niime 百科
Encyclopedia of niime
Maku Team discusses their Vision: The cycles of Farming Life. <part 1>
2022 . 10 . 09
「モノづくり」に留まらず、地球環境に想いを馳せながら私たちの「衣・食・住」の営みを根本から見つめ直そうと、そのための取り組みを具体化させてゆくtamaki niime。
その中にあって「まくチーム」の担う役割は、多彩なtamaki niime作品の素材となるコットンの栽培や、スタッフの食事にも提供され活力の源となる米や野菜づくりなど、クリエーションの根幹に関わる部分だとも言えるだろう。
息の合ったチームワークでtamaki niime独自の「農」を追求する柳凌介、福森詳子、そして小畑諒の3人に、「まくチーム」が描く、これからの大きなビジョンと想いを熱く語ってもらった。
—— 「まくチーム」からの“重大発表”があるからぜひ取材を、と聞いたんですが。
柳 「“重大発表”とまでは…そんなハードル上がってるんですか??」
—— ワクワクと今日の取材に来ましたよ。「まくチーム」のこれからのビジョンを思う存分語ってもらえる、と聞いてます。
柳 「なるほど…そうっスね、全体ミーティングでちょうど先週に発表して…」
—— あっ、ちょっと待って!…その話は後にとっておきましょうか。流れ的に、お愉しみとして。…まずは今やってることからお聞きしましょうか。
柳 「ああ、はい…。わかりました!(笑)」
—— では改めて。「まくチーム」のこの時期の農作業的には、どんなことをやっているのでしょうか?
柳 「今の時期やったら…」
—— はい。
柳 「秋冬にかけて、順次開いていくんでコットンは。だからこの9月中旬ごろから、11月末とか霜が降りる時期まで収穫が続いて。で、今はそれと合わせて今年取り組んでいる土づくりがあって。“菌ちゃんの土づくり”(※)って言うんですけど。」
—— “菌ちゃん先生”の。
柳 「そう、菌ちゃん先生!吉田俊道先生の。tamaki niimeの『お話会』にも来てくれた先生です。」
柳 「その土づくりの特徴としては、畝幅が広くて、1m40cmくらいあるんですね。普通の倍くらい。そのひとつの畝で今、コットン栽培と食料生産の同時進行に挑戦してて。」
—— へぇ〜…。
柳 「要は混植をやってるんですよ。夏野菜から試みているんですけど、秋冬野菜もやってみようということで、コットンが植わっている脇で葉物系の小松菜とかほうれん草とか、チンゲンサイとかの播種も同時にやってるんです。」
—— コットンは140cm幅で…何条植えなんですか?
柳 「2条植えで。」
—— 株間は?
柳 「50cmで、主にその間に野菜を播種してます。」
柳 「それと、お米がもうすぐまた収穫があるんで。10月ですね。」
—— 6月6日には参加者も募集して他のスタッフも加わってみんなで手植えで田植えをしてましたね。
柳 「『niime村がぁるよ!(田植え編)』っていうイベントですね。『まくチーム』の企画でやってるんですけど、この秋は第2弾・第3弾ということで、また一般のお客さんも呼んで、米の収穫とコットンの収穫をみんなで体験しようってゆうのを今年はやっていこうと思ってます。」
—— なるほど。
柳 「収穫も“手刈り”で。スタッフとお客さん一緒にやろうと。」
—— 素晴らしい…。
—— 面積どれくらいあるんですか?
—— すごいですね。
—— お米一町分をコンバインを使わずに稲刈りするのって大変じゃないですか?
柳 「今回は2日間開催でやる予定です。」
—— その2日間で大方刈ってまおう、と。
柳 「はい。」
—— それはすごい…天日干しも人力だし、美味しいお米になるのは間違いない…。
—— その風景をまた「とるチーム」に頼んで撮ってもらったり。
柳 「なかなか今の時代、その『手作業』でやるってことは、一般的な農家さんとかの理解の及ばないところもあるかとは思いますけど。」
—— まぁ時代に逆行してますもんね。
柳 「まさしく逆行してて。」
—— はい。
柳 「逆に、『効率化』の影に埋もれてしまった、人と人のつながりの部分を見直すきっかけになるかなと思ってますし。」
—— うんうん。
柳 「tamaki niimeやからこそできる農業かなって。“本来の農”ってゆう、『産業』としての農業じゃなくて、『生業(なりわい)』としての、本来人が創り出してきた農そのもののチカラかなって。色んな人をつなげられるという。だから『niime村がぁるよ!』というイベントもそこを重視していきたいなと思います。」
柳 「決して農業の発展を否定したいわけじゃなくて、こういう農業があっても良いよね、ってゆう。産業としてじゃなくて、自給という面を強く残したままのカタチでやっているので、一企業としての社会に向けた提言とまでは言わないですけど、こういう農業があっても愉しいよね、というところでやってるので。」
—— 農業のあり方としてのオルタナティヴですよね。
柳 「農業機械技術の発展ってゆうのはすごいことやと思うし、アンチテーゼみたいな考えはなくて、皆んなでやったらオモシロイよね、気持ちいいやんね、ってゆう。」
—— 私も、家族・親戚で田植えをしていた頃の記憶が子どもゴコロに残ってますけどね。畦にいて、親たちが休んでお茶飲んで一緒におにぎり食べた時の感覚とか。子どもは畦で遊んでるみたいな。
柳 「そうそう。そうゆう光景がすっごい良いなと思ってて。」
—— 全然違いますよね、子どもたちがそんな場で一緒に遊んだら。なにかしら心に残るものがあると思うし。
—— ところで、今の作業的には役割分担とかせずに、小畑さん含め3人皆んなで同じ作業をしている感じですか?
柳 「そうですね。皆んなで同じ作業を割り振りしてって感じですね。」
—— 小畑さん的にはどうですか?2月にチームに加わってから。もともと農業とかやってたんでしょうか?
—— 引きずり込まれたみたいな。
—— はい。
—— 確かに。
—— それは小畑さんが?
—— そうなんや。。
柳 「来てよかったな(高笑)。」
—— 世間一般の日常のセオリーとは離れてたり、逆行してたりと。
柳 「ありがとう、来てくれて。」
早い時期から、既存のファッション・ブランドの枠組みを超えてゆく指向性を垣間見せていたtamaki niime。「農」へのアプローチをはじめ一見脈絡の無さそうな多様な試みは、「niime村の創造」というブランドのビジョンの、核となる部分で密接につながっている。
柳 「狩猟…難しいんですけど、“命をいただく”ということとの向き合い方も同時に考えてて。「狩り部」ってゆうのを作って、11人のメンバーがいます。」
—— 「狩り部」!
柳 「ついこないだ狩猟免許試験の合格発表が返って来て。わな猟に関しては全員合格で。」
柳 「銃猟は…半分くらいかな。」
—— わなと銃、試験が別々で。
柳 「そうなんスよ。同じ日に試験があるんですけど受験は別々なんです。」
—— 最近は女子ハンターも多いですよね。
柳 「若い女性の志望者無茶苦茶多かったんですよ、受験の時。」
—— “命をいただく”ことについて、女性の関心が高いのかも。
柳 「環境の問題とかも。」
tamaki niimeの拠点である北播磨・西脇市や多可町の山間部でも鹿やイノシシによって農地の作物を荒らされる被害が以前から多発している。対策として山と里の境界に柵を設置したり狩猟による「害獣」の駆除が実施されている状況だ。
—— …そうですよね。じゃあ「まくチーム」と言いつつ、「まく・かるチーム」になる可能性もあると。
柳 「なんか…なんでしょうね、“なに”チームでしょか?」
—— ホンマやね…。ヤギさんを畑に連れて行ったりはしないんですか?」
柳 「出勤もしてます!」
—— で、糞して肥料になるみたいな。
柳 「そうですそうです。」
—— 草を食べて助けてくれるって良いですよね。…さて、口が滑らかになったところでそろそろ、“重大発表”に行ってもらいましょうか。
柳 「“重大発表”!…どう話そうかな…でも、ここまで話した内容にもつながるんですけど、僕の入社のきっかけに、『ビッグ・リトル・ファーム』という映画があるんです。」
—— はい。この裏庭で上映会もやりましたね。
柳 「あれが入社のきっかけであり、自分が持ってる農業への固定観念をぶち壊してくれた映画でもあったんです。ある意味衝撃的な映画やから。」
—— おおっと。
柳 「tamaki niimeに入る時に、あの作品のDVDを送ったんですよ、この映画に感銘を受けました!と。履歴書と一緒にポートフォリオを送ってくださいというのが募集要項にあって。ただ僕、ポートフォリオがよくわからなくて(笑)。アパレル系の人なら自分の作品集を送るんだなとここに入ってからわかってきたんですけど、当時知らなかったんで、農業への固定観念を壊してくれた映画を送るか、ってなって。」
—— それは農業志望の人材の募集があったわけですか?就活時に自分をアピールするためのツールでもありますね。例えば、栽培した野菜の写真とか…
柳 「実際にまだ農業してなかったから、それは難しいなと思って…もう、行ってまえ!ってゆうので送ったら、(福森に)観てんな?社長と。」
柳 「で、まぁ、それをきっかけに社長が、『これをやりたいんでしょ?』って、入社させてもらって、それが一年半前で、最初は…」
—— 『ビッグ・リトル・ファーム』ってどんな映画なのか、ざっくりとで良いので、教えてもらえますか?感銘を受けた部分とか。
柳 「えっと…自分が感銘を受けた部分は、なんて言うか、普通の生きものの循環の中に、きれいに人間が収まっているってゆうか。人間がいるからこそ成り立つような循環が生まれてて。」
—— そうなんですね。
柳 「僕の勝手なイメージとしては、あんまりこの自然循環系の生態に人間が入ると、絶対狂うと思ってたんですよ。で、入っちゃったからこそこの地球環境の循環がぶち壊されちゃって、そもそも農業は、どれだけ自然栽培って言っても、環境破壊には違いなくて、でもあの映画観た時に、こんな風に人間と自然との共生の関わり方があるんだ、というところで…」
—— はい。
柳 「無茶苦茶すごい、美しいなって思ったんですよ、その光景自体が。」
—— ふぅぅ〜〜ん。。
柳 「で、あの『ビッグ・リトル・ファーム』のサブ・タイトルに『理想の暮らしのつくり方』ってゆうのが入ってて。後から思うと、自分がしていきたい暮らしのカタチがああゆう、自然の循環の中に、自分が入って、恩恵を受けながら逆にこっちも恩恵を与えるみたいな、そんな美しい循環の中に自分自身もいたい、みたいな。」
—— はい。
柳 「それが後からわかるようになってきて、これをtamaki niimeではどうやったらできるだろうか? ってゆうのを考えてて、それが今後の『まくチーム』のビジョンにつながってくるんです。」
—— これまでが最初のステップで、今からが次のステージというかフェーズというか。
柳 「入社してすぐにはなにも出来ないし自分も農業やったことないから、まずはその辺を学びつつ、ほんとに色んなところに行かせてもらったり、色んな勉強させてもらったり、なんか自分としてはすごい種をまいてもらってるというか。」
—— なるほど。「まくチーム」だけど、まいてもらってると。
柳 「そうですね(笑)、まいてもらってる感じがあって。それこそ『菌ちゃんの土づくり』もそうやし、今まで、なかなかコットン栽培という面でも『まくチーム』としての成果が出てなかったんです。土づくりもないままここまで来て。だんだんコットンの収量も落ちて来て、それこそ腰くらいの高さまで伸びないとか。」
—— それはなにか連作障害があったりとか?
柳 「それもあったかもやけど、根本の土が。」
—— 土がヘタって来て…。
柳 「はい。やっぱり無農薬無化学肥料でやるってことは、土づくりは継続してやって、土壌をつくっていかないと駄目やなと思って。」
—— それを実感したと。
柳 「で、今年は『菌ちゃんの土づくり』をやってみて、次年度以降はまだわからないですけど、いったんカタチになって。」
柳 「見るからに違う。」
—— 成長具合を見てたらわかりますよね。
柳 「やっとカタチとして見せることが出来たな、というのもあって。『ビッグ・リトル・ファーム』の循環のもとになるのは植物・虫・果樹とか、土壌細菌とかはもちろんあるけど、動物ってゆう存在がすごいキーになってくるんですよ。」
遂に明かされる“重大発表”の中身とは?地球環境に照らした自然と人が共生する循環的な暮らし。ブランドtamaki niimeの掲げるミッション「ちきゅうの ゆがみを ととのえる」にもつながる、「理想の農的暮らし」構想を、どうかお愉しみに。
Besides working on making things, ‘tamaki niime’ works for more details to fundamentally change clothing, food and housing while thinking about a globally friendly environment. In this situation, the role of the ‘Maku Team’ (farming team) is to grow cotton, the original material of niime products, and make vegetables and rice for the staff’s meals, providing them with a vital resource. Therefore, their works are the core power of their creation.
I interviewed three team members, Ryosuke Yanagi, Shoko Fukumori and Makoto Kobata, who are seeking their own farming. I asked them to talk about their big visions and desires for the future.
— I was requested to have an interview because you have a big announcement from the Maku Team.
- Yanagi
- Well, I cannot say it’s a big announcement. Do I have to make it a big deal?!
- Fukumori
- (laugh)
- Yanagi
- I see…I announced it at a general meeting last week.
- Yanagi
- Oh, that’s all right. I see. (laugh)
- Yanagi
- At this time of the season…
- Fukumori
- The cotton buds are blooming.
— I see.
- Fukumori
- It’s about harvest time.
- Yanagi
- The cotton buds bloom gradually from fall to winter. So we could harvest them at the end of November until first frost. Right now, while harvesting, we are working on making soil this year called *’Kinchan’s (fungus) soil making’.
— Is that the one made by Mr Kinchan?
- Yanagi
- That’s right! Mr Kinchan! It’s Mr Toshimichi Yoshida’s. He came to tamaki niime’s story telling.
*There is a farm called ‘Kinchan Farm’ in the countryside of Sasebo City in Nagasaki, run by Mr Toshimichi Yoshida. They use a physiologically active substance (Kinchan power) to make microorganisms in the soil and grow vegetables full of vitality. That whole process makes the earth full of fermentation bacteria.
- Yanagi
- One of the characteristics of making such soil is that the hilling width is wide, about 140 cm. That is almost twice as big as the regular size. Therefore, we are challenged to grow cotton and food products simultaneously in one of the hills.
— Wowww…
- Yanagi
- Mainly, we are growing different plants together. We first tried to grow summer vegetables, and now we are trying for fall and winter vegetables. Besides planting cotton, we planted seeds for leafy green vegetables such as Choy-Sum, Bok-Choy, or Chives simultaneously.
— You planted cotton in 140 cm width hills…how many rows did you grow in each hilling?
- Yanagi
- Two rows.
— How much space do you put between each plant?
- Yanagi
- 50 cm, and we plant vegetable seeds between them.
- Fukumori
- We plant them horizontally.
- Yanagi
- And we will harvest rice soon. It’s in October.
— On the 6th of June, you recruited people to plant rice, and the other staff joined them. And everyone planted by hand.
- Yanagi
- That was the event called “Here is niime village! (Rice planting version)”, which was planned by the Maku Team. As the second and third events, we plan to ask customers to harvest rice and cotton as a fun experience this fall.
— I see.
- Yanagi
- We want to harvest by hand with our customers and staff.
— That’s wonderful …
- Fukumori
- Until last year, we used a combine-harvester mainly and partially cut by hand and with hand push machines and dried them in the Sun. But this year, we want to do it with hands and manual binders like the old ways.
— How much area do you have?
- Fukumori
- We have almost 107.000 square feet this year.
— Wow!
- Fukumori
- Since we know a farm house that used to hang rice plants to dry in the Sun using special hangers called Hasagake a long time ago, we are collecting wood to make them.
— It sounds like too much work to cut rice plants in such a big field’s worth without a combine- harvester.
- Yanagi
- We are scheduled to do it in 2 days this time.
— You want to finish cutting them all in just 2 days, right?
- Yanagi
- Yes.
— That’s incredible …you will dry them manually, too. I have no doubts that the rice you are making would be so tasty.
- Fukumori
- We have incredible scenery, too. Cutting and drying can be beautiful pictures.
— You ask the Toru Team to shoot such scenery.
- Yanagi
- Many general farmers nowadays wouldn’t understand why we use manual methods.
— What we are doing is going back in time.
- Yanagi
- Yeah, just going backwards.
— Yes.
- Yanagi
- Conversely, we may allow people to see the parts of people’s connections hiding under efficiency.
— Yeah, yeah.
- Yanagi
- Is this way of agriculture what ‘tamaki niime’ can offer, which is the original way of agriculture? It is not farming for industry, but a power of work for living created by people. It can connect with various people. We want to weigh that concept in: Here is niime village.
In the countryside of North Harima in the 1960s, in my childhood, such farm scenery still existed. Families and relatives all helped to work together to plant rice plants and chatted, having tea and lunch while sitting at the ridge footpath between the rice fields.
You have a great feeling here as you walk on the rice fields with bare feet, watching tadpoles swimming between planted rice plants, time flowing slowly, smelling ridge grasses, and feeling comfortable in the sunshine. People have had such experiences when growing rice plants in the event: Here is niime village.
- Yanagi
- I don’t mean to deny the development of farming, but I want to say it’s good to have such agriculture. We are not farming for business but doing it to emphasize self-sufficiency. I don’t mean this is our company’s suggestion towards society, but it’s fun to have such farming.
— It can be an alternative to the ways of farming.
- Yanagi
- The skill development of agriculture machines is fantastic. I am not against it at all. It’s so much fun and feels great to do with everyone.
— I also remember when my family and relatives planted rice plants in my childhood. I remember the feeling when I ate rice balls together with my parents when they took a break to have tea. Children were playing at the ridges of the footpaths.
- Fukumori
- Our staff’s children are just like that.
- Yanagi
- I love such scenery.
- Fukumori
- They only meet each other when planting, but they become terrific friends. They have so much fun.
—It makes a real difference. I think children feel something different to play in such surroundings.
- Yanagi & Fukumori
- Yeah.
— By the way, are three of you, including Mr Kobata working for the same job without dividing roles in the present task?
- Yanagi
- Yes, we are assigned to work on the same task.
— How about you, Mr Kobata? You joined this team in February. Have you worked on the farm before?
- Kobata
- No, not at all. I have never done that.
— You were dragged into this?
- Kobata
- Before coming here, I talked with Yanagi about working on the farm, but we were working different jobs. I worked in Hokkaido as a short-term seasonal worker or helped to work while farmers were busy, but I was asked to work here at a suitable time.
— I see.
- Kobata
- At that time, I was trying to understand why an apparel company needed me to work on the farm.
- Fukumori
- (laugh)
— I don’t blame you.
- Kobata
- After coming here, I found out they keep goats. Recently I got my hunting license.
- Fukumori
- Yeah, you got it!
— Mr Kobata, are you going to hunt?
- Fukumori
- The boss got it, too. The person who decided to hunt got her license with us.
— I see.
- Fukumori
- All members of the Maku Team have it.
- Kobata
- They are doing things over my imagination. I have never done farming, just graduated with an economics degree. Before working here, I was looking for work a little, thinking of having a normal lifestyle, so I have never imagined myself having such a life every day.
- Yanagi
- You are so lucky. (a big laugh)
- Fukumori
- (laugh)
- Kobata
- It’s exciting…
— It’s pretty different from general ideas or has reverse ways.
- Yanagi
- Thank you for coming here.
- Kobata
- Not at all. My pleasure. From early on in this business, tamaki niime showed directionality beyond the framework of fashion brands. Including an approach to farming or many other things that look like having no connections, are connected tightly in the centre of their brand visions of ‘the creation of niime village’.
- Yanagi
- Hunting is…hard, but we are thinking of receiving ‘lives’ at the same time and have made a ‘hunting club’ with 11 members.
— A hunting club!
- Yanagi
- We got the hunting license test results the other day. Everyone passed for the trap hunting.
- Fukumori
- How many people passed the gun test?
- Yanagi
- For gun hunting, half of the people have passed.
— Do they have different tests for the trap and the gun hunting?
- Yanagi
- Yes, they do. A testing day is the same, but each test is done separately.
— Recently, there have been many female hunters.
- Yanagi
- There were many young women at the test.
— Women are more interested in ‘receiving animal’s lives’.
- Yanagi
- They may also be interested in environmental problems.
- Fukumori
- I think so.
Around the mountains of Taka-cho, North Harima and Nishiwaki City, where ‘tamaki niime’ is based, there have been damages caused by deer and wild boar destroying crops on the farms. Taking measures to solve the problem, they set up fences on the boundary between the mountains and villages to try to terminate vermin by hunting.
- Fukumori
- After catching them, we would be so sad if they were treated like industrial waste. If we could appreciate their lives instead, it would be suitable for animals.
— …I think so, too. Then you can be the ‘Maku (planting) Karu (hunting) team’ even though you are called the Maku team.
- Yanagi
- What are we? What team are we?
- Fukumori
- I don’t know. (laugh)
During the interview in the back yard, two friendly goats come in, eating grass. The white one is Arachan, and the black one is Maachan. Their godmother is Ms Tamaki.
- Fukumori
- They are adorable. We take a bunch of pictures and videos.
— Yeah, they are. Don’t you take them to the fields?
- Yanagi
- They also go to work!
- Fukumori
- They sometimes do. They eat weeds.
— And they also poop to give fertilizer.
- Yanagi
- That’s right. That’s right.
— It is nice that they are helpful to eat weeds…well, you feel comfortable talking now, would you tell us this ‘big announcement’?
- Yanagi
- The big announcement…how would I start? It’s connected to the one I have been telling you about. My motivation to get into this company is the movie: Big Little Farm.
— You had a movie presentation of that movie in the backyard.
- Yanagi
- The movie gave me the motivation to get into this company. It broke my prejudice or my fixed idea of farming. In a way, it was a shocking movie.
— Wow.
- Yanagi
- Before being hired at ‘tamaki niime’, I sent the DVD that I was impressed with because they asked me to send my resume with my portfolio, but I didn’t know what the portfolio was. (laugh) After I started working, I knew people working with apparel companies would send their collections of work. So since I didn’t know what to send for my portfolio, I came up with the idea to send the movie to break my prejudice against farming.
— Did they recruit people who want to work in farming? Again, it’s an excellent way to appeal yourself to get a job. For example, sending a picture of vegetables you grow.
- Yanagi
- Since I didn’t practice any actual farming yet, I thought it would be difficult to do such things… So I just tried to go for it! (to Fukumori), did you watch it with the boss?
- Fukumori
- Yeah. I watched it.
- Yanagi
- Yeah, with that movie he sent, the boss understood what Yanagi wanted to do and hired him; that was a year and a half ago. At first…
— What kind of movie is the Big Little Farm? Can you give me a rough idea? Why were you so impressed?
- Yanagi
- Hmm…what impressed me was that humanity fits neatly into the ordinary cycle of life. A cycle has been produced because we exist.
— I see.
- Yanagi
- In my own image, I thought it would go wrong if humans intervened in the natural cycle. Because we intervene in the cycle of the earth environment, and even if we farm naturally, it is still the destruction of nature. But when I watched that movie, I knew that humans could coexist with nature.
— I see.
- Yanagi
- I thought it was awesome. The living scenery itself is just beautiful.
— Wow!
- Yanagi
- The subtitle of Big Little Farm says ‘the way of your ideal lifestyle’. Thinking back now, the way I want to have in my life is I live in the natural environment receiving its blessings and giving back to nature; that’s how I wish to live in the beautiful cycle.
— I see.
- Yanagi
- I am getting to understand that, and thinking how I am practising in ‘tamaki niime’. That connects to my future vision of the ‘Maku team’.
— You just had the first step, and you will have the next stage from now, right?
- Yanagi
- When I started working, I couldn’t do anything because I had no experience in farming. First, while studying, I had the chance to go to many places and learn many things. The company has been planting many seeds for me.
— I see. Even though you belong to the Maku Team, you feel they plant for you.
- Yanagi
- That’s right. (laugh)They planted for me. We got help with the kitchen’s soil-making, too. We could have done better in growing cotton. We have been spending time without good results of making good soil, and the cotton harvest decreased, so the plants produced were less than waist height.
— Was there any chain failure?
- Fukumori
- Maybe. Because we used the same area.
- Yanagi
- It must have, but also the soil of the roots had…
— The soils became bad…
- Yanagi
- Yes, having the soil without chemical fertilizer, we must constantly make soil to keep good soil.
— You really realized.
- Yanagi
- So we tried with ‘Kinchan’s soil making’ this year, but we are still determining how we will do it next year. Anyway, we got away this year.
- Fukumori
- It’s totally different from the last year’s.
- Yanagi
- It looks absolutely different.
- Fukumori
- The cotton plants without pinching grows twice as tall as last year’s.
— You can tell the differences in their growth, well, because you have been watching them.
- Yanagi
- We finally could get good results. The original powers of the cycle of Big Little Farm are plants, bugs, fruits, and soil bacteria, but the animals have a critical influence on it.
< continued >
The discussion of the three people kept going, centring on visions of farming and Yanagi’s passion. Please look forward to the next one!
What are the contents of the Big Announcement that will finally be revealed? What is the life cycle in which nature and people live harmoniously along with the global environment? Please look forward to hearing about the ideas of ‘the ideal farm life’, which is connected to the ‘correction of the distortion of the earth’ stated in the ‘tamaki niime’ brand mission slogan.
The events of October, the second and third versions of ‘Here’s niime village’, want people to participate in harvesting rice and cotton festivals!!
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.
Original Japanese text by Seiji Koshikawa.
English translation by Adam & Michiko Whipple.