#2 教育ってな〜んだ!?
#2 What is education!?
2019 . 10 . 15
王様をお出迎えするために授業が中止になる事がよくあると聞いたら、どんな風に思いますか??数学や数学的な考え方が、本当に必要!今も生かされている!って思いますか? 何を教える事が教育なんだろう??
トンガはトンガ王国です。 王国だからなのか、王様を敬う、という習慣が学校でも教育されています。
トンガの首相 Taniela A. Langiさんが亡くなられたからです。ニュージーランドで息を引き取られたため、帰国時に首都の学校の生徒が一同に道に並び、首相のお出迎えをしたそうです。 (その後のお葬式の方法もトンガ独特で興味深いので、またの機会に!)
でも、もしかしたら、トンガの子供も大人ですら、意味なんて見出していないのかもしれません。 私たちが子供の頃、言われるがままに漢字ドリルをこなし、九九を暗記していたように。
だからこそ「質の高い教育を」と騒がれているわけですが、 その「質」をジャッジする要素を決めるのに、国のカラーが現れているというところ。 トンガでは、どんな授業よりも、王様への敬意が大切ってことでしょうか。 日本で一番大切なことって何なんだろう?
教わるというよりは、命令されながらも、同時に、兄弟姉妹の寝かしつけ方を覚え、野菜の植え方を覚え、ココナッツの割り方を覚える、、、、この国で必要なことをどんどん吸収して、とても逞しく育っていることが目に見えるからです。 言われるがままに暗記したかけ算が、私の中で生かされているように。
それでも、「バヘバヘ」(分け合う)という文化があるせいか、全てが丼勘定。 特に食べ物に関しては、何かを買えば、当たり前のようにその場にいる全員で分け合って食べるし、一人分のランチを持ってくるのではなく、全員分のバナナを持ってくる。毎日全員が何かを持ってくる訳ではないから、結局お腹が満たされるわけではないけれど、お腹を満たすために持ってきている感じではない。日曜日はご近所同士で作ったものを交換し合うし、家の前を誰かが通れば「ご飯食べたの?入ってきなさい」と大声で呼び込む。そんな国。
算数、必要ですか? 何だか、細かな数学的な計算をいつも頭の中でするようになったら、パンクしそう。 もちろん、算数は必要ないから、畑にいればいい!と言いいたいわけではないですよ。 算数を習うからこそ、今のトンガがあるんです。どこかで生きています!
躾から始まり、教育、学習、、、何かを学ぶということは尽きないのだけれども、 大人が子供に身に着けてほしい事、 その国で生きていくために必要な事、 さらにはグローバル化した社会の中で生きていく上でも必要な事ってなんなんだろう?
目の前に熟れたバナナがあっても、ブッシュナイフを振り切れないから、いつまでたっても、近所の子供にとってもらっている私。 そもそも、1歳児でも裸足で歩く石だらけの道を私はサンダルを履いてもまともに歩けないでいる。
What do you think if it’s often happened that school classes are cancelled according to a king ??
Do you think mathematic is really needed to live ?
Now, what should we educate to children ??
Tonga is Kingdom of Tonga.
They have many chances to learn to respect our king at school. It could be one of education.
School children make a line and wait the king to express their respects for him when he move to anywhere on not only one special day. Their classes will be stop every time. Even it’s a bit time , they wait before many hours .Maybe one reason is changeable schedule …
It’s suddenly happens. So, Japanese luggage teachers worry about it. Because they don’t know when their class will be cancelled before ,so it’s difficult to control them program or make it.
For example, a holiday came on17th on September.
A Tongan president , Taniela A. Langi was passed away and school children wait on a main load for his coming buck from New Zealand.
( I’m going to report about funeral one day!Maybe how to bury is interesting topic because very different in each countries .)
For Japanese or other countries people , is this ceremony not understandable ?? , However , Tongan children or even adults may not make a sense to it… As our childhood, we just do Kanji lesson or learn my tables without any idea.
The education might always have those forth parts, That is why we seek ”high quality education”, but quality is just a part really relating with country , I think.
It may say that action for their king is one of the most important in any classes in Tonga. How about Japan or other countries ??
Any way, in Tonga, adult people order everything to small kids like a king. For example, when they want to get something even if it is a seller phon in them hands area, they call their kids to get it. It’s normal .
If the place will change, no change what younger people follow to elder’s order.
Students go to buy something for their teacher in a school, younger workers wash cups elders used yesterday in the morning in a work place , it’s normal.
Do you think it’s wrong ? Is it not understandable that teachers order to go with their wants to students ? Do you feel you are not a servant if you wash a cup your boss used ??
Maybe little by little it is changing in Tonga like Japan ,too. We also passed those years and years , and then we have an opinion as children should treat carefully or sexual equality , ,,,like that . Now, I really can’t judge those change is good or not good for Tonga.
Children are always ordered something (not like be taught )from parents , but at the same time they are learning how to bed their younger brothers and sisters , how to plants vegetables and crops or how to crash coconuts with a big bush knife,,,,, they are absorbing what they need to survive in this country with orders and growing up strongly. It is like a learning my tables way. At that time, I just followed the order from teacher and parents but I’m using it a lot now.
Just only, it’s different what is important or need in Japan and Tonga.
They study math , also multiplication, rather 「abacus 」here in Japan friendly island , Tonga.
According to one characteristic shearing culture ( they call it ‘vahevahe’) , They make a rough estimate.I never feel mathematical thinking from them.
Especially foods, if they buy something, they share everything with people they are same space.
They come to work with not a lunch for oneself , with bunches of bananas for everyone.Of course not everyone bring something every day, they will not be satisfied ,but maybe it is not for full-up stomach.
They exchange them plates in every Sundays and they are always calling ‘ Did you ate already ?? Come and eat here !’ to somebody passing in front of them house. They don’t have any feeling like “loss and gain”.
This is Tongan life style.
Is math need ??
If they always calculate small things with mathematics way, they might be panic. I surely don’t want to say ‘ No need to learn math , go your bush! It’s better!’ There is this Tonga because they learn mathematic at a school.
Let’s look forward for children.
we cannot finish learning something Start from train, education, study,,, What do we want to teach to children ?? What do we need to survive in own country?? What we are asked to live in globalised society ??
I still ask to get some ripped bananas to neighbour children because I can’t use a big bush knife.
Precisely, I can’t walk on road with small stores wearing a sandal while everyone walk in bare feet.
Author ; Miki Kato