが出来るしやりたいし、というお話も出ましたよね。
—— 会社の方向性だったり、新しい取り組みが立ち上がった時に、例えばそれが現状の業務とは異なるものであったとしても、そっちが面白いってなる可能性もあるのでは。
—— ジャンルレスで。
募集時点でスタッフに必ずしもその道のエキスパートを求めているわけではないのが、tamaki niimeの一貫したポリシーのひとつの表れでもあるだろう。もちろん職人たちの熟練の技術も高く評価する一方で、固定化した方法論ではなく新しい発想・アイデアを携え柔軟にクリエーションを愉しめる姿勢が求められていると思える。
—— モノづくりを毎日愉しみながら自分の引き出しも増やしていく。そこを皆さんクオリティ高くされてるのもスゴイなと思うんですが。橋本さんいかがですか?
橋本「いま僕ら30代で会社の中堅になってきてるじゃないですか?僕も今年で36。そんなオッサンが、tamaki niimeでキャッキャキャッキャと笑っている姿を後輩に見せるのが、それが方向性なんかなと。」
—— (笑)。
橋本「“まいにち ぜんぶ たのしむ”ってそうゆうことやろ? 年齢とか無視して、この中で一番愉しんでるってのを見せたい。」
—— 「shima博」開催時の、Lab内でモニター4台並べてそれぞれに別々の映像が流れて、tamaki niimeの日常が溢れてる、みたいな展示が良かったんですけど。その場でお話を聞いた時に、例えばこれを他の場所でエキシビション的にやってみたいというアイデアもあったじゃないですか。
—— そこも新分野ですよね。そんなフロンティア的な面白さを日々感じながらやられているのかなと。
—— ああ〜、なるほど。けっこう“事後報告” って多くないですか?
—— 社長の反応を見てみたい、みたいなのあるんじゃないですか。これつくっちゃったんですけど、みたいな。
—— 基本的に玉木さんは人を驚かせる・愉しませることが大好きですよね。逆に玉木さんを驚かせよう、とか。
—— “クレイジー”やな、と言わせたらもうバッチリ、みたいな。
—— 夜中にペインティングして。
—— 「今晩決行だ!」って感じの。
—— ハプニング好きみたいな部分も。
—— なんか起こった時に、バネにしてというチカラ入った感じじゃなくって、逆にそれを利用して愉しんじゃえ〜的な。
—— なので、これからワタシたち・オレたちもっとバカやれるぜ!みたいな。
—— 住居の住の「住むチーム」ですか?
本岡「衣食住ってあるけど、「衣」はもともとウチにあるじゃないですか。「食」はハタケとかtabe roomでやってるし、「住」の部分がやって行きたいところではあるなって話が一致して。」
—— 良いですね。そこって“早いもん勝ち”ですもんね。新たなフロンティアを目指すチームですね。
—— そういえば生地を使った壁紙開発もありましたしね。…いやぁ、いくらでも話せてまいそうですが、そろそろこの辺で…。同じくクリエイターの端くれとして、私もとても愉しかったです。どうもありがとうございました。
—— さすが本岡さん(笑)。じゃあひとことだけ。
—— 最後に延々一人語りみたいな。
—— 「コトづくり」!
—— 最後の最後になって重要フレーズが飛び出してきましたね。これは語ってもらわないと。
—— なるほど…。
—— 動画配信を愉しんで頂いてるという反応が。
現在のtamaki niimeのデイリーなLINE配信を観ると、新作作品の紹介があり、モノづくりの現場やShopの映像があり、niime庭で遊ぶ羊の姿があり、田植えの様子があり、「いどばたまき」の告知があり…多様なコンテンツが日替わりで登場するその振り幅が、心地よい“ゆらぎ”のようにも感じられる。
ブランドtamaki niimeのポテンシャルを引き出しつつ柔軟に、各々の創造を心底愉しむ。若手スタッフに背中でお手本を見せる3人組の素敵でお茶目な遊びゴコロが十全に伝わってきた、そんな今回のトークセッションだった。
〈 continued from the first half 〉
—— It’s a little late for that now, though,what do you do at present?
- Motooka
- Besides working online, I design paper items and shawl patterns.
—— You have been designing printed-shawls for a long time, right?
- Motooka
- Yes, I’ve been doing this since I joined the company. Right now, during this season, I am doing ‘dye plays’.
—— Wow, you also create for dyes!
- Motooka
- Yes, I do. (laugh) I just told them I wanted to do a little, but from last year, I got involved, and have been doing a lot this year, even jaguar designs.
—— Extending to try various things…
- Motooka
- And recently, I announced a ‘declaration of resignation’. Even though I am still doing half of the jobs for ‘B to C’ (for regular customers) to take care of the online business, I will quit.
- Kubo
- That ‘headline’ is final, right?
- Motooka
- Yeah? (laugh)
—— So, will younger staff take over?
- Motooka
- Yes, I want them to take over.
—— How many staff do you have on the Wa team?
- Motooka
- Right now, we have three regular workers and two part-time workers.
—— What are the tasks of the Wa team?
- Motooka
- Currently, our main jobs are online, which I was originally doing alone. I am thinking of handing over ‘B to C’ jobs to someone else.
—— I see. So you are in the process of handing that over.
- Motooka
- Yes.
- Kubo
- Since we have more young staff members, I want to change the conditions that only one person can do specific jobs and adequately share the tasks with them.
- Motooka
- Yeah, I want everyone to be able to handle the workload.
—— In the case of the manufacturing team, as Mr Fujimoto mentioned about the weaving team as an example, I heard discussing the process of taking over the job. So, it’s time to do the same thing with online works, correct?
- Motooka
- I think so. Since we got new people, it’s healthy to create a system where everyone can handle the work. I want to reduce workload as much as possible, that only specific staff can manage.
—— You may have some tasks that depend on someone’s abilities, but you want to make the system share the work in organizing a company.
- Motooka
- As for our work, what we are going to do now, the three of us, we want to focus more on making our brand. Of course, we work at creating products, but we want to work for the whole brand overall.
—— You told me that you want the 30-year-old staff members to take a leading role.
- Motooka
- That’s right. We are in charge of branding.
—— Your works would be an extension of the ‘Aligning of the Earth distortions’, and each team’s works along the visions of ‘niime village creation’, right?
- Motooka
- In addition, we came to the point where we want to consider it as a company over the individual teams, even though we discussed it as a team so far.
—— So, each team’s leader will get together and have regular meetings?
- Motooka
- Yes, we have just started that.
- Hashimoto
- Yes, we just did it recently.
—— What do you think about your work now, Mr Hashimoto?
- Hashimoto
- I belonged to the Toru team, which taking pictures of one-item products, and now I have entirely handed that over to a part-time worker.
—— I see.
- Hashimoto
- Now, my main job is video shooting with Mr Kubo.
—— Are you working together?
- Hashimoto
- Yes, we are. And since I am originally on the Wa team and mainly been making the product page for the Online Shop, so it needs to be handed over to younger staff members.
—— Is that the page for introducing products?
- Motooka
- It’s the page for sales. People can buy products there.
- Hashimoto
- Putting recommended coordination, sizes, and words of recommendation.
- Motooka
- We measure clothes sizes.
- Hashimoto
- It is a very detailed job.
—— Mr Hashimoto, you know very well about dressmaking, listening to the conversations with the sewing team about new products on LINE.
- Hashimoto
- Basically, I know how to sew. That’s why it’s easier to discuss it.
—— I am amazed at your conversations with Ms Kawabata.
- Hashimoto
- I’m just speaking in the flow. I can’t talk if there are prepared scripts. I like to say whatever I feel at the moment.
—— I see. You can make clothes. So I think your knowledge of dressmaking is your strength.
- Hashimoto
- I think so. I am glad if it’s my strength.
- Motooka
- What’s that? (laugh)
—— He’s being humble. (laugh)
- Hashimoto
- Originally, I like to make something so that I may change in that direction.
—— That’s what all of you work with various things. You want to try all of the other tasks, right?
- Hashimoto
- Yes, I want to try all of the exciting works. First of all, I just want to do fun things.
- Motooka
- That’s what I want, too.
- Hashimoto
- That’s why I started shooting video even though I had no experience. I tried, and it was fun.
—— Oh, you have never tried shooting videos before?
- Hashimoto
- No, I didn’t have any experience at all. I was taught from zero.
—— Even Mr Kubo, you didn’t have much experience, right?
- Kubo
- When I joined this company, I started taking videos seriously.
—— It’s incredible what you can do. Not only did you take videos, but you also created the video presentation that won the ‘Good Design Award’.
- Kubo
- This company allowed me to do what I wanted to do…so I asked them to buy the video equipment so that I could get started.
- Motooka
- (laugh)
- Kubo
- The expression with videos and ‘tamaki niime’ brand are well matched.
- Hashimoto
- Yeah, yeah.
—— I think so. Online delivery updates daily, and we can obviously see the results of such efforts. Even though they do it every day, they enjoy explaining about a day within ‘tamaki niime’, not feeling obligated as a routine task, which I think is excellent. Mr Kubo, do you consider your main job is taking videos now?
- Kubo
- (looking at Hashimoto) I’ve been doing several jobs. I make pages for online shopping and work for the system behind the scenes.
- Hashimoto
- He looks like being a ‘cutting workman’ for the last few years, who cuts and pastes cutting sheets.
- Kubo
- He pulled out the texts of previous interviews of the boss and Mr Sakai and designed them to make them look like patterns, or he pasted the sheet of all the letters on the body of Toyota HiAce.
—— Oh, Mr Kubo, you did that. (laugh)
- Kubo
- Yeah, I did that.
- Hashimoto
- Other than that, he painted the logo of ‘tamaki niime’ on the outside wall of Shima.
- Kubo
- ‘Taking pictures, pasting and painting.’
〈 everyone all laughs 〉
—— That’s a three-way tie. (laugh) Seeing graphic designs of paper fliers by Ms Motooka, printed materials, or lines of illustrations, I feel the graphic designs of ‘tamaki niime’ express their brand well. Did you go through a lot of trial and error?
- Motooka
- I have a similar taste about what ‘tamaki niime’ expressed. Some of their art expressions are adapted to mine, but I am not forced to adjust. They express naturally, but some parts are represented aggressively, which may be closer to what I want for the brand. The people outside would have our visual image as natural or more comparable to natural feeling, but we have a more aggressive one. I recognize it and design with such knowledge.
—— I see. Can you handle making that balance automatically?
- Motooka
- Showing aggressive parts, we consider the customers who receive them. So we try to make comfortably expressed products and easy to understand. Of course, we could make more aggressive ones if they want. (laugh) But we try to make balance.
—— I expect to see aggressive designs. (laugh) Well, thank you so much. Finally, as I asked you two years ago, what are your hopes and desires going forward? You told me that you want to try many things at this company, or they give you the chance to do so.
- Motooka
- Yeah.
—— When the company works in new ways or directions, you may find it more interesting to do that work, which is different from what you have been doing.
- Motooka
- Since the company allows me to challenge many things, if there are things I want to try, I want to do them without complaining or without selecting a genre.
—— Not choosing a genre.
- Motooka
- If I like that, I think I would make it fun. I want to challenge tasks that are not my profession.
One of ‘tamaki niime’s policies is that they don’t ask for professional skills when they hire, even though they highly appreciate skilled craftsmanship. Instead, they would rather have staff who have new ideas, not with fixed methodology, and have a flexible attitude to enjoy creation.
—— Enjoying manufacturing every day, you have been increasing the capacity of your abilities. I think you are great to be improving yourselves. What do you think, Mr Hashimoto?
- Hashimoto
- I am in my 30s and work as a central force in the company. I am going to be 36 this year. Our direction is reflected in young staff who watch such middle-aged older staff cackling at ‘tamaki niime’.
- Motooka
- (laugh) They want to be like us?
- Hashimoto
- That’s right. They think it would be great to work while laughing. Or they may think they don’t want to be like us. (laugh)
- Motooka
- You may be right. (laugh)
- Kubo
- They may think the latter. (laugh)
—— (laugh)
- Hashimoto
- What it means is ‘every day you enjoy all,’ right? No matter how old we are, I want to show them how much fun we are having.
- Kubo
- We want to make them think, ‘wow, older guys look like teenagers’.
- Hashimoto
- Yeah, yeah.
- Kubo
- We want to show off so much energy that they may cringe.
—— I liked the ‘Exhibition Shima’ display at the opening; they showed different videos on four screens in the building showing ‘tamaki niime’s daily life. When I interviewed you, there was an idea that you want to have such exhibitions at different places.
- Hashimoto
- Yeah.
—— That’s a new field. I thought you were challenging every day, feeling like a new frontier.
- Hashimoto
- “Let’s do it!” That’s how we felt and did it. We didn’t even tell our boss what we would do.
- Kubo
- No, we didn’t at all.
- Motooka
- Because of that, we could clean up the space. (laugh)
- Kubo
- We could open up a room.
- Hashimoto
- Just like uploading our videos, the works we did with a little bit of fun made a great result, and those things happened a lot.
—— Oh, I see. Don’t you have many ‘follow-up reports’?
- Hashimoto
- I have a bunch of them. We had to tell the truth as a fact and were sometimes scolded.
—— You wanted to see how the boss responded after you secretly made it?
- Kubo
- I have a habit of doing things without asking.
—— Basically, Ms Tamaki loves to make people surprised or amused. Conversely, did you want to surprise her?
- Kubo
- Yeah, that would be the reason.
- Hashimoto
- I think that’s it. We want to be praised by the boss and Mr Sakai.
- Kubo
- I want them to say, “it’s so interesting “.
- Hashimoto
- I wish for that.
- Kubo
- I would be so happy. ‘Hooray!’ If the boss yelled at me for being an idiot.
- Motooka
- (laugh)
—— It’s perfect if they say we are ‘crazy’.
- Hashimoto
- What we recently painted was the outside wall of ‘Shima’. We were so stupid.
—— You painted at midnight.
- Hashimoto
- It was freezing. We were warned not to get injured.
—— It was like, ‘Now or Never!’
- Kubo
- We were worried if we could finish.
- Hashimoto
- My brother helped us out, too. Because we didn’t have enough people to do it, we also asked the staff on their day off to come to help us.
—— You like adventures, right?
- Kubo
- We tend to accept accidental events positively, which may be more like our company’s characteristics.
—— When something happens, we don’t mean to use strength as a springboard but rather enjoy ourselves.
- Hashimoto
- The Toru team was born from the Wa team, and we organized various things. We are making up a system so that older staff can work with younger staff.
- Motooka
- We stabilized the system to be able to take over the work.
- Kubo
- It’s working now. We are on the right track.
- Motooka
- The way of our know-how is established.
—— So you can do more crazy things, right?
- Hashimoto
- That’s right.
- Motooka
- We get bored of doing typical jobs. (laugh)
- Hashimoto
- Three of us went out drinking the other day and talked about what we will name this team of 30-year-olds. How about the ‘Sumu’ team?
—— It means housing?
- Motooka
- In the necessity of clothing, food and living, we have clothing at our shop basically, food is at the ‘tabe room’ and fields, and we agreed to name us ‘housing’ which is what we want to work on.
- Hashimoto
- We talked about starting it up by ourselves.
—— That would be good. ‘Starting earlier is the winner.’ It is the team that aims for new frontiers.
- Hashimoto
- It’s totally out of my area…
- Motooka
- We may make furniture in six months.
- Hashimoto
- Or renovate old housing.
- Motooka
- I may put up wallpaper. (laugh)
—— Which reminds me of your developing wallpaper using fabrics…well, we could continue to talk about this, but I think it’s time to wrap up. As I am also a creator, it was so much fun listening to you. Thank you very much.
- Motooka
- Mr Kubo, did you tell us about your desires and hopes?
- Kubo
- I thought it would be over, but it looks like I can’t avoid it. (laugh)
—— It’s impressive, Ms Motooka! (laugh) Please tell us in one word.
- Hashimoto
- He would give us a long talk.
—— It would be a long endless talk?
- Kubo
- Making people see us as a manufacturing company, I want to create things.
—— Creating things!
- Kubo
- We want to make a bridge to connect customers and our company and let people enjoy creating things which I really want to focus on.
—— Now at the end, a critical phrase popped up. I really want to hear it.
- Kubo
- In the future, our company will develop to explain more ‘life style’ and ‘living’ just like ‘niime village’. I hope to deliver information in real-time about what it’s going to be. Through media, I hope to tell customers that they can be a closer cooperative community. Thinking about our brand’s way would probably be thinking about ‘niime village’.
—— I see.
- Kubo
- One by one, we must take steady steps, but it’s ideal for explaining with great care. Thankfully, I heard people enjoying it.
—— You mean you receive responses from people who enjoy your video messages?
- Kubo
- Yes. We respond to their expectations but betray them in a good way.
In the interview two years ago, he commented that he didn’t know which way he should focus on expressing the brand.
Seeing the daily delivery of LINE messages of ‘tamaki niime’ at present, I feel comfortable seeing their various content, such as their manufacturing workplace, the shop, sheep playing in the niime garden, rice planting, and information about ‘idobatamaki’.
Gathering various works of the brand under their vision of ‘niime village creation’, I think that the three of them have developed their abilities by playing on their own, understanding the essence of the brand intensely over the last two years.
Withdrawing the potential of the ‘tamaki niime’ brand, each of them flexibly enjoys creations from the bottom of their hearts. Through this interview, I felt a keen and mischievous desire to play that the three of them show in their examples to young staff.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.